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Config Plugin

ccpm configuration panel More...


 The Core namespace contains all classes that make up the Core plugin which constitute the basic functionality of the GCS.


struct  SwashplateServoSettingsStruct
class  ConfigCcpmWidget
class  ConfigFixedWingWidget
class  ConfigGroundVehicleWidget
class  ConfigMultiRotorWidget
union  GUIConfigDataUnion
class  VehicleConfig
class  Thread
class  ConfigAttitudeWidget
struct  AutotunedValues
class  AutotuneBeginningPage
class  AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage
class  AutotuneSlidersPage
class  AutotuneFinalPage
class  ConfigAutotuneWidget
class  ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget
class  ConfigGadget
class  ConfigGadgetConfiguration
class  ConfigGadgetFactory
class  ConfigGadgetOptionsPage
class  ConfigGadgetWidget
class  ConfigInputWidget
struct  ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod
class  ConfigModuleWidget
class  ConfigOsdWidget
class  ConfigOutputWidget
class  ConfigPlugin
class  ConfigRadioWidget
class  ConfigStabilizationWidget
class  ConfigTxPIDWidget
class  ConfigVehicleTypeWidget
class  SpinBoxDelegate
class  DoubleSpinDelegate
class  DefaultHwSettingsWidget
class  ExpoCurve
struct  ExpoCurve::ExpoPlotElements
class  MixerCurve
class  OutputChannelForm
class  QReadOnlyCheckBox
class  TempCompCurve


typedef struct


enum  ConfigGadgetWidget::widgetTabs {
  ConfigGadgetWidget::hardware = 0, ConfigGadgetWidget::aircraft, ConfigGadgetWidget::input, ConfigGadgetWidget::output,
  ConfigGadgetWidget::sensors, ConfigGadgetWidget::stabilization, ConfigGadgetWidget::modules, ConfigGadgetWidget::camerastabilization,
  ConfigGadgetWidget::txpid, ConfigGadgetWidget::autotune, ConfigGadgetWidget::osd, ConfigGadgetWidget::radio
enum  ConfigInputWidget::wizardSteps {
  ConfigInputWidget::wizardWelcome, ConfigInputWidget::wizardChooseMode, ConfigInputWidget::wizardChooseType, ConfigInputWidget::wizardIdentifySticks,
  ConfigInputWidget::wizardIdentifyCenter, ConfigInputWidget::wizardIdentifyLimits, ConfigInputWidget::wizardIdentifyInverted, ConfigInputWidget::wizardVerifyFailsafe,
  ConfigInputWidget::wizardFinish, ConfigInputWidget::wizardNone
enum  ConfigInputWidget::txMode { ConfigInputWidget::mode1, ConfigInputWidget::mode2 }
enum  ConfigInputWidget::txMovements {
  ConfigInputWidget::moveLeftVerticalStick, ConfigInputWidget::moveRightVerticalStick, ConfigInputWidget::moveLeftHorizontalStick, ConfigInputWidget::moveRightHorizontalStick,
  ConfigInputWidget::moveAccess0, ConfigInputWidget::moveAccess1, ConfigInputWidget::moveAccess2, ConfigInputWidget::moveFlightMode,
  ConfigInputWidget::centerAll, ConfigInputWidget::moveAll, ConfigInputWidget::armingSwitch, ConfigInputWidget::nothing
enum  ConfigInputWidget::txMovementType { ConfigInputWidget::vertical, ConfigInputWidget::horizontal, ConfigInputWidget::jump, ConfigInputWidget::mix }
enum  ConfigInputWidget::txType { ConfigInputWidget::acro, ConfigInputWidget::heli }
enum  ConfigInputWidget::failsafeDetection { ConfigInputWidget::FS_AWAITING_CONNECTION, ConfigInputWidget::FS_AWAITING_FAILSAFE, ConfigInputWidget::FS_AWAITING_RECONNECT }
enum  ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethodType {
  ConfigInputWidget::ARM_INVALID, ConfigInputWidget::ARM_ALWAYS_DISARMED, ConfigInputWidget::ARM_SWITCH, ConfigInputWidget::ARM_ROLL_LEFT,
  ConfigInputWidget::ARM_ROLL_RIGHT, ConfigInputWidget::ARM_YAW_LEFT, ConfigInputWidget::ARM_YAW_RIGHT, ConfigInputWidget::ARM_CORNERS
enum  MixerCurve::MixerCurveType { MixerCurve::MIXERCURVE_THROTTLE, MixerCurve::MIXERCURVE_OTHER }


 ConfigCcpmWidget::ConfigCcpmWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigCcpmWidget::~ConfigCcpmWidget ()
void ConfigCcpmWidget::showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
void ConfigCcpmWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
 ConfigFixedWingWidget::ConfigFixedWingWidget (Ui_AircraftWidget *aircraft=nullptr, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigFixedWingWidget::~ConfigFixedWingWidget ()
 ConfigGroundVehicleWidget::ConfigGroundVehicleWidget (Ui_AircraftWidget *aircraft=nullptr, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigGroundVehicleWidget::~ConfigGroundVehicleWidget ()
 ConfigMultiRotorWidget::ConfigMultiRotorWidget (Ui_AircraftWidget *aircraft=nullptr, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigMultiRotorWidget::~ConfigMultiRotorWidget ()
 PACK (typedef struct{uint VTOLMotorN:4;uint VTOLMotorS:4;uint VTOLMotorE:4;uint VTOLMotorW:4;uint VTOLMotorNW:4;uint VTOLMotorNE:4;uint VTOLMotorSW:4;uint VTOLMotorSE:4;uint TRIYaw:4;quint32 padding:28;quint32 padding1;quint32 padding2;}) multiGUISettingsStruct
 PACK (typedef struct{uint SwashplateType:3;uint FirstServoIndex:2;uint CorrectionAngle:9;uint ccpmCollectivePassthroughState:1;uint ccpmLinkCyclicState:1;uint ccpmLinkRollState:1;uint SliderValue0:7;uint SliderValue1:7;uint SliderValue2:7;uint ServoIndexW:4;uint ServoIndexX:4;uint ServoIndexY:4;uint ServoIndexZ:4;uint Throttle:4;uint Tail:4;quint32 padding:31;quint32 padding1;}) heliGUISettingsStruct
 PACK (typedef struct{uint FixedWingThrottle:4;uint FixedWingRoll1:4;uint FixedWingRoll2:4;uint FixedWingPitch1:4;uint FixedWingPitch2:4;uint FixedWingYaw1:4;uint FixedWingYaw2:4;uint padding:4;quint32 padding1;quint32 padding2;quint32 padding3;}) fixedGUISettingsStruct
 PACK (typedef struct{uint GroundVehicleThrottle1:4;uint GroundVehicleThrottle2:4;uint GroundVehicleSteering1:4;uint GroundVehicleSteering2:4;uint padding:16;quint32 padding1;quint32 padding2;quint32 padding3;}) groundGUISettingsStruct
 VehicleConfig::VehicleConfig (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 VehicleConfig::~VehicleConfig ()
static GUIConfigDataUnion VehicleConfig::GetConfigData ()
static void VehicleConfig::SetConfigData (GUIConfigDataUnion configData, SystemSettings::AirframeTypeOptions vehicle)
static void VehicleConfig::resetField (UAVObjectField *field)
static void VehicleConfig::setComboCurrentIndex (QComboBox *box, int index)
static void VehicleConfig::enableComboBoxes (QWidget *owner, QString boxName, int boxCount, bool enable)
double VehicleConfig::getMixerVectorValue (UAVDataObject *mixer, int channel, MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem elementName)
void VehicleConfig::setMixerVectorValue (UAVDataObject *mixer, int channel, MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem elementName, double value)
void VehicleConfig::resetMixerVector (UAVDataObject *mixer, int channel)
void VehicleConfig::resetMixers (UAVDataObject *mixer)
QString VehicleConfig::getMixerType (UAVDataObject *mixer, int channel)
void VehicleConfig::setMixerType (UAVDataObject *mixer, int channel, MixerSettings::Mixer1TypeOptions mixerType)
double VehicleConfig::getMixerValue (UAVDataObject *mixer, QString elementName)
void VehicleConfig::setMixerValue (UAVDataObject *mixer, QString elementName, double value)
void VehicleConfig::setThrottleCurve (UAVDataObject *mixer, MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem curveType, QList< double > curve)
void VehicleConfig::getThrottleCurve (UAVDataObject *mixer, MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem curveType, QList< double > *curve)
bool VehicleConfig::isValidThrottleCurve (QList< double > *curve)
double VehicleConfig::getCurveMin (QList< double > *curve)
double VehicleConfig::getCurveMax (QList< double > *curve)
virtual void VehicleConfig::ResetActuators (GUIConfigDataUnion *configData)
void VehicleConfig::setLabelText (QWidget *owner, const QString &boxName, const QStringList &labels)
 ConfigAttitudeWidget::ConfigAttitudeWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigAttitudeWidget::~ConfigAttitudeWidget ()
void ConfigAttitudeWidget::showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
void ConfigAttitudeWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
 AutotuneBeginningPage::AutotuneBeginningPage (QWidget *parent, bool autoOpened, AutotunedValues *autoValues)
void AutotuneBeginningPage::initializePage ()
bool AutotuneBeginningPage::isComplete () const
 AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage::AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage (QWidget *parent, AutotunedValues *autoValues)
void AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage::initializePage ()
 AutotuneSlidersPage::AutotuneSlidersPage (QWidget *parent, AutotunedValues *autoValues)
bool AutotuneSlidersPage::isComplete () const
void AutotuneSlidersPage::initializePage ()
 AutotuneFinalPage::AutotuneFinalPage (QWidget *parent)
 ConfigAutotuneWidget::ConfigAutotuneWidget (ConfigGadgetWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget::ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget::~ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget ()
 ConfigGadget::ConfigGadget (QString classId, ConfigGadgetWidget *widget, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigGadget::~ConfigGadget ()
QWidget * ConfigGadget::widget ()
void ConfigGadget::loadConfiguration (IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config)
 ConfigGadgetConfiguration::ConfigGadgetConfiguration (QString classId, QSettings *qSettings=nullptr, QObject *parent=nullptr)
void ConfigGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig (QSettings *settings) const
IUAVGadgetConfiguration * ConfigGadgetConfiguration::clone ()
 ConfigGadgetFactory::ConfigGadgetFactory (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigGadgetFactory::~ConfigGadgetFactory ()
IUAVGadget * ConfigGadgetFactory::createGadget (QWidget *parent)
IUAVGadgetConfiguration * ConfigGadgetFactory::createConfiguration (QSettings *qSettings)
IOptionsPage * ConfigGadgetFactory::createOptionsPage (IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config)
 ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::ConfigGadgetOptionsPage (ConfigGadgetConfiguration *config, QObject *parent=nullptr)
QWidget * ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::createPage (QWidget *parent)
void ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::apply ()
void ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::finish ()
 ConfigGadgetWidget::ConfigGadgetWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigGadgetWidget::~ConfigGadgetWidget ()
void ConfigGadgetWidget::startInputWizard ()
void ConfigGadgetWidget::changeTab (int i)
void ConfigGadgetWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
void ConfigGadgetWidget::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event)
 ConfigInputWidget::ConfigInputWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigInputWidget::~ConfigInputWidget ()
void ConfigInputWidget::startInputWizard ()
bool ConfigInputWidget::channelsStruct::operator== (const channelsStruct &rhs) const
void ConfigInputWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
virtual void ConfigInputWidget::enableControls (bool enable)
void ConfigInputWidget::addMessage (QWidget *target, const QString type, const QString msg)
void ConfigInputWidget::addWarning (QWidget *target, QWidget *cause, const QString msg)
void ConfigInputWidget::clearMessages (QWidget *widget, const QString type)
void ConfigInputWidget::clearWarnings (QWidget *target, QWidget *causesParent)
 ConfigModuleWidget::ConfigModuleWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigModuleWidget::~ConfigModuleWidget ()
void ConfigModuleWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
virtual void ConfigModuleWidget::enableControls (bool enable)
 ConfigOsdWidget::ConfigOsdWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigOsdWidget::~ConfigOsdWidget ()
void ConfigOsdWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
virtual void ConfigOsdWidget::enableControls (bool enable)
bool showOutputChannelSelectWindow (bool(&selectedChannels)[ActuatorCommand::CHANNEL_NUMELEM])
 ConfigOutputWidget::ConfigOutputWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigOutputWidget::~ConfigOutputWidget ()
void ConfigOutputWidget::enableControls (bool enable)
 ConfigRadioWidget::ConfigRadioWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigRadioWidget::~ConfigRadioWidget ()
void ConfigRadioWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
virtual void ConfigRadioWidget::enableControls (bool enable)
 ConfigStabilizationWidget::ConfigStabilizationWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigStabilizationWidget::~ConfigStabilizationWidget ()
 ConfigTxPIDWidget::ConfigTxPIDWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigTxPIDWidget::~ConfigTxPIDWidget ()
 ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::~ConfigVehicleTypeWidget ()
static QStringList ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::getChannelDescriptions ()
void ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
void ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
 SpinBoxDelegate::SpinBoxDelegate (QObject *parent=nullptr)
QWidget * SpinBoxDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
void SpinBoxDelegate::setEditorData (QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const
void SpinBoxDelegate::setModelData (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const
void SpinBoxDelegate::updateEditorGeometry (QWidget *editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
 DoubleSpinDelegate::DoubleSpinDelegate (QObject *parent=nullptr)
QWidget * DoubleSpinDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
void DoubleSpinDelegate::setEditorData (QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const
void DoubleSpinDelegate::setModelData (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const
void DoubleSpinDelegate::updateEditorGeometry (QWidget *editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
void DoubleSpinDelegate::setMin (double min)
void DoubleSpinDelegate::setMax (double max)
void DoubleSpinDelegate::setRange (double min, double max)
void DoubleSpinDelegate::setStep (double step)
void DoubleSpinDelegate::setDecimals (int decimals)
 DefaultHwSettingsWidget::DefaultHwSettingsWidget (UAVObject *settingsObj, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 DefaultHwSettingsWidget::DefaultHwSettingsWidget Constructed when either a new board connection is established or when there is no board. More...
 DefaultHwSettingsWidget::~DefaultHwSettingsWidget ()
 ExpoCurve::ExpoCurve (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
void ExpoCurve::init ()
void ExpoCurve::plotData (int value, int max, int exponent, ExpoPlotElements_t &plot_elements)
 Show expo data for one of the stick channels. More...
 MixerCurve::MixerCurve (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 MixerCurve::~MixerCurve ()
void MixerCurve::setMixerType (MixerCurveType curveType, bool isCurve1=true)
void MixerCurve::initCurve (const QList< double > *points)
QList< double > MixerCurve::getCurve ()
void MixerCurve::initLinearCurve (int numPoints, double maxValue=1, double minValue=0)
void MixerCurve::setCurve (const QList< double > *points)
void MixerCurve::setMin (double value)
double MixerCurve::getMin ()
void MixerCurve::setMax (double value)
double MixerCurve::getMax ()
double MixerCurve::getCurveMin ()
double MixerCurve::getCurveMax ()
double MixerCurve::getCurveStep ()
double MixerCurve::setRange (double min, double max)
MixerCurveWidgetMixerCurve::getCurveWidget ()
QComboBox * MixerCurve::getCBCurveSource ()
void MixerCurve::showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
void MixerCurve::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
 OutputChannelForm::OutputChannelForm (const int index, QWidget *parent=NULL, const bool showLegend=false)
 OutputChannelForm::~OutputChannelForm ()
void OutputChannelForm::setAssignment (const QString &assignment)
int OutputChannelForm::index () const
 TempCompCurve::TempCompCurve (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
void TempCompCurve::plotData (QList< double > temp, QList< double > gyro, QList< double > coefficients)
 Show calibration data for one of the channels. More...
 Calibration::Calibration ()
 Calibration::~Calibration ()
void Calibration::initialize (bool calibrateAccels, bool calibrateMags)
 Calibration::initialize Configure whether to calibrate the magnetometer and/or accelerometer during 6-point calibration. More...
void Calibration::connectSensor (sensor_type sensor, bool connect)
 Connect and speed up or disconnect a sensor. More...
bool Calibration::storeYawOrientationMeasurement (UAVObject *obj)
 Store yaw orientation sample and compute orientation if finished. More...
bool Calibration::storeLevelingMeasurement (UAVObject *obj)
 Store leveling sample and compute level if finished. More...
bool Calibration::storeSixPointMeasurement (UAVObject *obj, int position)
 Store a measurement at this position and indicate if it is the last one. More...
bool Calibration::storeTempCalMeasurement (UAVObject *obj)
 Store a sample for temperature compensation. More...
void Calibration::updateTempCompCalibrationDisplay ()
 Update the graphs with the temperature compensation. More...
int Calibration::computeTempCal ()
 Compute temperature compensation factors. More...
int Calibration::computeScaleBias ()
 Computes the scale and bias for the accelerometer and mag. More...
void Calibration::resetSensorCalibrationToOriginalValues ()
 Reset sensor settings to pre-calibration values. More...
void Calibration::Euler2R (double rpy[3], double Rbe[3][3])
 Compute a rotation matrix from a set of euler angles. More...
void Calibration::rotate_vector (double R[3][3], const double vec[3], double vec_out[3], bool transpose)
 Rotate a vector by the rotation matrix, optionally trasposing. More...


int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::ServoChannels [CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]
int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Used [CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]
int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Max [CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]
int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Neutral [CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]
int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Min [CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]
uint GUIConfigDataUnion::UAVObject [4]
heliGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::heli
fixedGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::fixedwing
multiGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::multi
groundGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::ground
QStringList VehicleConfig::channelNames
QStringList VehicleConfig::mixerTypes
QStringList VehicleConfig::mixerVectors
QStringList VehicleConfig::mixerTypeDescriptions
static const double VehicleConfig::mixerScale = 128.0
static const double VehicleConfig::mixerRange = 256.0
Calibration ConfigAttitudeWidget::calibration
bool AutotunedValues::valid
QByteArray AutotunedValues::data
float AutotunedValues::tau [3]
float AutotunedValues::beta [3]
float AutotunedValues::bias [3]
float AutotunedValues::noise [3]
float AutotunedValues::damping
float AutotunedValues::noiseSens
bool AutotunedValues::converged
int AutotunedValues::iterations
float AutotunedValues::kp [3]
float AutotunedValues::ki [3]
float AutotunedValues::kd [3]
float AutotunedValues::derivativeCutoff
float AutotunedValues::naturalFreq
float AutotunedValues::outerKp
float AutotunedValues::outerKi
float AutotunedValues::vertSpeedKp
float AutotunedValues::vertSpeedKi
float AutotunedValues::vertPosKp
QLineSeries * AutotunedValues::model [3]
QLineSeries * AutotunedValues::actual [3]
uint64_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::magic
uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::wiggle_points
uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::aux_data_len
uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::sample_rate
uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::resv
float AutotuneBeginningPage::at_measurement::y [3]
float AutotuneBeginningPage::at_measurement::u [3]
struct at_flash_header AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash::hdr
struct at_measurement AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash::data []
enum ArmingMethodType ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::method
QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::name
QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::armName
QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::disarmName
QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::uavoOption
bool ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::isSwitch
bool ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::isStick
bool ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::isFixed
static const QVector
< ArmingMethod > 
int ConfigInputWidget::channelsStruct::group
int ConfigInputWidget::channelsStruct::number
QwtPlotCurve ExpoCurve::ExpoPlotElements::Curve


void ConfigMultiRotorWidget::configurationChanged ()
void ConfigGadgetWidget::autopilotConnected ()
void ConfigGadgetWidget::autopilotDisconnected ()
void ConfigPlugin::launchSetupWizard ()
void DoubleSpinDelegate::ValueChanged ()
void OutputChannelForm::channelChanged (int index, int value)
void OutputChannelForm::formChanged ()

Public Slots

void ConfigCcpmWidget::getMixer ()
void ConfigCcpmWidget::setMixer ()
void ConfigCcpmWidget::saveccpmUpdate ()
void ConfigGadgetFactory::startInputWizard ()
void ConfigGadgetWidget::onAutopilotConnect ()
void ConfigGadgetWidget::onAutopilotDisconnect ()
void ConfigGadgetWidget::tabAboutToChange (int i, bool *)
void ConfigGadgetWidget::deferredLoader ()
void ExpoCurve::plotDataRoll (int value, int max, int exponent)
 Show expo data for roll. More...
void ExpoCurve::plotDataPitch (int value, int max, int exponent)
 Show expo data for pitch. More...
void ExpoCurve::plotDataYaw (int value, int max, int exponent)
 Show expo data for yaw. More...
void ExpoCurve::showCurve (const QVariant &itemInfo, bool on, int index)
 Show/Hide a expo curve and markers. More...
void MixerCurve::ResetCurve ()
void MixerCurve::PopupCurve ()
void MixerCurve::GenerateCurve ()
void MixerCurve::UpdateSettingsTable ()
void OutputChannelForm::setMax (int maximum)
int OutputChannelForm::max () const
void OutputChannelForm::setMin (int minimum)
int OutputChannelForm::min () const
void OutputChannelForm::setMinmax (int minimum, int maximum)
void OutputChannelForm::setNeutral (int value)
int OutputChannelForm::neutral () const
void OutputChannelForm::enableChannelTest (bool state)
void OutputChannelForm::updateChannelLimits (int minPulse, int maxPulse, bool digitalProtocol=false)
void Calibration::doStartOrientation ()
 Start collecting data while vehicle is in pure pitch. More...
void Calibration::doStartBiasAndLeveling ()
 Start collecting data while vehicle is level. More...
void Calibration::doStartNoBiasLeveling ()
 Start collecting data while vehicle is level. More...
void Calibration::doStartSixPoint ()
 Start the six point calibration routine. More...
void Calibration::doCancelSixPoint ()
 Cancels the six point calibration routine. More...
void Calibration::doSaveSixPointPosition ()
 Indicates UAV is in a position to collect data during 6pt calibration. More...
void Calibration::doStartTempCal ()
 Start collecting gyro temp calibration data. More...
void Calibration::doAcceptTempCal ()
 Accept gyro temp calibration data. More...
void Calibration::doCancelTempCalPoint ()
 Cancels the temperature calibration routine. More...
void Calibration::setTempCalRange (int r)
 Set temperature calibration range. More...
void Calibration::configureTempCurves (TempCompCurve *x, TempCompCurve *y, TempCompCurve *z)
 Set up the curves. More...


class ConfigCcpmWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget
class ConfigFixedWingWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget
class ConfigGroundVehicleWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget
class ConfigMultiRotorWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget
class OutputChannelForm::ConfigOnputWidget


Compute the scale and bias assuming the data comes from six orientations in a constant field

x, y, z are vectors of six measurements

Computes sensitivity and offset such that:

c = S * A + b

where c is the measurement, S is the sensitivity, b is the bias offset, and A is the field being measured expressed as a ratio of the measured value to the field strength. aka a direction cosine.

A is what we really want and it is computed using the equation:

A = (c - b)/S

int Calibration::SixPointInConstFieldCal (double ConstMag, double x[6], double y[6], double z[6], double S[3], double b[3])

Detailed Description

ccpm configuration panel

Display the results of temperature compensation.

Provides a read-only checkbox.

Servo output configuration form for the config output gadget.

A MixerCurve Gadget used to update settings in the firmware.

Visualize the expo seettings.

Visualize the expo settings.

Placeholder for attitude settings widget until board connected.

Placeholder for attitude panel until board is connected.

A double spinbox delegate.

The Configuration Gadget used to configure TxPID module.

Stabilization configuration panel.

Servo output configuration panel for the config gadget.

Servo input/output configuration panel for the config gadget.

The Configuration Gadget used to adjust or recalculate autotuning.

Telemetry configuration panel.

The Configuration Gadget used to update settings in the firmware.

bit storage of config ui settings

Airframe configuration panel.

Typedef Documentation

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 96 of file configinputwidget.h.


Definition at line 65 of file calibration.cpp.


Definition at line 91 of file configinputwidget.h.


Definition at line 53 of file mixercurve.h.


Definition at line 74 of file configinputwidget.h.


Definition at line 75 of file configinputwidget.h.


Definition at line 89 of file configinputwidget.h.


Definition at line 90 of file configinputwidget.h.


Definition at line 51 of file configgadgetwidget.h.


Definition at line 62 of file configinputwidget.h.

Function Documentation

void ConfigInputWidget::addMessage ( QWidget *  target,
const QString  type,
const QString  msg 

Definition at line 1795 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

void ConfigInputWidget::addWarning ( QWidget *  target,
QWidget *  cause,
const QString  msg 

Definition at line 1808 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::apply ( )

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 49 of file configgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

AutotuneBeginningPage::AutotuneBeginningPage ( QWidget *  parent,
bool  autoOpened,
AutotunedValues autoValues 

Definition at line 832 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

AutotuneFinalPage::AutotuneFinalPage ( QWidget *  parent)

Definition at line 822 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage::AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage ( QWidget *  parent,
AutotunedValues autoValues 

Definition at line 499 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

AutotuneSlidersPage::AutotuneSlidersPage ( QWidget *  parent,
AutotunedValues autoValues 

Definition at line 556 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

Calibration::Calibration ( )

Definition at line 69 of file calibration.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetWidget::changeTab ( int  i)

Definition at line 376 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void ConfigInputWidget::clearMessages ( QWidget *  widget,
const QString  type 

Definition at line 1786 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

void ConfigInputWidget::clearWarnings ( QWidget *  target,
QWidget *  causesParent 

Definition at line 1814 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

IUAVGadgetConfiguration * ConfigGadgetConfiguration::clone ( )

Implements Core::IUAVGadgetConfiguration.

Definition at line 35 of file configgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

int Calibration::computeScaleBias ( )

Computes the scale and bias for the accelerometer and mag.

Computes the scale and bias for the accelerometer and mag once all the data has been collected in 6 positions.

Definition at line 1320 of file calibration.cpp.

int Calibration::computeTempCal ( )

Compute temperature compensation factors.

Calibration::tempCalProgressChanged Compute a polynominal fit to all of the temperature data and each gyro channel.


Definition at line 1202 of file calibration.cpp.

ConfigAttitudeWidget::ConfigAttitudeWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 75 of file configattitudewidget.cpp.

ConfigAutotuneWidget::ConfigAutotuneWidget ( ConfigGadgetWidget parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 85 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget::ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 41 of file configcamerastabilizationwidget.cpp.

ConfigCcpmWidget::ConfigCcpmWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 43 of file configccpmwidget.cpp.

ConfigFixedWingWidget::ConfigFixedWingWidget ( Ui_AircraftWidget *  aircraft = nullptr,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 


Definition at line 43 of file configfixedwingwidget.cpp.

ConfigGadget::ConfigGadget ( QString  classId,
ConfigGadgetWidget widget,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 30 of file configgadget.cpp.

ConfigGadgetConfiguration::ConfigGadgetConfiguration ( QString  classId,
QSettings *  qSettings = nullptr,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 28 of file configgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

ConfigGadgetFactory::ConfigGadgetFactory ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 36 of file configgadgetfactory.cpp.

ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::ConfigGadgetOptionsPage ( ConfigGadgetConfiguration config,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 35 of file configgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

ConfigGadgetWidget::ConfigGadgetWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 58 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

ConfigGroundVehicleWidget::ConfigGroundVehicleWidget ( Ui_AircraftWidget *  aircraft = nullptr,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 


Definition at line 44 of file configgroundvehiclewidget.cpp.

ConfigInputWidget::ConfigInputWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 90 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

ConfigModuleWidget::ConfigModuleWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 47 of file configmodulewidget.cpp.

ConfigMultiRotorWidget::ConfigMultiRotorWidget ( Ui_AircraftWidget *  aircraft = nullptr,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 


Definition at line 47 of file configmultirotorwidget.cpp.

ConfigOsdWidget::ConfigOsdWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 39 of file configosdwidget.cpp.

ConfigOutputWidget::ConfigOutputWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 57 of file configoutputwidget.cpp.

ConfigRadioWidget::ConfigRadioWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 35 of file configradiowidget.cpp.

ConfigStabilizationWidget::ConfigStabilizationWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 50 of file configstabilizationwidget.cpp.

ConfigTxPIDWidget::ConfigTxPIDWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 29 of file configtxpidwidget.cpp.

ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)


Definition at line 97 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

void Calibration::connectSensor ( sensor_type  sensor,
bool  con 

Connect and speed up or disconnect a sensor.


sensorThe sensor to change
conWhether to connect or disconnect to this sensor

Definition at line 96 of file calibration.cpp.

IUAVGadgetConfiguration * ConfigGadgetFactory::createConfiguration ( QSettings *  qSettings)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 68 of file configgadgetfactory.cpp.

QWidget * DoubleSpinDelegate::createEditor ( QWidget *  parent,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &  option,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 41 of file dblspindelegate.cpp.

QWidget * SpinBoxDelegate::createEditor ( QWidget *  parent,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &  option,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 58 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

Core::IUAVGadget * ConfigGadgetFactory::createGadget ( QWidget *  parent)

Implements Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 46 of file configgadgetfactory.cpp.

IOptionsPage * ConfigGadgetFactory::createOptionsPage ( IUAVGadgetConfiguration *  config)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 73 of file configgadgetfactory.cpp.

QWidget * ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::createPage ( QWidget *  parent)

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 42 of file configgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

DefaultHwSettingsWidget::DefaultHwSettingsWidget ( UAVObject settingsObj,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 

DefaultHwSettingsWidget::DefaultHwSettingsWidget Constructed when either a new board connection is established or when there is no board.

parentThe main configuration widget

Definition at line 45 of file defaulthwsettingswidget.cpp.

DoubleSpinDelegate::DoubleSpinDelegate ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

Helper delegate for the custom mixer editor table.

Definition at line 32 of file dblspindelegate.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::enableComboBoxes ( QWidget *  owner,
QString  boxName,
int  boxCount,
bool  enable 

Helper function: enables/disables the named comboboxes within supplied uiowner

Definition at line 137 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void ConfigRadioWidget::enableControls ( bool  enable)

SLOT function used the enable or disable the SAVE, UPLOAD and RELOAD buttons

enableset to true to enable the buttons or false to disable them
fieldname of the field to add

Reimplemented from ConfigTaskWidget.

Definition at line 68 of file configradiowidget.cpp.

void ConfigOsdWidget::enableControls ( bool  enable)

SLOT function used the enable or disable the SAVE, UPLOAD and RELOAD buttons

enableset to true to enable the buttons or false to disable them
fieldname of the field to add

Reimplemented from ConfigTaskWidget.

Definition at line 346 of file configosdwidget.cpp.

void ConfigModuleWidget::enableControls ( bool  enable)

SLOT function used the enable or disable the SAVE, UPLOAD and RELOAD buttons

enableset to true to enable the buttons or false to disable them
fieldname of the field to add

Reimplemented from ConfigTaskWidget.

Definition at line 143 of file configmodulewidget.cpp.

void ConfigOutputWidget::enableControls ( bool  enable)

SLOT function used the enable or disable the SAVE, UPLOAD and RELOAD buttons

enableset to true to enable the buttons or false to disable them
fieldname of the field to add

Reimplemented from ConfigTaskWidget.

Definition at line 144 of file configoutputwidget.cpp.

void ConfigInputWidget::enableControls ( bool  enable)

SLOT function used the enable or disable the SAVE, UPLOAD and RELOAD buttons

enableset to true to enable the buttons or false to disable them
fieldname of the field to add

Reimplemented from ConfigTaskWidget.

Definition at line 1560 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

void Calibration::Euler2R ( double  rpy[3],
double  Rbe[3][3] 

Compute a rotation matrix from a set of euler angles.

[in]rpyThe euler angles in roll, pitch, yaw
[out]RbeThe rotation matrix to take a matrix from 0,0,0 to that rotation

Definition at line 1493 of file calibration.cpp.

ExpoCurve::ExpoCurve ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 31 of file expocurve.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetOptionsPage::finish ( )

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 54 of file configgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

QComboBox* MixerCurve::getCBCurveSource ( )

Definition at line 70 of file mixercurve.h.

QStringList ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::getChannelDescriptions ( )

Static function to get currently assigned channelDescriptions for all known vehicle types; instantiates the appropriate object then asks it to supply channel descs

Definition at line 268 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

GUIConfigDataUnion VehicleConfig::GetConfigData ( )

Definition at line 68 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

QList< double > MixerCurve::getCurve ( )

Definition at line 282 of file mixercurve.cpp.

double MixerCurve::getCurveMax ( )

Definition at line 328 of file mixercurve.cpp.

double VehicleConfig::getCurveMax ( QList< double > *  curve)

Definition at line 318 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

double MixerCurve::getCurveMin ( )

Definition at line 324 of file mixercurve.cpp.

double VehicleConfig::getCurveMin ( QList< double > *  curve)

Definition at line 309 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

double MixerCurve::getCurveStep ( )

Definition at line 333 of file mixercurve.cpp.

MixerCurveWidget* MixerCurve::getCurveWidget ( )

Definition at line 69 of file mixercurve.h.

double MixerCurve::getMax ( )

Definition at line 315 of file mixercurve.cpp.

double MixerCurve::getMin ( )

Definition at line 306 of file mixercurve.cpp.

QString VehicleConfig::getMixerType ( UAVDataObject mixer,
int  channel 

Definition at line 145 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

double VehicleConfig::getMixerValue ( UAVDataObject mixer,
QString  elementName 

Definition at line 243 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

double VehicleConfig::getMixerVectorValue ( UAVDataObject mixer,
int  channel,
MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem  elementName 

Definition at line 210 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::getThrottleCurve ( UAVDataObject mixer,
MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem  curveType,
QList< double > *  curve 

Definition at line 278 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

int OutputChannelForm::index ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file outputchannelform.h.

void ExpoCurve::init ( )
void MixerCurve::initCurve ( const QList< double > *  points)

Wrappers for mixercurvewidget.

Definition at line 277 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void Calibration::initialize ( bool  calibrateAccels,
bool  calibrateMags 

Calibration::initialize Configure whether to calibrate the magnetometer and/or accelerometer during 6-point calibration.


Definition at line 85 of file calibration.cpp.

void AutotuneBeginningPage::initializePage ( )

Definition at line 944 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

void AutotuneMeasuredPropertiesPage::initializePage ( )

Definition at line 528 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

void AutotuneSlidersPage::initializePage ( )

Definition at line 574 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurve::initLinearCurve ( int  numPoints,
double  maxValue = 1,
double  minValue = 0 

Definition at line 286 of file mixercurve.cpp.

bool AutotuneBeginningPage::isComplete ( ) const

Definition at line 963 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

bool AutotuneSlidersPage::isComplete ( ) const

Definition at line 588 of file configautotunewidget.cpp.

bool VehicleConfig::isValidThrottleCurve ( QList< double > *  curve)

Definition at line 296 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void ConfigGadget::loadConfiguration ( IUAVGadgetConfiguration *  config)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadget.

Definition at line 41 of file configgadget.cpp.

MixerCurve::MixerCurve ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 35 of file mixercurve.cpp.

bool ConfigInputWidget::channelsStruct::operator== ( const channelsStruct &  rhs) const

Definition at line 151 of file configinputwidget.h.

OutputChannelForm::OutputChannelForm ( const int  index,
QWidget *  parent = NULL,
const bool  showLegend = false 

Definition at line 35 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

PACK ( typedef struct{uint VTOLMotorN:4;uint VTOLMotorS:4;uint VTOLMotorE:4;uint VTOLMotorW:4;uint VTOLMotorNW:4;uint VTOLMotorNE:4;uint VTOLMotorSW:4;uint VTOLMotorSE:4;uint TRIYaw:4;quint32 padding:28;quint32 padding1;quint32 padding2;}  )
PACK ( typedef struct{uint SwashplateType:3;uint FirstServoIndex:2;uint CorrectionAngle:9;uint ccpmCollectivePassthroughState:1;uint ccpmLinkCyclicState:1;uint ccpmLinkRollState:1;uint SliderValue0:7;uint SliderValue1:7;uint SliderValue2:7;uint ServoIndexW:4;uint ServoIndexX:4;uint ServoIndexY:4;uint ServoIndexZ:4;uint Throttle:4;uint Tail:4;quint32 padding:31;quint32 padding1;}  )
PACK ( typedef struct{uint FixedWingThrottle:4;uint FixedWingRoll1:4;uint FixedWingRoll2:4;uint FixedWingPitch1:4;uint FixedWingPitch2:4;uint FixedWingYaw1:4;uint FixedWingYaw2:4;uint padding:4;quint32 padding1;quint32 padding2;quint32 padding3;}  )
PACK ( typedef struct{uint GroundVehicleThrottle1:4;uint GroundVehicleThrottle2:4;uint GroundVehicleSteering1:4;uint GroundVehicleSteering2:4;uint padding:16;quint32 padding1;quint32 padding2;quint32 padding3;}  )
void ConfigGadgetWidget::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *  event)

Definition at line 238 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void TempCompCurve::plotData ( QList< double >  temp,
QList< double >  gyro,
QList< double >  coeff 

Show calibration data for one of the channels.

TempCompCurve::plotData Visualize the measured data.

tempThe set of temperature measurements
gyroThe set of gyro measurements

Definition at line 53 of file tempcompcurve.cpp.

void ExpoCurve::plotData ( int  value,
int  max,
int  exponent,
ExpoPlotElements_t plot_elements 

Show expo data for one of the stick channels.

ExpoCurve::plotData Show expo data for one of the stick channels.

valueThe expo coefficient; sets the exponential amount [0,100]
curveThe curve that has to be plot (roll,nick,yaw)
modeThe mode chooses wich y-axis is used: Y_Right or Y_Left

The math here is copied/ the same as in the expo3() function in /flight/Libraries/math/misc_math.c Please be aware of changes that are made there.

Definition at line 139 of file expocurve.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::ResetActuators ( GUIConfigDataUnion configData)

Definition at line 115 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::resetField ( UAVObjectField field)

Reset the contents of a field

Definition at line 329 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::resetMixers ( UAVDataObject mixer)

Definition at line 197 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::resetMixerVector ( UAVDataObject mixer,
int  channel 

Definition at line 180 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void Calibration::resetSensorCalibrationToOriginalValues ( )

Reset sensor settings to pre-calibration values.

Calibration::resetToOriginalValues Resets the accelerometer and magnetometer setting to their pre-calibration values.

Definition at line 1445 of file calibration.cpp.

void ConfigRadioWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 63 of file configradiowidget.cpp.

void ConfigAttitudeWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 216 of file configattitudewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurve::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 446 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 263 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void ConfigOsdWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 341 of file configosdwidget.cpp.

void ConfigModuleWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 138 of file configmodulewidget.cpp.

void ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Resize the GUI contents when the user changes the window size

Definition at line 381 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

void ConfigCcpmWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 988 of file configccpmwidget.cpp.

void ConfigInputWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 402 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

void Calibration::rotate_vector ( double  R[3][3],
const double  vec[3],
double  vec_out[3],
bool  transpose = true 

Rotate a vector by the rotation matrix, optionally trasposing.

[in]Rthe rotation matrix
[in]vecThe vector to rotate by this matrix
[out]vec_outThe rotated vector
[in]transposeOptionally transpose the rotation matrix first (reverse the rotation)

Definition at line 1517 of file calibration.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig ( QSettings *  settings) const

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetConfiguration.

Definition at line 41 of file configgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

void OutputChannelForm::setAssignment ( const QString &  assignment)

Set the channel assignment label.

Definition at line 226 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::setComboCurrentIndex ( QComboBox *  box,
int  index 

Helper function: Sets the current index on supplied combobox to index if it is within bounds 0 <= index < combobox.count()

Definition at line 125 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::SetConfigData ( GUIConfigDataUnion  configData,
SystemSettings::AirframeTypeOptions  vehicle 

Definition at line 90 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void MixerCurve::setCurve ( const QList< double > *  points)

Definition at line 296 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::setDecimals ( int  decimals)

Definition at line 60 of file dblspindelegate.h.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::setEditorData ( QWidget *  editor,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 56 of file dblspindelegate.cpp.

void SpinBoxDelegate::setEditorData ( QWidget *  editor,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 68 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::setLabelText ( QWidget *  owner,
const QString &  boxName,
const QStringList &  labels 

Helper function: sets the text of QLabel widgets that are children of owner

[in]ownerThe parent widget containing the target label widgets
[in]boxNameprefix for names of label widgets (suffix is a number)
[in]labelsThe desired labels

Definition at line 354 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::setMax ( double  max)

Definition at line 53 of file dblspindelegate.h.

void MixerCurve::setMax ( double  value)

Definition at line 310 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::setMin ( double  min)

Definition at line 52 of file dblspindelegate.h.

void MixerCurve::setMin ( double  value)

Definition at line 301 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void MixerCurve::setMixerType ( MixerCurveType  curveType,
bool  isCurve1 = true 

Definition at line 90 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::setMixerType ( UAVDataObject mixer,
int  channel,
MixerSettings::Mixer1TypeOptions  mixerType 

Definition at line 163 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::setMixerValue ( UAVDataObject mixer,
QString  elementName,
double  value 

Definition at line 256 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void VehicleConfig::setMixerVectorValue ( UAVDataObject mixer,
int  channel,
MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem  elementName,
double  value 

Definition at line 228 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::setModelData ( QWidget *  editor,
QAbstractItemModel *  model,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 64 of file dblspindelegate.cpp.

void SpinBoxDelegate::setModelData ( QWidget *  editor,
QAbstractItemModel *  model,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 76 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::setRange ( double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 54 of file dblspindelegate.h.

double MixerCurve::setRange ( double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 319 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::setStep ( double  step)

Definition at line 59 of file dblspindelegate.h.

void VehicleConfig::setThrottleCurve ( UAVDataObject mixer,
MixerSettings::Mixer1VectorElem  curveType,
QList< double >  curve 

Definition at line 266 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

void ConfigAttitudeWidget::showEvent ( QShowEvent *  event)

Definition at line 210 of file configattitudewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurve::showEvent ( QShowEvent *  event)

Definition at line 431 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::showEvent ( QShowEvent *  event)


Definition at line 361 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

void ConfigCcpmWidget::showEvent ( QShowEvent *  event)

Definition at line 1002 of file configccpmwidget.cpp.

bool showOutputChannelSelectWindow ( bool(&)  selectedChannels[ActuatorCommand::CHANNEL_NUMELEM])

Definition at line 280 of file configoutputwidget.cpp.

int Calibration::SixPointInConstFieldCal ( double  ConstMag,
double  x[6],
double  y[6],
double  z[6],
double  S[3],
double  b[3] 

Definition at line 1551 of file calibration.cpp.

SpinBoxDelegate::SpinBoxDelegate ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

Helper delegate for the custom mixer editor table. Taken straight from Qt examples, thanks!

Definition at line 53 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetWidget::startInputWizard ( )

Definition at line 254 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void ConfigInputWidget::startInputWizard ( )

Definition at line 92 of file configinputwidget.h.

bool Calibration::storeLevelingMeasurement ( UAVObject obj)

Store leveling sample and compute level if finished.

Calibration::storeLevelingMeasurement Store a measurement and if there is enough data compute the level angle and gyro zero.

true if enough data is collected

Store the sensor data without any rotation

Definition at line 876 of file calibration.cpp.

bool Calibration::storeSixPointMeasurement ( UAVObject obj,
int  position 

Store a measurement at this position and indicate if it is the last one.

Grab a sample of accel or mag data while in this position and store it for averaging.

true If enough data is averaged at this position

Definition at line 1018 of file calibration.cpp.

bool Calibration::storeTempCalMeasurement ( UAVObject obj)

Store a sample for temperature compensation.

Grab a sample of gyro data with the temperautre

true If enough data is averaged at this position

Definition at line 1114 of file calibration.cpp.

bool Calibration::storeYawOrientationMeasurement ( UAVObject obj)

Store yaw orientation sample and compute orientation if finished.

Calibration::storeYawOrientationMeasurement Store an accelerometer measurement.

true if enough data is collected

Definition at line 813 of file calibration.cpp.

TempCompCurve::TempCompCurve ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 28 of file tempcompcurve.cpp.

void DoubleSpinDelegate::updateEditorGeometry ( QWidget *  editor,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &  option,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 74 of file dblspindelegate.cpp.

void SpinBoxDelegate::updateEditorGeometry ( QWidget *  editor,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &  option,
const QModelIndex &  index 
) const

Definition at line 86 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

void Calibration::updateTempCompCalibrationDisplay ( )

Update the graphs with the temperature compensation.


Definition at line 1148 of file calibration.cpp.

VehicleConfig::VehicleConfig ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 41 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

QWidget* ConfigGadget::widget ( )

Implements Core::IUAVGadget.

Definition at line 56 of file configgadget.h.

Calibration::~Calibration ( )

Definition at line 78 of file calibration.cpp.

ConfigAttitudeWidget::~ConfigAttitudeWidget ( )

Definition at line 205 of file configattitudewidget.cpp.

ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget::~ConfigCameraStabilizationWidget ( )

Definition at line 92 of file configcamerastabilizationwidget.cpp.

ConfigCcpmWidget::~ConfigCcpmWidget ( )

Definition at line 214 of file configccpmwidget.cpp.

ConfigFixedWingWidget::~ConfigFixedWingWidget ( )


Definition at line 52 of file configfixedwingwidget.cpp.

ConfigGadget::~ConfigGadget ( )

Definition at line 36 of file configgadget.cpp.

ConfigGadgetFactory::~ConfigGadgetFactory ( )

Definition at line 42 of file configgadgetfactory.cpp.

ConfigGadgetWidget::~ConfigGadgetWidget ( )

Definition at line 249 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

ConfigGroundVehicleWidget::~ConfigGroundVehicleWidget ( )


Definition at line 53 of file configgroundvehiclewidget.cpp.

ConfigInputWidget::~ConfigInputWidget ( )

Definition at line 400 of file configinputwidget.cpp.

ConfigModuleWidget::~ConfigModuleWidget ( )

Definition at line 133 of file configmodulewidget.cpp.

ConfigMultiRotorWidget::~ConfigMultiRotorWidget ( )


Definition at line 57 of file configmultirotorwidget.cpp.

ConfigOsdWidget::~ConfigOsdWidget ( )

Definition at line 147 of file configosdwidget.cpp.

ConfigOutputWidget::~ConfigOutputWidget ( )

Definition at line 155 of file configoutputwidget.cpp.

ConfigRadioWidget::~ConfigRadioWidget ( )

Definition at line 59 of file configradiowidget.cpp.

ConfigStabilizationWidget::~ConfigStabilizationWidget ( )

Definition at line 192 of file configstabilizationwidget.cpp.

ConfigTxPIDWidget::~ConfigTxPIDWidget ( )

Definition at line 46 of file configtxpidwidget.cpp.

ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::~ConfigVehicleTypeWidget ( )


Definition at line 258 of file configvehicletypewidget.cpp.

DefaultHwSettingsWidget::~DefaultHwSettingsWidget ( )

Definition at line 126 of file defaulthwsettingswidget.cpp.

MixerCurve::~MixerCurve ( )

Definition at line 84 of file mixercurve.cpp.

OutputChannelForm::~OutputChannelForm ( )

Definition at line 96 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

VehicleConfig::~VehicleConfig ( )

Definition at line 63 of file vehicleconfig.cpp.

Variable Documentation

QLineSeries* AutotunedValues::actual[3]

Definition at line 91 of file configautotunewidget.h.

const QVector< ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod > ConfigInputWidget::armingMethods
Initial value:
= {
{ ConfigInputWidget::ARM_ALWAYS_DISARMED, "always disarmed", "always disarmed",
"always disarmed", "Always Disarmed", false, false, true },
{ ConfigInputWidget::ARM_SWITCH, "switch", "a switch", "a switch", "Switch", true, false,
false },
{ ConfigInputWidget::ARM_ROLL_LEFT, "roll left", "roll left", "roll right",
"Roll Left+Throttle", false, true, false },
{ ConfigInputWidget::ARM_ROLL_RIGHT, "roll right", "roll right", "roll left",
"Roll Right+Throttle", false, true, false },
{ ConfigInputWidget::ARM_YAW_LEFT, "yaw left", "yaw left", "yaw right", "Yaw Left+Throttle",
false, true, false },
{ ConfigInputWidget::ARM_YAW_RIGHT, "yaw right", "yaw right", "yaw left", "Yaw Right+Throttle",
false, true, false },
{ ConfigInputWidget::ARM_CORNERS, "corners", "roll left and yaw right",
"roll right and yaw left", "Corners+Throttle", false, true, false },

Definition at line 119 of file configinputwidget.h.

QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::armName

Definition at line 111 of file configinputwidget.h.

uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::aux_data_len

Definition at line 123 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::beta[3]

Definition at line 62 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::bias[3]

Definition at line 63 of file configautotunewidget.h.

Calibration ConfigAttitudeWidget::calibration

Definition at line 64 of file configattitudewidget.h.

QStringList VehicleConfig::channelNames

Definition at line 150 of file vehicleconfig.h.

bool AutotunedValues::converged

Definition at line 71 of file configautotunewidget.h.

QwtPlotCurve ExpoCurve::ExpoPlotElements::Curve

Definition at line 54 of file expocurve.h.

float AutotunedValues::damping

Definition at line 67 of file configautotunewidget.h.

QByteArray AutotunedValues::data

Definition at line 58 of file configautotunewidget.h.

struct at_measurement AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash::data[]

Definition at line 140 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::derivativeCutoff

Definition at line 80 of file configautotunewidget.h.

QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::disarmName

Definition at line 112 of file configinputwidget.h.

fixedGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::fixedwing

Definition at line 111 of file vehicleconfig.h.

MyTabbedStackWidget* ConfigGadgetWidget::ftw

Definition at line 81 of file configgadgetwidget.h.

groundGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::ground

Definition at line 113 of file vehicleconfig.h.

int ConfigInputWidget::channelsStruct::group

Definition at line 155 of file configinputwidget.h.

struct at_flash_header AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash::hdr

Definition at line 138 of file configautotunewidget.h.

heliGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::heli

Definition at line 110 of file vehicleconfig.h.

bool ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::isFixed

Definition at line 116 of file configinputwidget.h.

bool ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::isStick

Definition at line 115 of file configinputwidget.h.

bool ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::isSwitch

Definition at line 114 of file configinputwidget.h.

int AutotunedValues::iterations

Definition at line 72 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::kd[3]

Definition at line 78 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::ki[3]

Definition at line 77 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::kp[3]

Definition at line 76 of file configautotunewidget.h.

uint64_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::magic

Definition at line 121 of file configautotunewidget.h.

int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Max[CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]

Definition at line 49 of file configccpmwidget.h.

enum ArmingMethodType ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::method

Definition at line 109 of file configinputwidget.h.

int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Min[CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]

Definition at line 51 of file configccpmwidget.h.

const double VehicleConfig::mixerRange = 256.0

Definition at line 156 of file vehicleconfig.h.

const double VehicleConfig::mixerScale = 128.0

Definition at line 155 of file vehicleconfig.h.

QStringList VehicleConfig::mixerTypeDescriptions

Definition at line 153 of file vehicleconfig.h.

QStringList VehicleConfig::mixerTypes

Definition at line 151 of file vehicleconfig.h.

QStringList VehicleConfig::mixerVectors

Definition at line 152 of file vehicleconfig.h.

QLineSeries* AutotunedValues::model[3]

Definition at line 90 of file configautotunewidget.h.

multiGUISettingsStruct GUIConfigDataUnion::multi

Definition at line 112 of file vehicleconfig.h.

QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::name

Definition at line 110 of file configinputwidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::naturalFreq

Definition at line 81 of file configautotunewidget.h.

int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Neutral[CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]

Definition at line 50 of file configccpmwidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::noise[3]

Definition at line 64 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::noiseSens

Definition at line 68 of file configautotunewidget.h.

int ConfigInputWidget::channelsStruct::number

Definition at line 156 of file configinputwidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::outerKi

Definition at line 84 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::outerKp

Definition at line 83 of file configautotunewidget.h.

uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::resv

Definition at line 127 of file configautotunewidget.h.

uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::sample_rate

Definition at line 124 of file configautotunewidget.h.

int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::ServoChannels[CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]

Definition at line 47 of file configccpmwidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::tau[3]

Definition at line 61 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotuneBeginningPage::at_measurement::u[3]

Definition at line 133 of file configautotunewidget.h.

uint GUIConfigDataUnion::UAVObject[4]

Definition at line 109 of file vehicleconfig.h.

QString ConfigInputWidget::ArmingMethod::uavoOption

Definition at line 113 of file configinputwidget.h.

int SwashplateServoSettingsStruct::Used[CCPM_MAX_SWASH_SERVOS]

Definition at line 48 of file configccpmwidget.h.

bool AutotunedValues::valid

Definition at line 56 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::vertPosKp

Definition at line 88 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::vertSpeedKi

Definition at line 87 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotunedValues::vertSpeedKp

Definition at line 86 of file configautotunewidget.h.

uint16_t AutotuneBeginningPage::at_flash_header::wiggle_points

Definition at line 122 of file configautotunewidget.h.

float AutotuneBeginningPage::at_measurement::y[3]

Definition at line 132 of file configautotunewidget.h.


void ConfigGadgetWidget::autopilotConnected ( )
void ConfigGadgetWidget::autopilotDisconnected ( )
void OutputChannelForm::channelChanged ( int  index,
int  value 
void ConfigMultiRotorWidget::configurationChanged ( )
void OutputChannelForm::formChanged ( )
void ConfigPlugin::launchSetupWizard ( )
void DoubleSpinDelegate::ValueChanged ( )

Public Slots

void Calibration::configureTempCurves ( TempCompCurve x,
TempCompCurve y,
TempCompCurve z 

Set up the curves.



Definition at line 1103 of file calibration.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetWidget::deferredLoader ( )

Definition at line 78 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void Calibration::doAcceptTempCal ( )

Accept gyro temp calibration data.

Calibration::doCancelTempCalPoint Abort the temperature calibration.

Definition at line 746 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doCancelSixPoint ( )

Cancels the six point calibration routine.

Calibration::doCancelSixPoint Cancels six point calibration and returns all values to their original settings.

Definition at line 629 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doCancelTempCalPoint ( )

Cancels the temperature calibration routine.

Calibration::doCancelTempCalPoint Abort the temperature calibration.

Definition at line 769 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doSaveSixPointPosition ( )

Indicates UAV is in a position to collect data during 6pt calibration.

Tells the calibration utility the UAV is in position and to collect data.

Definition at line 655 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doStartBiasAndLeveling ( )

Start collecting data while vehicle is level.

Definition at line 480 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doStartNoBiasLeveling ( )

Start collecting data while vehicle is level.

Definition at line 487 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doStartOrientation ( )

Start collecting data while vehicle is in pure pitch.

Calibration::doStartLeveling Called by UI to start collecting data to calculate level.

Definition at line 455 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doStartSixPoint ( )

Start the six point calibration routine.

Called by the "Start" button. Sets up the meta data and enables the buttons to perform six point calibration of the magnetometer (optionally accel) to compute the scale and bias of this sensor based on the current home location magnetic strength.

Definition at line 537 of file calibration.cpp.

void Calibration::doStartTempCal ( )

Start collecting gyro temp calibration data.

Start collecting gyro calibration data

Definition at line 703 of file calibration.cpp.

void OutputChannelForm::enableChannelTest ( bool  state)

Restrict UI to protect users from accidental misuse.

Definition at line 104 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

void MixerCurve::GenerateCurve ( )

Definition at line 226 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void ConfigCcpmWidget::getMixer ( )

Request the current value of the MixerSettings which holds the ccpm type

Definition at line 857 of file configccpmwidget.cpp.

int OutputChannelForm::max ( ) const

Definition at line 87 of file outputchannelform.h.

int OutputChannelForm::min ( ) const

Definition at line 92 of file outputchannelform.h.

int OutputChannelForm::neutral ( ) const

Definition at line 97 of file outputchannelform.h.

void ConfigGadgetWidget::onAutopilotConnect ( )

Remove and recreate the attitude widget to refresh board capabilities

Definition at line 289 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetWidget::onAutopilotDisconnect ( )

Definition at line 268 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void ExpoCurve::plotDataPitch ( int  value,
int  max,
int  exponent 

Show expo data for pitch.

ExpoCurve::plotDataPitch public function to plot expo data for pitch axis.

valueThe expo coefficient; sets the exponential amount [0,100]
maxThe max. scaling for the axis in physical units

Definition at line 173 of file expocurve.cpp.

void ExpoCurve::plotDataRoll ( int  value,
int  max,
int  exponent 

Show expo data for roll.

ExpoCurve::plotDataRoll public function to plot expo data for roll axis.

valueThe expo coefficient; sets the exponential amount [0,100]
maxThe max. scaling for the axis in physical units

Definition at line 163 of file expocurve.cpp.

void ExpoCurve::plotDataYaw ( int  value,
int  max,
int  exponent 

Show expo data for yaw.

ExpoCurve::plotDataYaw public function to plot expo data for yaw axis.

valueThe expo coefficient; sets the exponential amount [0,100]
maxThe max. scaling for the axis in physical units

Definition at line 183 of file expocurve.cpp.

void MixerCurve::PopupCurve ( )

Definition at line 143 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void MixerCurve::ResetCurve ( )

Definition at line 130 of file mixercurve.cpp.

void ConfigCcpmWidget::saveccpmUpdate ( )

Send ccpm type to the board and request saving to SD card

Definition at line 973 of file configccpmwidget.cpp.

void OutputChannelForm::setMax ( int  maximum)

Set maximal channel value.

Definition at line 165 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

void OutputChannelForm::setMin ( int  minimum)

Set minimal channel value.

Definition at line 173 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

void OutputChannelForm::setMinmax ( int  minimum,
int  maximum 

Set minimal and maximal channel value.

Definition at line 181 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

void ConfigCcpmWidget::setMixer ( )

Sends the config to the board (ccpm type)

Definition at line 890 of file configccpmwidget.cpp.

void OutputChannelForm::setNeutral ( int  value)

Set neutral of channel.

Definition at line 201 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

void Calibration::setTempCalRange ( int  r)

Set temperature calibration range.

Calibration::setTempCalRange Set the range for calibration.

rThe number of degrees that must be spanned for calibration to terminate

Definition at line 803 of file calibration.cpp.

void ExpoCurve::showCurve ( const QVariant &  itemInfo,
bool  on,
int  index 

Show/Hide a expo curve and markers.

ExpoCurve::showCurve The Slot function to show/hide a curve and the corresponding markers. Called from a "checked" Signal.

itemInfoInfo for the item of the selected legend label
onTrue when the legend label is checked
indexIndex of the legend label in the list of widgets that are associated with the plot item; but not used here

Definition at line 196 of file expocurve.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetFactory::startInputWizard ( )

Definition at line 78 of file configgadgetfactory.cpp.

void ConfigGadgetWidget::tabAboutToChange ( int  i,
bool *  proceed 

Definition at line 381 of file configgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OutputChannelForm::updateChannelLimits ( int  minPulse,
int  maxPulse,
bool  digitalProtocol = false 

Definition at line 370 of file outputchannelform.cpp.

void MixerCurve::UpdateSettingsTable ( )

Definition at line 338 of file mixercurve.cpp.


friend class ConfigOnputWidget

Definition at line 41 of file outputchannelform.h.

friend class ConfigVehicleTypeWidget

Definition at line 49 of file configfixedwingwidget.h.

friend class ConfigVehicleTypeWidget

Definition at line 49 of file configgroundvehiclewidget.h.

friend class ConfigVehicleTypeWidget

Definition at line 51 of file configmultirotorwidget.h.

friend class ConfigVehicleTypeWidget

Definition at line 62 of file configccpmwidget.h.