Aggregation | The Aggregation namespace contains support for bundling related components, such that each component exposes the properties and behavior of the other components to the outside |
Aggregate | Defines a collection of related components that can be viewed as a unit |
Core | The Core namespace contains all classes that make up the Core plugin which constitute the basic functionality of the GCS |
Constants | |
Internal | |
Ui | |
ActionContainerPrivate | |
MenuActionContainer | |
MenuBarActionContainer | |
ActionManagerPrivate | |
CommandPrivate | |
Shortcut | |
Action | |
OverrideableAction | |
CommandsFile | |
AuthorsDialog | |
CoreImpl | |
CorePlugin | |
SettingsDialog | |
ShortcutItem | |
ShortcutSettings | |
EventFilteringMainWindow | |
GeneralSettings | |
MainWindow | |
MiniSplitterHandle | |
PluginDialog | |
SplitterOrView | |
UAVGadgetView | |
VersionDialog | |
WorkspaceSettings | |
ActionContainer | |
ActionManager | The action manager is responsible for registration of menus and menu items and keyboard shortcuts |
Command | The class Command represents an action like a menu item, tool button, or shortcut. You don't create Command objects directly, instead use {ActionManager::registerAction()} to register an action and retrieve a Command. The Command object represents the user visible action and its properties. If multiple actions are registered with the same ID (but different contexts) the returned Command is the shared one between these actions |
BaseMode | |
BaseView | |
BoardManager | |
DevListItem | |
ConnectionManager | |
IOptionsPage | The IOptionsPage is an interface for providing options pages |
IWizard | The class IWizard is the base class for all wizards (for example shown in {File | New}) |
GlobalMessage | |
GlobalMessaging | |
IBoardType | |
USBInfo | The USBInfo struct |
IConfigurablePlugin | |
IConnection | |
IContext | |
BaseContext | |
ICore | Allows access to the different part that make up the basic functionality of the GCS |
ICoreListener | Provides a hook for plugins to veto on certain events emitted from the core plugin |
IDevice | |
IMode | |
IOutputPane | |
IUAVGadget | |
IUAVGadgetConfiguration | |
IUAVGadgetFactory | |
IVersionControl | |
IView | |
MiniSplitter | |
ModeManager | |
UAVConfigVersion | |
UAVConfigInfo | The Config Info is a helper-class to handle version changes in GCS configuration files |
UAVGadgetDecorator | |
UAVGadgetInstanceManager | |
UAVGadgetManager | |
UAVGadgetOptionsPageDecorator | |
UniqueIDManager | |
core | |
AccessMode | |
AllLayersOfType | |
Cache | |
CacheItemQueue | |
GeoCoderStatusCode | |
KiberTileCache | |
LanguageType | |
MapType | |
MemoryCache | |
Point | |
ProviderStrings | |
PureImageProxy | |
PureImageCache | |
RawTile | |
Size | |
TileCacheQueue | |
TLMaps | |
UrlFactory | |
geoCodingStruct | |
ExtensionSystem | The ExtensionSystem namespace provides classes that belong to the core plugin system |
Internal | |
Ui | |
IPluginPrivate | |
OptionsParser | |
PluginManagerPrivate | |
PluginSpecPrivate | |
PluginViewPrivate | |
IPlugin | Base class for all plugins |
PluginDetailsView | Widget that displays the contents of a PluginSpec |
PluginErrorView | Widget that displays the state and error message of a PluginSpec |
PluginManager | Core plugin system that manages the plugins, their life cycle and their registered objects |
PluginDependency | Struct that contains the name and required compatible version number of a plugin's dependency |
PluginArgumentDescription | |
PluginSpec | Contains the information of the plugins xml description file and information about the plugin's current state |
PluginView | Widget that shows a list of all plugins and their state |
ffft | |
DynArray | |
FFTReal | |
OscSinCos | |
internals | |
Core | |
LoadTask | |
MouseWheelZoomType | |
PointLatLng | |
PureProjection | |
Rectangle | |
RectLatLng | |
SizeLatLng | |
Tile | |
TileMatrix | |
mapcontrol | |
Configuration | A class that centralizes most of the mapcontrol configurations |
GPSItem | |
HomeItem | |
MapCircle | |
MapGraphicItem | The main graphicsItem used on the widget, contains the map and map logic |
MapLine | |
distBearingAltitude | |
MapPointItem | A QGraphicsItem representing a MapPointItem |
MapRipper | |
Helper | Collection of static functions to help dealing with various enums used Contains functions for enumToString conversio, StringToEnum, QStringList of enum values.. |
TLMapWidget | |
TrailItem | |
TrailLineItem | |
UAVItem | A QGraphicsItem representing the UAV |
UAVMapFollowType | |
UAVTrailType | |
WayPointCurve | Draws an arc between two graphics items of a given radius and direction of curvature. It will display a red straight line if the radius is insufficient to connect the two waypoints |
WayPointItem | A QGraphicsItem representing a WayPoint |
customData | |
MyPlugin | |
MyPluginImpl | |
Plugin1 | |
MyPlugin1 | |
Plugin2 | |
MyPlugin2 | |
Plugin3 | |
MyPlugin3 | |
projections | |
LKS94Projection | |
MercatorProjection | |
MercatorProjectionYandex | |
PlateCarreeProjection | |
PlateCarreeProjectionPergo | |
std | |
tl_dfu | |
device | |
DFUObject | |
uavobject | |
UAVMetaData | |
UAVObject | |
UAVObjectField | |
uavobjecttemplate | |
NAME | |
Ui | |
uploader | |
UploaderGadget | |
UploaderGadgetFactory | |
UploaderGadgetWidget | |
Utils | |
BaseValidatingLineEditPrivate | |
BaseValidatingLineEdit | |
CoordinateConversions | |
HomeLocationUtil | |
HostOsInfo | |
PathValidatingLineEdit | |
PathChooserPrivate | |
PathChooser | |
PathUtils | |
QtColorButtonPrivate | |
QtColorButton | |
StyledBar | |
StyledSeparator | |
TreeWidgetColumnStretcher | |
WorldMagModel | |
Welcome | |
Internal | |
WelcomePlugin | |
WelcomeModePrivate | |
WelcomeMode | |
__attribute__ | |
AbstractWizardPage | |
accelGyroBias | |
Action | |
ActionContainer | Menu or menu bar in the Tau Labs GCS |
ActionManagerPrivate | |
actuatorChannelSettings | |
AeroQuadPlugin | |
AlarmsMonitorWidget | |
Animation | |
AppCloseHook | |
AQ32 | |
ArrayFieldTreeItem | |
AutotuneBeginningPage | |
AutotunedValues | |
AutotuneFinalPage | |
AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage | |
AutotuneSlidersPage | |
BaseMode | A base implementation of the mode interface IMode |
BiasCalibrationPage | |
boardLog | |
BoardtypeUnknown | Tells the user this board type is unknown and unsupported |
Brain | |
BrainConfiguration | |
BrainFPVPlugin | |
BrainRE1 | |
BrainRE1Configuration | |
BrotronicsPlugin | |
BrowserItemDelegate | |
BrowserPlugin | |
buttonSettingsStruct | |
Calibration | UI free algorithm that can be connected to any interfaces. As such it only communicates with the UI via signals and slots, but has no direct handles to any particular controls or widgets |
ColorMap | Defines a program-wide colormap |
CommandLocation | |
CommandPrivate | |
CommandsFile | Collection of import and export commands. commandsfile.h |
ConfigAttitudeWidget | |
ConfigAutotuneWidget | |
ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget | |
ConfigCcpmWidget | |
ConfigFixedWingWidget | |
ConfigGadget | |
ConfigGadgetConfiguration | |
ConfigGadgetFactory | |
ConfigGadgetOptionsPage | |
ConfigGadgetWidget | |
ConfigGroundVehicleWidget | |
ConfigInputWidget | |
ArmingMethod | |
ConfigModuleWidget | |
ConfigMultiRotorWidget | |
ConfigOsdWidget | |
ConfigOutputWidget | |
ConfigPlugin | |
ConfigRadioWidget | |
ConfigStabilizationWidget | |
ConfigTaskWidget | |
objectToWidget | |
shadow | |
temphelper | |
uiRelationAutomation | |
ConfigTxPIDWidget | |
ConfigVehicleTypeWidget | |
ConnectionDiagram | |
ControllerPage | |
DataObjectTreeItem | |
DebugEngine | |
DebugGadget | |
DebugGadgetFactory | |
DebugGadgetWidget | |
debugMessageStruct | |
DebugPlugin | |
DefaultHwSettingsWidget | |
deviceDescriptorStruct | |
deviceInfo | |
diagnostics | |
DialGadget | |
DialGadgetConfiguration | |
DialGadgetFactory | |
DialGadgetOptionsPage | |
DialGadgetWidget | |
DialPlugin | |
DoubleSpinDelegate | |
DroninPlugin | |
Dtfc | |
DtfcConfiguration | |
DTFPlugin | |
Edge | |
EmptyGadget | |
EmptyGadgetFactory | |
EmptyGadgetWidget | |
EmptyPlugin | |
EnumFieldTreeItem | |
ExpoCurve | |
ExpoPlotElements | |
FieldTreeItem | |
FixedWingPage | |
FlightDataModel | |
FlightLogDownload | |
FloatFieldTreeItem | |
GCSControl | |
GCSControlGadget | |
GCSControlGadgetConfiguration | |
GCSControlGadgetFactory | |
GCSControlGadgetOptionsPage | |
GCSControlGadgetWidget | |
GpsConstellationWidget | |
GpsDisplayGadget | |
GpsDisplayGadgetFactory | |
GpsDisplayPlugin | |
GpsDisplayWidget | |
GPSParser | |
GpsSnrWidget | |
GUIConfigDataUnion | |
HeliPage | |
HighLightManager | |
HistogramData | The histogram plot has a variable sized buffer of data, where the data is for a specified histogram data set |
HistogramScopeConfig | The histogram scope configuration |
homeEditor | |
IComboEntry | |
ImportExportDialog | |
ImportExportGadget | |
ImportExportGadgetWidget | |
ImportExportPlugin | |
importSettings | |
ImportSummaryDialog | |
inputChannelForm | |
InputPage | |
InputPageNotSupported | Inform the user that they must manually configure input first |
InstanceTreeItem | |
IntFieldTreeItem | |
IPathAlgorithm | |
IPConnection | |
IPConnectionConfiguration | |
Host | |
IPConnectionOptionsDelegate | |
IPConnectionOptionsModel | |
IPConnectionOptionsPage | |
IPConnectionPlugin | |
IPDevice | The IPDevice class |
IText1 | |
IText2 | |
IText3 | |
JoystickControl | |
KmlExport | |
KmlExportPlugin | |
LevellingUtil | |
LineardialGadget | |
LineardialGadgetConfiguration | |
LineardialGadgetFactory | |
LineardialGadgetOptionsPage | |
LineardialGadgetWidget | |
LineardialPlugin | |
LLAVCoordinates | |
LogFile | |
LoggingConnection | |
LoggingDevice | |
LoggingGadget | |
LoggingGadgetFactory | |
LoggingGadgetWidget | |
LoggingPlugin | |
LoggingThread | |
LongLongSpinBox | |
Lux | |
LuxConfiguration | |
MagicWaypointGadget | |
MagicWaypointGadgetFactory | |
MagicWaypointGadgetWidget | |
MagicWaypointPlugin | |
MapRipForm | |
MATEK405 | |
MatekPlugin | |
MetadataDialog | |
MetaObjectTreeItem | |
mixerChannelSettings | |
MixerCurve | |
MixerCurveWidget | |
MixerNode | |
ModelMapProxy | Maps from the FlightDataModel to the OPMap and provides synchronization, both when the model changes updating the UI and if it is modified on the UI propagating changes to the model |
ModelUavoProxy | |
ModelViewGadget | |
ModelViewGadgetConfiguration | |
ModelViewGadgetFactory | |
ModelViewGadgetOptionsPage | |
ModelViewGadgetWidget | |
ModelViewPlugin | |
msg_capabilities_rep_all | |
msg_capabilities_rep_specific | |
msg_capabilities_req | |
msg_enter_dfu | |
msg_jump_fw | |
msg_op_abort | |
msg_op_end | |
msg_reset | |
msg_status_rep | |
msg_status_req | |
msg_wipe_partition | |
msg_xfer_cont | |
MultiPage | |
MyClass1 | |
MyClass11 | |
MyClass2 | |
MyMain | |
MyTabbedStackWidget | |
MyTabWidget | |
NotificationItem | |
NotifyItemDelegate | |
NotifyPluginFactory | |
NotifyPluginGadget | |
NotifyPluginOptionsPage | |
NotifyTableModel | |
NotYetImplementedPage | |
ObjectTransactionInfo | |
ObjectTreeItem | |
OmnibusF3 | |
OpenPilotPlugin | |
opmap_statusbar_widget | |
opmap_zoom_slider_widget | |
OPMapGadget | |
OPMapGadgetConfiguration | |
OPMapGadgetFactory | |
OPMapGadgetOptionsPage | |
OPMapGadgetWidget | |
OPMapPlugin | |
OutputCalibrationPage | |
OutputCalibrationUtil | |
OutputChannelForm | |
OutputPage | |
OverrideableAction | |
PathFillet | |
PathPlanData | The PathPlanData struct is the internal representation of the waypoints. Notice this is in absolute terms, not NED |
PathPlannerGadget | |
PathPlannerGadgetFactory | |
PathPlannerGadgetWidget | |
PathPlannerPlugin | |
PfdQmlGadget | |
PfdQmlGadgetConfiguration | |
PfdQmlGadgetFactory | |
PfdQmlGadgetOptionsPage | |
PfdQmlGadgetWidget | |
PfdQmlPlugin | |
PhononObject | |
PikoBLX | |
PlayUavOsd | |
Plot2dCurveConfiguration | |
Plot2dData | Base class that keeps the data for each curve in the plot |
Plot3dCurveConfiguration | |
Plot3dData | Base class that keeps the data for each curve in the plot |
PlotData | |
PluginDialog | |
PopupWidget | |
portSettingsStruct | |
PositionField | |
QFrozenTableViewWithCopyPaste | QTableView with support for a frozen row as well as copy and paste added. Here copy and paste can copy/paste the entire grid of cells. Modified from |
QList | |
QmlViewGadget | |
QmlViewGadgetConfiguration | |
QmlViewGadgetFactory | |
QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage | |
QmlViewGadgetWidget | |
QmlViewPlugin | |
QReadOnlyCheckBox | |
QuantecPlugin | |
Quanton | |
QWinEventNotifier | |
RawHID | |
RawHIDConnection | |
RawHIDPlugin | |
RawHIDReadThread | |
RawHIDWriteThread | |
RebootPage | |
Revolution | |
RunGuard | |
SavePage | |
ScaledPixmapLabel | |
Scatterplot2dScopeConfig | The scatterplot scope configuration |
ScatterplotData | The Scatterplot2dData class Base class that keeps the data for each curve in the plot |
SchedulerModel | Subclasses QStandardItemModel in order to reimplement the editable flags |
ScopeConfig | The parent class for scope configuration classes data sources |
ScopeGadget | |
ScopeGadgetConfiguration | |
ScopeGadgetFactory | |
ScopeGadgetOptionsPage | |
ScopeGadgetWidget | |
ScopePlugin | |
Scopes2dConfig | The parent class for 3D scope configurations |
Scopes3dConfig | The parent class for 3D scope configurations |
Seppuku | |
SeppukuConfiguration | |
SerialConnection | |
SerialDevice | The SerialDevice class |
SerialPlugin | |
SerialPluginConfiguration | |
SerialPluginOptionsPage | |
SeriesPlotData | The sequential plot have a fixed size buffer of data. All the curves in one plot have the same size buffer |
SetupWizard | Main interface to the setup wizard. It provides selects the sequence of pages that are presented |
SetupWizardPlugin | |
Shortcut | |
SignalReceiver | |
Simulation | |
SimulationConfiguration | |
smartSaveButton | |
SoundNotifyPlugin | |
Sparky | |
Sparky2 | |
SpectrogramData | The spectrogram plot has a fixed size data buffer. All the curves in one plot have the same size buffer |
SpectrogramScopeConfig | The spectrogram scope configuration |
SpinBoxDelegate | |
Sprf3e | |
Sprf3eConfiguration | |
struct_cBuffer | CBuffer structure |
StyleAnimator | |
SummaryPage | |
SurfacePage | |
SvgImageProvider | |
SwashplateServoSettingsStruct | |
SysAlarmsMessagingPlugin | Keeps a mapping from the field names in the SystemAlarms object to GlobalMessage messages and whenever the alarms change updates the messaging system |
SystemHealthGadget | |
SystemHealthGadgetConfiguration | |
SystemHealthGadgetFactory | |
SystemHealthGadgetOptionsPage | |
SystemHealthGadgetWidget | |
SystemHealthPlugin | |
t_home | |
TauLabsPlugin | |
TauLink | |
Telemetry | |
TelemetryStats | |
TelemetryManager | |
TelemetryMonitor | |
objStruc | |
TelemetryMonitorWidget | |
TelemetryParser | |
TelemetrySchedulerGadget | |
TelemetrySchedulerGadgetFactory | |
TelemetrySchedulerGadgetWidget | |
TelemetrySchedulerPlugin | |
TempCompCurve | |
TextBubbleSlider | |
Thread | |
TimeScaleDraw | This class is used to render the time values on the horizontal axis for the ChronoPlot |
TimeSeriesPlotData | The chrono plot has a variable sized buffer of data, where the data is for a specified time period |
TLEndPage | |
TLStartPage | |
TopTreeItem | |
TransactionKey | A key for the QMap to track transactions |
Transition | |
TreeItem | |
TreeSortFilterProxyModel | |
tst_PluginManager | |
tst_PluginSpec | |
UAVDataObject | |
UAVMetaObject | |
UAVObject | |
UAVObjectBrowser | |
UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration | |
UAVObjectBrowserFactory | |
UAVObjectBrowserOptionsPage | |
UAVObjectBrowserWidget | |
UAVObjectField | |
LimitStruct | |
UAVObjectManager | |
UAVObjectsPlugin | |
UAVObjectsTest | |
UAVObjectTreeModel | |
UAVObjectUtilManager | |
UAVObjectUtilPlugin | |
UAVObjectWidgetUtilsPlugin | |
UAVOBrowserTreeView | |
UAVSettingsImportExportManager | |
UAVSettingsImportExportPlugin | |
UAVTalk | |
ComStats | |
UAVTalkFileData | |
UAVTalkHeader | |
UAVTalkPlugin | |
UpgradeAssistantDialog | |
UploaderPlugin | |
UsageStatsOptionPage | |
UsageStatsPlugin | |
USBDevice | |
USBMonitor | |
USBPortInfo | |
USBSignalFilter | |
VehicleConfig | |
VehicleConfigurationHelper | Interface between the settings selected in the wizard and storing them on the FC |
VehicleConfigurationSource | |
VehiclePage | |
VehicleTrim | UI free algorithm that can be connected to any interfaces. As such it only communicates with the UI via signals and slots, but has no direct handles to any particular controls or widgets |
WaypointDelegate | Used to handle updating the values in the mode combo box to the data model |
WaypointDialog | Creates a dialog for editing the properties of a single waypoint |
widgetActionInfoType | |
WizardKindPredicate | |
WMMtype_CoordGeodetic | |
WMMtype_CoordSpherical | |
WMMtype_Date | |
WMMtype_Ellipsoid | |
WMMtype_GeoMagneticElements | |
WMMtype_LegendreFunction | |
WMMtype_MagneticModel | |
WMMtype_MagneticResults | |
WMMtype_SphericalHarmonicVariables | |
XmlConfig | |