dRonin  adbada4
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uavobjecttemplate.m File Reference

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 fprintf ('\n\n ***dRonin log parser ***\n\n')
else error ('Your technical computing program does not support file choosers.Please input the file name in the argument. ') end elseif nargin >0 logfile
if nargin && strcmp (class(varargin{2}),'char')
elseif nargin && strcmp (class(varargin{2}),'logical')
end end if ~strcmpi (outputType,'mat')&&~strcmpi(outputType
end end if csv error ('Incorrect file format specified.Second argument must be ''mat''or ''csv''.')
 fgetl (fid)
Read third line if strcmp (gitLogfileHash, uavoImporterHash)
end if strcmp (uavoLogfileHash, UAVO_HASH)
 fprintf ([str1 str2 str3 str4 str5])
end for as it was simply a
dummy placeholder 
disp (['Unknown object ID:0x'dec2hex(unknownObjIDList(i, 1), 8) 'appeared 'int2str(unknownObjIDList(i, 2)) 'times.'])
end Clean Up and Save mat file fclose (fid)
Prune vectors (CLEANUPCODE)%%Perform typecasting on vectors $(ALLOCATIONCODE)%%Save data to file if strcmpi(outputType
 save (matfile $(SAVEOBJECTSCODE))
 else (EXPORTCSVCODE) end fprintf('%d records in%0.2f seconds.\n'
 etime (clock, startTime))
function OPLog2csv (structIn, structName, logfile)%Get each field name from the structure fieldNames
if isempty (structIn.(fieldNames{1}))
Write to csv dlmwrite (csvfile, headerOut, '')
 dlmwrite (csvfile, matOut, '-append')
'Inputs must be vectors, i.e
just one column wide.' 
inStart ()


 function []
 outputType ='mat'
Default output is a mat file checkCRC = false
 wrongSyncByte =0
 wrongMessageByte =0
 lastWrongSyncByte =0
 lastWrongMessageByte =0
 str1 =[]
 str2 =[]
 str3 =[]
 str4 =[]
 str5 =[]
 multipleInstanceLookup = zeros(0,2)
 overo = false
global crc_table
if nargin
 logfile =fullfile(PathName, FileName)
Read first line gitLogfileHash = fgetl(fid)
Read second line uavoLogfileHash = fgetl(fid)
end buffer =fread(fid,Inf,'uchar=>uchar')
 bufferIdx =1
 correctMsgByte =hex2dec('20')
 correctSyncByte =hex2dec('3C')
 unknownObjIDList =zeros(1,2)
Parse log file
Parse log entry by entry prebuf = buffer(1:12)
 last_print = -1e10
 startTime =clock
if overo instanceIdOffset = -2
 timestampWraparound = 2^16
end timestampAccumulator = 0
 lastTimestamp = 0
 buffer_len = length(buffer)
while bufferIdx< (buffer_len-20)%%Read
message header%get sync field(0x3C, 1 byte) if~overo sync=buffer(bufferIdx+12);else sync=buffer(bufferIdx);end if sync~=correctSyncByte bufferIdx=bufferIdx+1;if~overo||sync~=255 wrongSyncByte=wrongSyncByte+1;end continue end if~overo%For GCS logging the format is as follows%4 bytes timestamp(milliseconds)%8 bytes data size%UAVTalk packet(always without timestamped packets)%Sync val(0x3c)%Message type(1 byte)%Length(2 bytes)%Object ID(4 bytes)%Instance ID(optional, 2 bytes)%Data(variable length)%Checksum(1 byte)%Process header, if we are aligned datasizeBufferIdx=bufferIdx;%Just grab the index.We'll do a typecast later, if necessary datasizeLength=4;msgType=buffer(bufferIdx+13);%get msg type(quint8 1 byte) should be 0x20, ignore the rest?objID=typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+16:bufferIdx+16+4-1), 'uint32');%get obj id(quint32 4 bytes) timestamp=double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx:bufferIdx+4-1),'uint32'));%Advance buffer past header to where data is(or instance ID) bufferIdx=bufferIdx+20;else%For Overo logging the format is%UAVTalk packet(with timestamped packet)%Sync val(0x3c)%Message type(1 byte, adds 0x80)%Length(2 bytes)%Object ID(4 bytes)%Instance ID(optional, 2 bytes)%Timestamp(2 bytes)%Data(variable length)%Checksum(1 byte)%Process header for overo datasizeBufferIdx=bufferIdx+2;datasizeLength=2;msgType=buffer(bufferIdx+1)-128;objID=typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+4:bufferIdx+4+4-1), 'uint32');singleInstance=multipleInstanceLookup(multipleInstanceLookup(:, 1)==objID, 2);if singleInstance timestamp=double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+8:bufferIdx+10-1),'uint16'));else timestamp=double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+12:bufferIdx+14-1),'uint16'));end%Advance buffer past header to where data is.In the case of a%multiple instance object this will be where the timstamp is but%the parsing code will advance by two more.bufferIdx=bufferIdx+10;end if timestamp< lastTimestamp timestampAccumulator=timestampAccumulator+timestampWraparound;end lastTimestamp=timestamp;timestamp=timestamp+timestampAccumulator;%Check that message type is correct if msgType~=correctMsgByte wrongMessageByte=wrongMessageByte+1;continue end if(isempty(objID))%End of file break;end%%Read object try switch objID $(SWITCHCODE) otherwise unknownObjIDListIdx=find(unknownObjIDList(:, 1)==objID, 1, 'first');if isempty(unknownObjIDListIdx) unknownObjIDList=[unknownObjIDList;uint32(objID) 1];%#ok< AGROW > else unknownObjIDList(unknownObjIDListIdx, 2)=unknownObjIDList(unknownObjIDListIdx, 2)+1;end datasize=typecast(buffer(datasizeBufferIdx+4:datasizeBufferIdx+12-1), 'uint64');msgBytesLeft=datasize-1-1-2-4;if msgBytesLeft > 255 msgBytesLeft=0;end bufferIdx=bufferIdx+double(msgBytesLeft);end catch%One of the reads failed-indicates EOF break;end if(wrongSyncByte~=lastWrongSyncByte||wrongMessageByte~=lastWrongMessageByte)||...bufferIdx-last_print > 
for i =1:length([str2 str3 str4 str5])
Arbitrary times two so that it
is at least as long 
estTimeRemaining =(buffer_len-bufferIdx)/(bufferIdx/etime(clock,startTime)) * 2
 h =floor(estTimeRemaining/3600)
 m =floor((estTimeRemaining-h*3600)/60)
 s =ceil(estTimeRemaining-h*3600-m*60)
end Check if at end of file If not
Prune mat [path, name] =fileparts(logfile)
 matfile = fullfile(path,[name '.mat'])
Create a text string with the
field names 
headerOut =sprintf('%s,',fieldNames{:})
Trim off last
Trim off and t Assign the
structure arrays to a matrix 
matOut =zeros(max(size(structIn.(fieldNames{1}))), length(fieldNames))
end end Create filename by
replacing opl by 
csv [path, name] = fileparts(logfile)
 csvDirName =[name '_csv']
Dummy outputs so the program
doens t throw warnings about
Directory already exists 
csvfile =fullfile(path, csvDirName , [name '.csv'])
function crc
end function out
end function found on Matlab s
file exchange The two
functions return identical 
end function found on Matlab s
file exchange The two
functions return identical
although his is much faster 
 inFinish =inFinish'
end end diffIn =diff([inStart; inFinish])
 numElements =sum(diffIn)+length(inStart)
 idx =1

Function Documentation

end for as it was simply a dummy placeholder disp ( )
Write to csv dlmwrite ( csvfile  ,
headerOut  ,
dlmwrite ( csvfile  ,
matOut  ,
else error ( 'Your technical computing program does not support file choosers.Please input the file name in the argument. '  )
end end if csv error ( 'Incorrect file format specified.Second argument must be ''mat''or ''csv''.'  )
etime ( clock  ,
end Clean Up and Save mat file fclose ( fid  )
fgetl ( fid  )
fprintf ( '\n\n ***dRonin log parser ***\n\n )
fprintf ( )
'Inputs must be vectors, i.e just one column wide.' inStart ( )
if isempty ( structIn.  fieldNames{1})
function OPLog2csv ( structIn  ,
structName  ,
save ( matfile SAVEOBJECTSCODE)
if nargin&& strcmp ( class(varargin{2})  ,
elseif nargin&& strcmp ( class(varargin{2})  ,
Read third line if strcmp ( gitLogfileHash  ,
end if strcmp ( uavoLogfileHash  ,
Prune vectors ( CLEANUPCODE  )
end end if ~strcmpi ( outputType  ,

Variable Documentation

end buffer =fread(fid,Inf,'uchar=>uchar')

Definition at line 98 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

buffer_len = length(buffer)

Definition at line 125 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end bufferIdx =1

Definition at line 101 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Default output is a mat file checkCRC = false

Definition at line 22 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

correctMsgByte =hex2dec('20')

Definition at line 103 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

correctSyncByte =hex2dec('3C')

Definition at line 104 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Initial value:
= compute_crc(data)
global crc_table
global crc_table
DataFields data

Definition at line 332 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Initial value:
= [ ...
hex2dec('00'),hex2dec('07'),hex2dec('0e'),hex2dec('09'),hex2dec('1c'),hex2dec('1b'),hex2dec('12'),hex2dec('15'),hex2dec('38'),hex2dec('3f'),hex2dec('36'),hex2dec('31'),hex2dec('24'),hex2dec('23'),hex2dec('2a'),hex2dec('2d'), ...
hex2dec('70'),hex2dec('77'),hex2dec('7e'),hex2dec('79'),hex2dec('6c'),hex2dec('6b'),hex2dec('62'),hex2dec('65'),hex2dec('48'),hex2dec('4f'),hex2dec('46'),hex2dec('41'),hex2dec('54'),hex2dec('53'),hex2dec('5a'),hex2dec('5d'), ...
hex2dec('e0'),hex2dec('e7'),hex2dec('ee'),hex2dec('e9'),hex2dec('fc'),hex2dec('fb'),hex2dec('f2'),hex2dec('f5'),hex2dec('d8'),hex2dec('df'),hex2dec('d6'),hex2dec('d1'),hex2dec('c4'),hex2dec('c3'),hex2dec('ca'),hex2dec('cd'), ...
hex2dec('90'),hex2dec('97'),hex2dec('9e'),hex2dec('99'),hex2dec('8c'),hex2dec('8b'),hex2dec('82'),hex2dec('85'),hex2dec('a8'),hex2dec('af'),hex2dec('a6'),hex2dec('a1'),hex2dec('b4'),hex2dec('b3'),hex2dec('ba'),hex2dec('bd'), ...
hex2dec('c7'),hex2dec('c0'),hex2dec('c9'),hex2dec('ce'),hex2dec('db'),hex2dec('dc'),hex2dec('d5'),hex2dec('d2'),hex2dec('ff'),hex2dec('f8'),hex2dec('f1'),hex2dec('f6'),hex2dec('e3'),hex2dec('e4'),hex2dec('ed'),hex2dec('ea'), ...
hex2dec('b7'),hex2dec('b0'),hex2dec('b9'),hex2dec('be'),hex2dec('ab'),hex2dec('ac'),hex2dec('a5'),hex2dec('a2'),hex2dec('8f'),hex2dec('88'),hex2dec('81'),hex2dec('86'),hex2dec('93'),hex2dec('94'),hex2dec('9d'),hex2dec('9a'), ...
hex2dec('27'),hex2dec('20'),hex2dec('29'),hex2dec('2e'),hex2dec('3b'),hex2dec('3c'),hex2dec('35'),hex2dec('32'),hex2dec('1f'),hex2dec('18'),hex2dec('11'),hex2dec('16'),hex2dec('03'),hex2dec('04'),hex2dec('0d'),hex2dec('0a'), ...
hex2dec('57'),hex2dec('50'),hex2dec('59'),hex2dec('5e'),hex2dec('4b'),hex2dec('4c'),hex2dec('45'),hex2dec('42'),hex2dec('6f'),hex2dec('68'),hex2dec('61'),hex2dec('66'),hex2dec('73'),hex2dec('74'),hex2dec('7d'),hex2dec('7a'), ...
hex2dec('89'),hex2dec('8e'),hex2dec('87'),hex2dec('80'),hex2dec('95'),hex2dec('92'),hex2dec('9b'),hex2dec('9c'),hex2dec('b1'),hex2dec('b6'),hex2dec('bf'),hex2dec('b8'),hex2dec('ad'),hex2dec('aa'),hex2dec('a3'),hex2dec('a4'), ...
hex2dec('f9'),hex2dec('fe'),hex2dec('f7'),hex2dec('f0'),hex2dec('e5'),hex2dec('e2'),hex2dec('eb'),hex2dec('ec'),hex2dec('c1'),hex2dec('c6'),hex2dec('cf'),hex2dec('c8'),hex2dec('dd'),hex2dec('da'),hex2dec('d3'),hex2dec('d4'), ...
hex2dec('69'),hex2dec('6e'),hex2dec('67'),hex2dec('60'),hex2dec('75'),hex2dec('72'),hex2dec('7b'),hex2dec('7c'),hex2dec('51'),hex2dec('56'),hex2dec('5f'),hex2dec('58'),hex2dec('4d'),hex2dec('4a'),hex2dec('43'),hex2dec('44'), ...
hex2dec('19'),hex2dec('1e'),hex2dec('17'),hex2dec('10'),hex2dec('05'),hex2dec('02'),hex2dec('0b'),hex2dec('0c'),hex2dec('21'),hex2dec('26'),hex2dec('2f'),hex2dec('28'),hex2dec('3d'),hex2dec('3a'),hex2dec('33'),hex2dec('34'), ...
hex2dec('4e'),hex2dec('49'),hex2dec('40'),hex2dec('47'),hex2dec('52'),hex2dec('55'),hex2dec('5c'),hex2dec('5b'),hex2dec('76'),hex2dec('71'),hex2dec('78'),hex2dec('7f'),hex2dec('6a'),hex2dec('6d'),hex2dec('64'),hex2dec('63'), ...
hex2dec('3e'),hex2dec('39'),hex2dec('30'),hex2dec('37'),hex2dec('22'),hex2dec('25'),hex2dec('2c'),hex2dec('2b'),hex2dec('06'),hex2dec('01'),hex2dec('08'),hex2dec('0f'),hex2dec('1a'),hex2dec('1d'),hex2dec('14'),hex2dec('13'), ...
hex2dec('ae'),hex2dec('a9'),hex2dec('a0'),hex2dec('a7'),hex2dec('b2'),hex2dec('b5'),hex2dec('bc'),hex2dec('bb'),hex2dec('96'),hex2dec('91'),hex2dec('98'),hex2dec('9f'),hex2dec('8a'),hex2dec('8d'),hex2dec('84'),hex2dec('83'), ...
hex2dec('de'),hex2dec('d9'),hex2dec('d0'),hex2dec('d7'),hex2dec('c2'),hex2dec('c5'),hex2dec('cc'),hex2dec('cb'),hex2dec('e6'),hex2dec('e1'),hex2dec('e8'),hex2dec('ef'),hex2dec('fa'),hex2dec('fd'),hex2dec('f4'),hex2dec('f3') ...

Definition at line 36 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end end Create filename by replacing opl by csv[path, name] = fileparts(logfile)

Definition at line 323 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

csvDirName =[name '_csv']

Definition at line 324 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Dummy outputs so the program doens t throw warnings about Directory already exists csvfile =fullfile(path, csvDirName , [name '.csv'])

Definition at line 326 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end end diffIn =diff([inStart; inFinish])

Definition at line 354 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Arbitrary times two so that it is at least as long estTimeRemaining =(buffer_len-bufferIdx)/(bufferIdx/etime(clock,startTime)) * 2

Definition at line 255 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

while bufferIdx< (buffer_len - 20) %% Read message header % get sync field (0x3C, 1 byte) if ~overo sync = buffer(bufferIdx+12); else sync = buffer(bufferIdx); end if sync ~= correctSyncByte bufferIdx=bufferIdx+1; if ~overo || sync ~= 255 wrongSyncByte = wrongSyncByte + 1; end continue end if ~overo % For GCS logging the format is as follows % 4 bytes timestamp (milliseconds) % 8 bytes data size % UAVTalk packet (always without timestamped packets) % Sync val (0x3c) % Message type (1 byte) % Length (2 bytes) % Object ID (4 bytes) % Instance ID (optional, 2 bytes) % Data (variable length) % Checksum (1 byte) % Process header, if we are aligned datasizeBufferIdx = bufferIdx; %Just grab the index. We'll do a typecast later, if necessary datasizeLength = 4; msgType = buffer(bufferIdx+13); % get msg type (quint8 1 byte ) should be 0x20, ignore the rest? objID = typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+16:bufferIdx+ 16+4-1), 'uint32'); % get obj id (quint32 4 bytes) timestamp = double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx:bufferIdx+4-1),'uint32')); % Advance buffer past header to where data is (or instance ID) bufferIdx=bufferIdx + 20; else % For Overo logging the format is % UAVTalk packet (with timestamped packet) % Sync val (0x3c) % Message type (1 byte, adds 0x80) % Length (2 bytes) % Object ID (4 bytes) % Instance ID (optional, 2 bytes) % Timestamp (2 bytes) % Data (variable length) % Checksum (1 byte) % Process header for overo datasizeBufferIdx = bufferIdx + 2; datasizeLength = 2; msgType = buffer(bufferIdx+1) - 128; objID = typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+4:bufferIdx+ 4+4-1), 'uint32'); singleInstance = multipleInstanceLookup(multipleInstanceLookup(:,1) == objID, 2); if singleInstance timestamp = double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+8:bufferIdx+10-1),'uint16')); else timestamp = double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+12:bufferIdx+14-1),'uint16')); end % Advance buffer past header to where data is. In the case of a % multiple instance object this will be where the timstamp is but % the parsing code will advance by two more. bufferIdx = bufferIdx + 10; end if timestamp < lastTimestamp timestampAccumulator = timestampAccumulator + timestampWraparound; end lastTimestamp = timestamp; timestamp = timestamp + timestampAccumulator; %Check that message type is correct if msgType ~= correctMsgByte wrongMessageByte = wrongMessageByte + 1; continue end if (isempty(objID)) %End of file break; end %% Read object try switch objID$(SWITCHCODE) otherwise unknownObjIDListIdx=find(unknownObjIDList(:,1)==objID, 1, 'first'); if isempty(unknownObjIDListIdx) unknownObjIDList=[unknownObjIDList; uint32(objID) 1]; %#ok<AGROW> else unknownObjIDList(unknownObjIDListIdx,2)=unknownObjIDList(unknownObjIDListIdx,2)+1; end datasize = typecast(buffer(datasizeBufferIdx + 4:datasizeBufferIdx + 12-1), 'uint64'); msgBytesLeft = datasize - 1 - 1 - 2 - 4; if msgBytesLeft > 255 msgBytesLeft = 0; end bufferIdx=bufferIdx+double(msgBytesLeft); end catch % One of the reads failed - indicates EOF break; end if (wrongSyncByte ~= lastWrongSyncByte || wrongMessageByte~=lastWrongMessageByte ) ||... bufferIdx - last_print > Every

Definition at line 240 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Parse log file

Definition at line 107 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Initial value:
= LogConvert(varargin)
% Convert log files into matlab structures
% If called with no arguements this function will present a
% file chooser. If called with a string arguement it will
% process that file name.
% To process Overo files call with
% LogConvert(path_to_file, true)
% Tau Labs (C) 2012-2013
% dRonin (C) 2016
%% Define indices and arrays of structures to hold data
% dRonin git branch:
uavoImporterHash= '${TAG_OR_BRANCH}:${HASH8}${DIRTY} ${DATETIME}'
DataFields data
end a
Definition: OPPlots.m:98
Parse log file

Definition at line 1 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Read first line gitLogfileHash = fgetl(fid)

Definition at line 84 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

h =floor(estTimeRemaining/3600)

Definition at line 256 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

headerOut =sprintf('%s,',fieldNames{:})

Definition at line 309 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

for i =1:length([str2 str3 str4 str5])

Definition at line 246 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

idx =1

Definition at line 359 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

inFinish =inFinish'

Definition at line 350 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

else instanceIdOffset = -2

Definition at line 115 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Trim off last

Definition at line 310 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

last_print = -1e10

Definition at line 110 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

lastTimestamp = 0

Definition at line 123 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

lastWrongMessageByte =0

Definition at line 26 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

while bufferIdx< (buffer_len-20)%%Read message header%get sync field(0x3C, 1 byte) if~overo sync=buffer(bufferIdx+12) else sync=buffer(bufferIdx) end if sync~=correctSyncByte bufferIdx=bufferIdx+1 if~overo||sync~=255 wrongSyncByte=wrongSyncByte+1 end continue end if~overo%For GCS logging the format is as follows%4 bytes timestamp(milliseconds)%8 bytes data size%UAVTalk packet(always without timestamped packets)%Sync val(0x3c)%Message type(1 byte)%Length(2 bytes)%Object ID(4 bytes)%Instance ID(optional, 2 bytes)%Data(variable length)%Checksum(1 byte)%Process header, if we are aligned datasizeBufferIdx=bufferIdx%Just grab the index.We'll do a typecast later, if necessary datasizeLength=4 msgType=buffer(bufferIdx+13)%get msg type(quint8 1 byte) should be 0x20, ignore the rest?objID=typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+16:bufferIdx+16+4-1), 'uint32')%get obj id(quint32 4 bytes) timestamp=double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx:bufferIdx+4-1),'uint32'))%Advance buffer past header to where data is(or instance ID) bufferIdx=bufferIdx+20 else%For Overo logging the format is%UAVTalk packet(with timestamped packet)%Sync val(0x3c)%Message type(1 byte, adds 0x80)%Length(2 bytes)%Object ID(4 bytes)%Instance ID(optional, 2 bytes)%Timestamp(2 bytes)%Data(variable length)%Checksum(1 byte)%Process header for overo datasizeBufferIdx=bufferIdx+2 datasizeLength=2 msgType=buffer(bufferIdx+1)-128 objID=typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+4:bufferIdx+4+4-1), 'uint32') singleInstance=multipleInstanceLookup(multipleInstanceLookup(:, 1)==objID, 2) if singleInstance timestamp=double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+8:bufferIdx+10-1),'uint16')) else timestamp=double(typecast(buffer(bufferIdx+12:bufferIdx+14-1),'uint16')) end%Advance buffer past header to where data is.In the case of a%multiple instance object this will be where the timstamp is but%the parsing code will advance by two more.bufferIdx=bufferIdx+10 end if timestamp< lastTimestamp timestampAccumulator=timestampAccumulator+timestampWraparound end lastTimestamp=timestamp timestamp=timestamp+timestampAccumulator%Check that message type is correct if msgType~=correctMsgByte wrongMessageByte=wrongMessageByte+1 continue end if(isempty(objID))%End of file break end%%Read object try switch objID $(SWITCHCODE) otherwise unknownObjIDListIdx=find(unknownObjIDList(:, 1)==objID, 1, 'first') if isempty(unknownObjIDListIdx) unknownObjIDList=[unknownObjIDList uint32(objID) 1]%#ok< AGROW > else unknownObjIDList(unknownObjIDListIdx, 2)=unknownObjIDList(unknownObjIDListIdx, 2)+1 end datasize=typecast(buffer(datasizeBufferIdx+4:datasizeBufferIdx+12-1), 'uint64') msgBytesLeft=datasize-1-1-2-4 if msgBytesLeft > 255 msgBytesLeft=0 end bufferIdx=bufferIdx+double(msgBytesLeft) end catch%One of the reads failed-indicates EOF break end if(wrongSyncByte~=lastWrongSyncByte||wrongMessageByte~=lastWrongMessageByte)||...bufferIdx-last_print > bytes show the status update lastWrongSyncByte =0

Definition at line 25 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

logfile =fullfile(PathName, FileName)

Definition at line 60 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

m =floor((estTimeRemaining-h*3600)/60)

Definition at line 257 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Prune mat[path, name] =fileparts(logfile)

Definition at line 292 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

matfile = fullfile(path,[name '.mat'])

Definition at line 293 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

matOut =zeros(max(size(structIn.(fieldNames{1}))), length(fieldNames))

Definition at line 313 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

multipleInstanceLookup = zeros(0,2)

Definition at line 32 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

if nargin
Initial value:
if (exist('uigetfile')) %#ok<EXIST>
[FileName, PathName]=uigetfile({'*.drlog;*.tll','dRonin Log Files (*.drlog, *.tll)'})

Definition at line 56 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end Check if at end of file If not

Definition at line 267 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

numElements =sum(diffIn)+length(inStart)

Definition at line 355 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Initial value:
=mcolon(inStart, inFinish)
%% This function was inspired by Bruno Luong's 'mcolon'. The name is kept the same as his 'mcolon'
% function
'Inputs must be vectors, i.e just one column wide.' inStart()

Definition at line 339 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

outputType ='mat'

Definition at line 21 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

overo = false

Definition at line 33 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Parse log entry by entry prebuf = buffer(1:12)

Definition at line 108 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end function found on Matlab s file exchange The two functions return identical results

Definition at line 339 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

s =ceil(estTimeRemaining-h*3600-m*60)

Definition at line 258 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

startTime =clock

Definition at line 112 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

str1 =[]

Definition at line 27 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end str2 =[]

Definition at line 28 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

str3 =[]

Definition at line 29 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

str4 =[]

Definition at line 30 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

str5 =[]

Definition at line 31 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end timestampAccumulator = 0

Definition at line 122 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

timestampWraparound = 2^16

Definition at line 116 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.


Definition at line 19 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

Read second line uavoLogfileHash = fgetl(fid)

Definition at line 85 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

end function found on Matlab s file exchange The two functions return identical although his is much faster Unfortunately

Definition at line 339 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

unknownObjIDList =zeros(1,2)

Definition at line 105 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

wrongMessageByte =0

Definition at line 24 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.

wrongSyncByte =0

Definition at line 23 of file uavobjecttemplate.m.