dRonin firmware
flight | |
flightlib | |
pios_board.h | |
pios_config.h | |
Libraries | |
crypto | |
sha1.c | |
sha1.h | |
inc | |
alarms.h | Include file of the alarm library |
circqueue.h | Public header for 1 reader, 1 writer circular queue |
frsky_packing.h | Packs UAVObjects into FrSKY Smart Port frames |
insgps.h | Include file of the INSGPS exposed functionality |
loadable_extension.h | |
morsel.h | |
paths.h | Path calculation library with common API |
sanitycheck.h | Utilities to validate a flight configuration |
timeutils.h | Time conversion functions |
uavtalk.h | Include file of the UAVTalk library |
uavtalk_priv.h | Private include file of the UAVTalk library |
WMMInternal.h | Include file of the WorldMagModel internal functionality |
WorldMagModel.h | Source file for the World Magnetic Model |
math | |
atmospheric_math.c | |
atmospheric_math.h | |
coordinate_conversions.c | General conversions with different coordinate systems |
coordinate_conversions.h | Header for Coordinate conversions library in coordinate_conversions.c |
lpfilter.c | |
lpfilter.h | |
lqg.c | LQG Control algorithm |
lqg.h | LQG Control algorithm |
misc_math.c | |
misc_math.h | |
pid.c | PID Control algorithms |
pid.h | PID Control algorithms |
smoothcontrol.c | |
smoothcontrol.h | |
mgrs | |
mgrs.c | |
mgrs.h | |
polarst.c | |
polarst.h | |
tranmerc.c | |
tranmerc.h | |
ups.c | |
ups.h | |
utm.c | |
utm.h | |
msp | |
msp.c | |
msp.h | |
msp_messages.h | |
unusedins | |
insgps13state.c | |
insgps16state.c | |
alarms.c | Library for setting and clearing system alarms |
circqueue.c | Implements a 1 reader, 1 writer nonblocking circular queue |
frsky_packing.c | Packs UAVObjects into FrSKY Smart Port frames |
insgps14state.c | |
morsel.c | |
paths.c | Path calculation library with common API |
sanitycheck.c | Utilities to validate a flight configuration |
timeutils.c | Time conversion functions |
uavtalk.c | UAVTalk library, implements to telemetry protocol. See the wiki for more details |
WorldMagModel.c | Source file for the World Magnetic Model This is a port of code available from the US NOAA |
loadable.example | |
loadabletest.c | |
Modules | |
Actuator | |
actuator.c | Actuator module. Drives the actuators (servos, motors etc) |
Airspeed | |
inc | |
baro_airspeed_analog.h | Read airspeed from analog sensor |
baro_airspeed_etasv3.h | Calculate airspeed using GPS |
gps_airspeed.h | Airspeed module, reads temperature and pressure from BMP085 |
airspeed.c | Airspeed module |
baro_airspeed_analog.c | |
baro_airspeed_etasv3.c | |
gps_airspeed.c | Use GPS data to estimate airspeed |
Attitude | |
attitude.c | Full attitude estimation algorithm |
Autotune | |
autotune.c | State machine to run autotuning. Low level work done by Stabilization Module |
Battery | |
battery.c | Module to read the battery Voltage and Current periodically and set alarms appropriately |
CameraStab | |
inc | |
camerastab.h | Stabilize camera against the roll pitch and yaw of aircraft |
camerastab.c | Stabilize camera against the roll pitch and yaw of aircraft |
CharacterOSD | |
charonscreendisplay.c | |
charosd-font-small.h | |
charosd-font-thin.h | |
charosd-font.h | |
charosd.h | |
encode_font.py | |
panel.c | |
ComUsbBridge | |
ComUsbBridge.c | Bridges selected Com Port to the USB VCP emulated serial port |
Fault | |
Fault.c | Fault module, inserts faults for testing |
FirmwareIAP | |
inc | |
firmwareiap.h | |
firmwareiap.c | In Application Programming module to support firmware upgrades by providing a means to enter the bootloader |
FixedWingPathFollower | |
fixedwingpathfollower.c | This module compared PositionActual to PathDesired and sets StabilizationDesired. It only does this when the FlightMode field of ManualControlCommand is Auto |
FlightStats | |
flightstatsmodule.c | Collects statistcs during the flight |
Geofence | |
geofence.c | Check the UAV is within the geofence boundaries |
GPS | |
inc | |
GPS.h | Include file of the GPS module |
NMEA.h | Include file to process NMEA data |
UBX.h | Include file for UBX processing |
ubx_cfg.h | Include file for UBX configuration |
GPS.c | GPS module, handles UBX and NMEA streams from GPS |
NMEA.c | NMEA parser |
UBX.c | Process UBX data |
ubx_cfg.c | |
Loadable | |
loadable.c | |
Logging | |
logging.c | Forward a set of UAVObjects when updated out a PIOS_COM port |
ManualControl | |
inc | |
control.h | |
failsafe_control.h | Failsafe controller when transmitter control is lost |
geofence_control.h | Geofence controller that is enabled when out of zone |
tablet_control.h | Use tablet for control source |
transmitter_control.h | Process transmitter inputs and use as control source |
failsafe_control.c | Failsafe controller when transmitter control is lost |
geofence_control.c | Geofence controller that is enabled when out of zone |
manualcontrol.c | ManualControl module. Handles safety R/C link and flight mode |
tablet_control.c | Use tablet for control source |
transmitter_control.c | Handles R/C link and flight mode |
MSPUAVOBridge | |
mspuavobridge.c | |
OnScreenDisplay | |
inc | |
encode_fonts.py | |
encode_images.py | |
fonts.h | |
images.h | |
onscreendisplay.h | OSD gen module, handles OSD draw. Parts from CL-OSD and SUPEROSD projects |
osd_menu.h | OSD Menu |
osd_utils.h | OSD Utility Functions |
fonts.c | |
onscreendisplay.c | Process OSD information |
osd_menu.c | OSD Menu |
osd_utils.c | OSD Utility Functions |
PathPlanner | |
pathplanner.c | Simple path planner which activates a sequence of waypoints |
RadioComBridge | |
radiocombridge.c | |
Stabilization | |
inc | |
stabilization.h | Attitude stabilization module |
virtualflybar.h | Attitude stabilization module |
simulated | |
simsensors.c | |
sensors.c | Acquire sensor data from sensors registered with PIOS_Sensors |
sensors.h | |
stabilization.c | Control the UAV attitude to StabilizationDesired |
virtualflybar.c | Virtual flybar control mode |
Storm32Bgc | |
storm32bgc.c | Forward a set of UAVObjects when updated out a PIOS_COM port |
System | |
inc | |
rgbleds.h | |
systemmod.h | System module |
rgbleds.c | |
systemmod.c | System module |
Telemetry | |
telemetry.c | Telemetry module, handles telemetry and UAVObject updates |
TxPID | |
txpid.c | Optional module to tune PID settings using R/C transmitter |
UAVOCrossfireTelemetry | |
inc | |
uavocrossfiretelemetry.h | |
uavocrossfiretelemetry.c | Bridges selected UAVObjects to the TBS Crossfire |
UAVOFrSKYSensorHubBridge | |
UAVOFrSKYSensorHubBridge.c | |
UAVOFrSKYSPortBridge | |
UAVOFrSKYSPortBridge.c | |
UAVOHoTTBridge | |
inc | |
uavohottbridge.h | Sends telemery data on HoTT request |
uavohottbridge.c | Sends telemery data on HoTT request |
UAVOLighttelemetryBridge | |
UAVOLighttelemetryBridge.c | Bridges selected UAVObjects to a minimal one way telemetry protocol for really low bitrates (1200/2400 bauds). This can be used with FSK audio modems or increase range for serial telemetry. Effective for ground OSD, groundstation HUD and Antenna tracker |
UAVOMavlinkBridge | |
UAVOMavlinkBridge.c | Bridges selected UAVObjects to Mavlink |
UAVOMSPBridge | |
3rdparty | |
io | |
serial_4way.h | |
serial_4way_avrootloader.h | |
serial_4way_impl.h | |
serial_4way_stk500v2.h | |
platform.h | |
serial_4way.c | |
serial_4way_avrootloader.c | |
serial_4way_stk500v2.c | |
betaflightshim.c | |
betaflightshim2.c | |
betaflightshim3.c | |
UAVOMSPBridge.c | |
UAVOTaranis | |
UAVOTaranis.c | |
VibrationAnalysis | |
vibrationanalysis.c | Gathers data on the accels to estimate vibration |
VtolPathFollower | |
vtol_follower_control.c | Control algorithms for the vtol follower |
vtol_follower_fsm.c | FSMs for VTOL path navigation |
vtol_follower_priv.h | Includes for the internal methods |
vtolpathfollower.c | Compute attitude to achieve a path for VTOL aircrafts |
VTXConfig | |
inc | |
tbs_smartaudio.h | This module configures the video transmitter |
tbs_smartaudio.c | This module configures the video transmitter |
VTXConfig.c | This module configures the video transmitter |
PiOS | |
Common | |
pios_adc.c | Analog to Digital conversion routines |
pios_annuncdac.c | Generates Bel202 encoded serial data on the DAC channel |
pios_bmi160.c | BMI160 Gyro / Accel Sensor Routines |
pios_bmm150.c | |
pios_bmp280.c | |
pios_bmx055.c | |
pios_board_info.c | |
pios_com.c | COM layer functions |
pios_com_msg.c | COM MSG layer functions |
pios_crc.c | |
pios_crossfire.c | |
pios_dsm.c | Code bind and read Spektrum/JR DSMx satellite receiver serial stream |
pios_etasv3.c | ETASV3 Airspeed Sensor Driver |
pios_flash.c | |
pios_flash_jedec.c | |
pios_flashfs_logfs.c | |
pios_fskdac.c | Generates Bel202 encoded serial data on the DAC channel |
pios_hal.c | |
pios_hcsr04.c | HCSR04 sonar Sensor Routines |
pios_heap.c | |
pios_hmc5883.c | HMC5883 Magnetic Sensor Functions from AHRS |
pios_hmc5983.c | HMC5983 Magnetic Sensor Functions from AHRS |
pios_hmc5983_i2c.c | HMC5983 Magnetic Sensor Functions from AHRS |
pios_hsum.c | |
pios_ibus.c | |
pios_ir_transponder.c | Generate packets for various infrared lap timin protocols |
pios_lis3mdl.c | |
pios_max7456.c | |
pios_modules.c | |
pios_mpu.c | |
pios_mpxv5004.c | |
pios_mpxv7002.c | |
pios_ms5611.c | MS5611 Pressure Sensor Routines |
pios_ms5611_spi.c | MS5611 Pressure Sensor Routines |
pios_mutex.c | |
pios_omnip.c | |
pios_openlrs.c | Implements an OpenLRS driver for the RFM22B |
pios_openlrs_rcvr.c | Implements an OpenLRS driver for the RFM22B |
pios_px4flow.c | PX4Flow optical flow sensor |
pios_queue.c | |
pios_rcvr.c | |
pios_sbus.c | Code to read Futaba S.Bus receiver serial stream |
pios_semaphore.c | |
pios_sensors.c | Generic interface for sensors |
pios_srxl.c | |
pios_streamfs.c | |
pios_thread.c | |
pios_uavtalkrcvr.c | GCS/UAVTalk Input functions |
pios_usb_desc_hid_cdc.c | USB Descriptor definitions for HID and CDC |
pios_usb_desc_hid_only.c | USB Descriptor definitions for HID only |
pios_usb_util.c | USB utility functions |
printf-stdarg.c | Formatted print functions |
taskmonitor.c | |
inc | |
flyingpio_messages.h | |
pios_adc.h | ADC layer functions header |
pios_adc_priv.h | ADC private definitions |
pios_annunc.h | Annunciator functions header |
pios_annunc_priv.h | LED private definitions |
pios_annuncdac.h | |
pios_bl_helper.h | |
pios_bmi160.h | |
pios_bmm150.h | |
pios_bmm150_priv.h | |
pios_bmp280.h | |
pios_bmp280_priv.h | |
pios_bmx055.h | |
pios_bmx055_priv.h | |
pios_board_info.h | |
pios_can.h | PiOS CAN interface header |
pios_can_priv.h | PiOS CAN interface header |
pios_com.h | COM layer functions header |
pios_com_msg.h | COM MSG layer functions header |
pios_com_msg_priv.h | COM MSG private definitions |
pios_com_priv.h | COM private definitions |
pios_crc.h | CRC functions header |
pios_crossfire.h | |
pios_debug.h | |
pios_delay.h | |
pios_dio.h | |
pios_dsm.h | Spektrum/JR DSMx satellite receiver functions header |
pios_dsm_priv.h | Spektrum/JR DSMx satellite receiver private structures |
pios_etasv3.h | ETASV3 Airspeed Sensor Driver |
pios_exti.h | External Interrupts Handlers header |
pios_flash.h | |
pios_flash_internal_priv.h | |
pios_flash_jedec_priv.h | Driver for talking to most JEDEC flash chips |
pios_flash_priv.h | |
pios_flashfs.h | |
pios_flashfs_logfs_priv.h | |
pios_flight_config.h | |
pios_flyingpio_priv.h | |
pios_fskdac.h | |
pios_hal.h | |
pios_hcsr04.h | HCSR04 functions header |
pios_heap.h | |
pios_hmc5883_priv.h | |
pios_hmc5983.h | HMC5983 functions header |
pios_hsum_priv.h | |
pios_i2c.h | Debug helper functions header |
pios_iap.h | In application programming functions |
pios_ibus.h | |
pios_initcall.h | |
pios_internal_adc.h | ADC functions header |
pios_internal_adc_priv.h | ADC private definitions |
pios_ir_transponder.h | Generate packets for various infrared lap timin protocols |
pios_irq.h | |
pios_lis3mdl.h | |
pios_lis3mdl_priv.h | |
pios_max7456.h | |
pios_max7456_priv.h | |
pios_modules.h | |
pios_mpu.h | |
pios_mpu_priv.h | |
pios_mpxv5004.h | ETASV3 Airspeed Sensor Driver |
pios_mpxv7002.h | ETASV3 Airspeed Sensor Driver |
pios_ms5611.h | MS5611 functions header |
pios_ms5611_priv.h | MS5611 functions header |
pios_ms5611_spi.h | MS5611 functions header |
pios_mutex.h | |
pios_omnip.h | |
pios_openlrs.h | Implements an OpenLRS driver for the RFM22B |
pios_openlrs_priv.h | Implements an OpenLRS driver for the RFM22B |
pios_openlrs_rcvr_priv.h | |
pios_ppm.h | PWM Input functions header |
pios_ppm_priv.h | Ppm private structures |
pios_pwm.h | PWM Input functions header |
pios_pwm_priv.h | |
pios_px4flow_priv.h | |
pios_queue.h | |
pios_rcvr.h | RCVR layer functions header |
pios_rcvr_priv.h | USART private definitions |
pios_reset.h | Reset information |
pios_rfm22b_regs.h | |
pios_rtc.h | RTC functions header |
pios_rtc_priv.h | |
pios_semaphore.h | |
pios_sensors.h | Generic interface for sensors |
pios_servo.h | RC Servo functions header |
pios_servo_priv.h | Servo private structures |
pios_spi.h | SPI functions header |
pios_spi_priv.h | SPI private definitions |
pios_spislave.h | SPI private definitions |
pios_srxl.h | |
pios_stm32.h | Types that are specific to the STM32 peripherals |
pios_streamfs.h | |
pios_streamfs_priv.h | |
pios_stringify.h | |
pios_struct_helper.h | |
pios_sys.h | |
pios_thread.h | |
pios_tim.h | |
pios_tim_priv.h | |
pios_uavtalkrcvr_priv.h | GCS receiver private functions |
pios_usb.h | USB HID layer functions header |
pios_usb_board_data.h | |
pios_usb_board_data_priv.h | Defines the API to the board-specific USB data setup code |
pios_usb_cdc_priv.h | USB COM CDC private definitions |
pios_usb_defs.h | |
pios_usb_desc_hid_cdc_priv.h | Defines the API to set up the HID + CDC USB descriptor config |
pios_usb_desc_hid_only_priv.h | Defines the API to set up the HID-only USB descriptor config |
pios_usb_hid.h | USB HID layer functions header |
pios_usb_hid_istr.h | |
pios_usb_hid_priv.h | USB COM HID private definitions |
pios_usb_hid_pwr.h | |
pios_usb_priv.h | USB private definitions |
pios_usb_util.h | USB utility functions |
pios_usbhook.h | APIs for PIOS_USBHOOK layer |
pios_wdg.h | SPI functions header |
pios_ws2811.h | |
taskmonitor.h | Task monitoring library |
posix | |
inc | |
dronin-strsep.h | |
pios_bl_helper.h | |
pios_debug.h | |
pios_fileout_priv.h | FILEOUT private definitions |
pios_flash_posix_priv.h | |
pios_flightgear.h | FlightGear driver header |
pios_flyingpio.h | |
pios_i2c_priv.h | |
pios_initcall.h | |
pios_irq.h | |
pios_posix.h | |
pios_rtc_priv.h | RTC private definitions |
pios_serial_priv.h | SERIAL private definitions |
pios_spi_posix_priv.h | |
pios_struct_helper.h | |
pios_sys.h | |
pios_tcp_priv.h | TCP private definitions |
pios_annunc.c | |
pios_bl_helper.c | |
pios_debug.c | |
pios_delay.c | |
pios_fileout.c | Pios COM driver that writes to a file |
pios_flash_posix.c | |
pios_flightgear.c | FlightGear driver for sensors and controls |
pios_flyingpio.c | |
pios_heap.c | |
pios_i2c.c | |
pios_iap.c | |
pios_irq.c | |
pios_mutex.c | |
pios_queue.c | |
pios_reset.c | |
pios_rtc.c | |
pios_semaphore.c | |
pios_serial.c | SERIAL communications interface |
pios_servo.c | |
pios_spi.c | |
pios_sys.c | |
pios_tcp.c | TCP commands. Inits UDPs, controls UDPs & Interupt handlers |
pios_thread.c | |
pios_wdg.c | |
STM32 | |
inc | |
board.h | |
chconf.h | |
halconf.h | |
pios_dio.h | |
pios_i2c_priv.h | |
pios_inlinedelay.h | |
pios_sbus.h | Futaba S.Bus functions header |
pios_sbus_priv.h | Futaba S.Bus Private structures |
pios_usart.h | USART functions header |
pios_usart_priv.h | USART private definitions |
chibi_main.c | |
pios_annunc.c | |
pios_debug.c | |
pios_delay.c | |
pios_exti.c | External Interrupt Handlers |
pios_i2c.c | |
pios_irq.c | |
pios_ppm.c | PPM Input functions (STM32 dependent) |
pios_pwm.c | PWM Input functions (STM32 dependent) |
pios_reset.c | |
pios_servo.c | |
pios_spi.c | |
pios_spislave.c | |
pios_usb_board_data.c | Board specific USB strings |
pios_usbhook.c | |
pios_wdg.c | |
STM32F0xx | |
inc | |
pios_internal_adc_simple.h | |
stm32f0xx_conf.h | |
pios_delay.c | |
pios_internal_adc_simple.c | |
pios_sys.c | |
pios_tim.c | |
pios_usart.c | |
startup.c | |
STM32F10x | |
inc | |
pios_internal_adc_light_priv.h | ADC private definitions |
stm32f10x_conf.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
pios_bl_helper.c | |
pios_chibios_transition_priv.h | |
pios_flash_internal.c | |
pios_iap.c | |
pios_internal_adc_light.c | STM32F10x internal ADC PIOS interface |
pios_rtc.c | |
pios_sys.c | |
pios_tim.c | |
pios_usart.c | |
pios_usb.c | |
pios_usb_cdc.c | |
pios_usb_hid.c | |
pios_usb_hid_istr.c | |
pios_usb_hid_pwr.c | |
STM32F30x | |
inc | |
mcuconf.h | |
pios_chibios_transition_priv.h | |
pios_dma.h | |
pios_ws2811_cfg.h | A driver for ws2811 rgb led controller. this is a port of the CleanFlight/BetaFlight implementation, and in turn ported from LibrePilot |
stm32f30x_conf.h | Library configuration file |
pios_bl_helper.c | |
pios_can.c | |
pios_flash_internal.c | |
pios_iap.c | |
pios_internal_adc.c | |
pios_rtc.c | |
pios_sys.c | |
pios_tim.c | |
pios_usart.c | |
pios_usb.c | |
pios_usb_cdc.c | |
pios_usb_hid.c | |
pios_usb_hid_istr.c | |
pios_usb_hid_pwr.c | |
pios_ws2811.c | A driver for ws2811 rgb led controller. this is a port of the CleanFlight/BetaFlight implementation, and in turn ported from LibrePilot |
startup.c | |
vectors_stm32f30x.c | |
STM32F4xx | |
inc | |
mcuconf.h | |
pios_chibios_transition_priv.h | |
pios_dac.h | |
pios_dmashot.h | |
pios_i2c_config.h | |
pios_usart_config.h | |
pios_video.h | OSD gen module, handles OSD draw. Parts from CL-OSD and SUPEROSD projects |
pios_ws2811_cfg.h | |
stm32f4xx_conf.h | |
pios_bl_helper.c | |
pios_can.c | |
pios_dac.c | |
pios_dmashot.c | |
pios_flash_internal.c | |
pios_iap.c | |
pios_internal_adc.c | |
pios_rtc.c | |
pios_sys.c | |
pios_tim.c | |
pios_usart.c | |
pios_usb.c | |
pios_usb_cdc.c | |
pios_usb_hid.c | |
pios_usbhook.c | |
pios_video.c | OSD gen module, handles OSD draw. Parts from CL-OSD and SUPEROSD projects |
pios_video_quadspi.c | |
pios_ws2811.c | |
startup.c | |
vectors_stm32f4xx.c | |
openpilot.h | Includes PiOS and core architecture components |
pios.h | Main PiOS header to include all the compiled in PiOS options |
targets | |
aq32 | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the AQ32 board |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.1.xls |
pios_board.h | Board specific defines for AQ32 |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
bl | |
common | |
bl_messages.h | |
bl_xfer.c | |
bl_xfer.h | |
led_pwm.c | |
led_pwm.h | |
main.c | |
f1 | |
common.h | Common definitions across the bootloaders |
main.c | Start PiOS and bootloader functions |
op_dfu.c | This file contains the DFU commands handling code |
op_dfu.h | This file contains the DFU commands handling code |
brain | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the FlyingF4 board |
cmsis_system.c | |
pios_board.h | Board define file for FlyingF4 |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
splash.h | |
brainre1 | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the BrainFPV RE1 board |
cmsis_system.c | |
pios_board.h | Board define file for FlyingF4 |
usb_conf.h | |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
splash.h | |
re1fpga | |
fpga_drv.c | |
fpga_drv.h | |
bu | |
common | |
bu_payload.c | |
main.c | Starting point for the code |
pios_board.c | |
pios_config.h | Non pinout-specific configuration of PiOS for bootloader updater |
dtfc | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the DTFc board |
cmsis_system.c | |
pios_board.h | Board header file for DTFc board |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
flightd | |
fw | |
main.c | |
pios_board.c | |
pios_board.h | |
pios_config.h | |
flyingpio | |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | |
pios_board.h | |
fw | |
main.c | |
pios_config.h | |
system_stm32f0xx.c | CMSIS Cortex-M0 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F0xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool STM32F0xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.1.xls |
lux | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the lux board |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F30x devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f30x_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board header file for lux board |
fw | |
pios_board.c | |
pios_config.h | |
matek405 | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the MATEK405 board |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.1.xls |
pios_board.h | Board specific defines for MATEK405 |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
omnibusf3 | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F30x devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f30x_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board header file for omnibusf3 board |
fw | |
pios_board.c | |
pios_config.h | |
pikoblx | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the PikoBLX board |
cmsis_system.c | |
pios_board.h | Board header file for PikoBLX board |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
pipxtreme | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for PipXtreme |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File |
pios_board.h | Board header file for PipXtreme |
fw | |
chconf.h | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
playuavosd | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | |
pios_config.h | |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | |
pios_config.h | |
splash.h | |
px_mkfw.py | |
px_uploader.py | |
quanton | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the Quanton board |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board specific defines for Quanton |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
revolution | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | This file contains the DFU commands handling code |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the Revolution board |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board specific defines for RevoMini |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
seppuku | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the Seppuku board |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board specific defines for Seppuku |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
sparky | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Defines board specific static initializers for hardware for the Sparky board |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F30x devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f30x_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board header file for Sparky board |
fw | |
pios_board.c | The board specific initialization routines |
pios_config.h | Board specific options that modify PiOS capabilities |
sparky2 | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | This file contains the DFU commands handling code |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | Board specific hardware configuration file |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board specific defines |
usb_conf.h | General low level driver configuration |
fw | |
pios_board.c | Board initialization file |
pios_config.h | Board configuration file |
sprf3e | |
bl | |
pios_board.c | Board specific initialization for the bootloader |
pios_config.h | Board specific bootloader configuration file for PiOS |
board-info | |
board_hw_defs.c | |
cmsis_system.c | CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File. This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F30x devices, and is generated by the clock configuration tool stm32f30x_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls |
pios_board.h | Board header file for sprf3e board |
fw | |
pios_board.c | |
pios_config.h | |
tests | |
coordinate_conversions | |
unittest.cpp | |
dsm | |
pios_board.h | |
pios_config.h | |
task.h | |
unittest.cpp | |
logfs | |
pios_board.h | |
pios_config.h | |
unittest.cpp | |
unittest_init.c | |
misc_math | |
unittest.cpp | |
timeutils | |
unittest.cpp | |
UAVObjects | |
inc | |
eventdispatcher.h | Event dispatcher, distributes object events as callbacks. Alternative to using tasks and queues. All callbacks are invoked from the event task |
uavobjectmanager.h | |
utlist.h | |
uavobjectmanager.c | Object manager library. This library holds a collection of all objects. It can be used by all modules/libraries to find an object reference |