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mapcontrol::TLMapWidget Class Reference

#include <tlmapwidget.h>

Inheritance diagram for mapcontrol::TLMapWidget:

Public Slots

void RipMap ()
 Ripps the current selection to the DB. More...
void OnSelectionChanged ()


void zoomChanged (double zoomt, double zoom, double zoomd)
void WPNumberChanged (int const &oldnumber, int const &newnumber, WayPointItem *waypoint)
 fires when one of the WayPoints numbers changes (not fired if due to a auto-renumbering) More...
void WPValuesChanged (WayPointItem *waypoint)
 Fired when the description, altitude or coordinates of a WayPoint changed. More...
void WPReached (WayPointItem *waypoint)
 Fires when a new WayPoint is inserted. More...
void WPCreated (int const &number, WayPointItem *waypoint)
void WPInserted (int const &number, WayPointItem *waypoint)
 Fires when a new WayPoint is inserted. More...
void WPDeleted (int const &number, WayPointItem *waypoint)
 Fires When a WayPoint is deleted. More...
void WPManualCoordChange (WayPointItem *)
void UAVReachedWayPoint (int const &waypointnumber, WayPointItem *waypoint)
 Fires When a WayPoint is Reached. More...
void UAVLeftSafetyBouble (internals::PointLatLng const &position)
 Fires When the UAV lives the safety bouble. More...
void OnCurrentPositionChanged (internals::PointLatLng point)
 Fires when map position changes. More...
void OnTileLoadComplete ()
 Fires when there are no more tiles to load. More...
void OnTileLoadStart ()
 Fires when tiles loading begins. More...
void OnMapDrag ()
 Fires when the map is dragged. More...
void OnMapZoomChanged ()
 Fires when map zoom changes. More...
void OnMapTypeChanged (MapType::Types type)
 Fires when map type changes. More...
void OnEmptyTileError (int zoom, core::Point pos)
 Fires when an error ocurred while loading a tile. More...
void OnTilesStillToLoad (int number)
 Fires when the number of tiles in the load queue changes. More...
void OnWayPointDoubleClicked (WayPointItem *waypoint)
void selectedWPChanged (QList< WayPointItem * >)

Public Member Functions

TLMapWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr, Configuration *config=new Configuration)
 Constructor. More...
 ~TLMapWidget ()
bool ShowTileGridLines () const
 Returns true if map is showing gridlines. More...
void SetShowTileGridLines (bool const &value)
 Defines if map is to show gridlines. More...
int MaxZoom () const
 Returns the maximum zoom for the map. More...
int MinZoom () const
void SetMinZoom (int const &value)
internals::MouseWheelZoomType::Types GetMouseWheelZoomType ()
void SetMouseWheelZoomType (internals::MouseWheelZoomType::Types const &value)
internals::RectLatLng SelectedArea () const
void SetSelectedArea (internals::RectLatLng const &value)
bool CanDragMap () const
void SetCanDragMap (bool const &value)
internals::PointLatLng CurrentPosition () const
void SetCurrentPosition (internals::PointLatLng const &value)
double ZoomReal ()
double ZoomDigi ()
double ZoomTotal ()
void SetZoom (double const &value)
qreal Rotate ()
void SetRotate (qreal const &value)
void ReloadMap ()
GeoCoderStatusCode::Types SetCurrentPositionByKeywords (QString const &keys)
MapType::Types GetMapType ()
void SetMapType (MapType::Types const &value)
void SetUserImageHorizontalScale (double hScale)
void SetUserImageVerticalScale (double vScale)
void SetUserImageLocation (QString location)
bool isStarted ()
internals::PointLatLng currentMousePosition ()
void SetFollowMouse (bool const &value)
bool FollowMouse ()
internals::PointLatLng GetFromLocalToLatLng (QPointF p)
WayPointItemWPCreate ()
 Creates a new WayPoint on the center of the map. More...
void WPCreate (WayPointItem *item)
 Creates a new WayPoint. More...
WayPointItemWPCreate (internals::PointLatLng const &coord, int const &altitude)
 Creates a new WayPoint. More...
WayPointItemWPCreate (internals::PointLatLng const &coord, int const &altitude, QString const &description)
 Creates a new WayPoint. More...
WayPointItemWPCreate (const distBearingAltitude &relativeCoord, const QString &description)
 Creates a new WayPoint. More...
WayPointItemWPInsert (int const &position)
 Inserts a new WayPoint on the specified position. More...
void WPInsert (WayPointItem *item, int const &position)
 Inserts a new WayPoint on the specified position. More...
WayPointItemWPInsert (internals::PointLatLng const &coord, int const &altitude, int const &position)
 Inserts a new WayPoint on the specified position. More...
WayPointItemWPInsert (internals::PointLatLng const &coord, int const &altitude, QString const &description, int const &position)
 Inserts a new WayPoint on the specified position. More...
WayPointItemWPInsert (const distBearingAltitude &relative, const QString &description, const int &position)
void WPDelete (WayPointItem *item)
 Deletes the WayPoint. More...
void WPDeleteAll ()
 deletes all WayPoints More...
QList< WayPointItem * > WPSelected ()
 Returns the currently selected WayPoints. More...
void WPRenumber (WayPointItem *item, int const &newnumber)
 Renumbers the WayPoint and all others as needed. More...
void SetShowCompassRose (bool const &value)
 TLMapWidget::SetShowCompassRose Shows the compass rose on the map. More...
void SetShowWindCompass (bool const &value)
 TLMapWidget::SetShowWindCompass Shows the compass rose on the map. More...
void setOverlayOpacity (qreal value)
void SetShowUAV (bool const &value)
bool ShowUAV () const
void SetShowHome (bool const &value)
bool ShowHome () const
void SetShowDiagnostics (bool const &value)
void SetUavPic (QString UAVPic)
MapLineWPLineCreate (WayPointItem *from, WayPointItem *to, QColor color)
 Create a line between two waypoint items. More...
MapLineWPLineCreate (HomeItem *from, WayPointItem *to, QColor color)
 Create a line from home to a waypoint item. More...
WayPointCurveWPCurveCreate (WayPointItem *start, WayPointItem *dest, double radius, bool clockwise, QColor color)
 Create a curve from one waypoint item to another with a given radius. More...
MapCircleWPCircleCreate (WayPointItem *center, WayPointItem *radius, bool clockwise, QColor color)
 Create a circle around a waypoint with the radius specified by the distance to another waypoint. More...
MapCircleWPCircleCreate (HomeItem *center, WayPointItem *radius, bool clockwise, QColor color)
 Create a circle around home with the radius specifed by the distance to another waypoint. More...
void deleteAllOverlays ()
void WPSetVisibleAll (bool value)
WayPointItemmagicWPCreate ()
bool WPPresent ()
void WPDelete (int number)
WayPointItemWPFind (int number)
void setSelectedWP (QList< WayPointItem * > list)
void setWindVelocity (double windVelocity_NED[3])

Protected Member Functions

void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
void showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event)
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)


int MinZoom
bool ShowTileGridLines
double Zoom
qreal Rotate

Detailed Description

Definition at line 156 of file tlmapwidget.h.

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