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Core::IOptionsPage Class Referenceabstract

The IOptionsPage is an interface for providing options pages. More...

#include <ioptionspage.h>

Inheritance diagram for Core::IOptionsPage:
ConfigGadgetOptionsPage Core::Internal::GeneralSettings Core::Internal::ShortcutSettings Core::Internal::WorkspaceSettings Core::UAVGadgetOptionsPageDecorator DialGadgetOptionsPage GCSControlGadgetOptionsPage IPConnectionOptionsPage LineardialGadgetOptionsPage ModelViewGadgetOptionsPage NotifyPluginOptionsPage OPMapGadgetOptionsPage PfdQmlGadgetOptionsPage QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage ScopeGadgetOptionsPage SerialPluginOptionsPage SystemHealthGadgetOptionsPage UAVObjectBrowserOptionsPage UsageStatsOptionPage

Public Member Functions

 IOptionsPage (QObject *parent=nullptr)
virtual ~IOptionsPage ()
void setIcon (QIcon icon)
QIcon icon ()
virtual QString id () const
virtual QString trName () const
virtual QString category () const
virtual QString trCategory () const
virtual QWidget * createPage (QWidget *parent)=0
virtual void apply ()=0
virtual void finish ()=0

Detailed Description

The IOptionsPage is an interface for providing options pages.

Guidelines for implementing: id() is an id used for filtering when calling ICore:: showOptionsDialog() trName() is the (translated) name for display. category() is the category used for filtering when calling ICore:: showOptionsDialog() trCategory() is the translated category apply() is called to store the settings. It should detect if any changes have been made and store those.

Definition at line 42 of file ioptionspage.h.

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