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Utility plugin for UAVObject to Widget relation management. More...


class  ConfigTaskWidget
struct  ConfigTaskWidget::shadow
struct  ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget
struct  ConfigTaskWidget::temphelper
struct  ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation
class  Edge
class  MixerNode
class  MixerCurveWidget
class  smartSaveButton
class  UAVObjectWidgetUtilsPlugin


enum  UnitPrefixes {
enum  ConfigTaskWidget::buttonTypeEnum {
  ConfigTaskWidget::none, ConfigTaskWidget::save_button, ConfigTaskWidget::apply_button, ConfigTaskWidget::reload_button,
  ConfigTaskWidget::default_button, ConfigTaskWidget::help_button, ConfigTaskWidget::reboot_button, ConfigTaskWidget::connections_button
enum  ConfigTaskWidget::metadataSetEnum { ConfigTaskWidget::ALL_METADATA, ConfigTaskWidget::SETTINGS_METADATA_ONLY, ConfigTaskWidget::NONSETTINGS_METADATA_ONLY }
enum  { Edge::Type = UserType + 12 }


bool ConfigTaskWidget::temphelper::operator== (const temphelper &lhs)
 ConfigTaskWidget::ConfigTaskWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
virtual ConfigTaskWidget::~ConfigTaskWidget ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::disableMouseWheelEvents ()
bool ConfigTaskWidget::eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *evt)
void ConfigTaskWidget::saveObjectToSD (UAVObject *obj)
UAVObjectManagerConfigTaskWidget::getObjectManager ()
 ConfigTaskWidget::getObjectManager Utility function to get a pointer to the object manager. More...
UAVObjectUtilManagerConfigTaskWidget::getObjectUtilManager ()
 ConfigTaskWidget::getObjectUtilManager Utility function to get a pointer to the object manager utilities. More...
static double ConfigTaskWidget::listMean (QList< double > list)
static double ConfigTaskWidget::listVar (QList< double > list)
void ConfigTaskWidget::addUAVObject (QString objectName, QList< int > *reloadGroups=NULL)
void ConfigTaskWidget::addUAVObject (UAVObject *objectName, QList< int > *reloadGroups=NULL)
void ConfigTaskWidget::addWidget (QWidget *widget)
void ConfigTaskWidget::addUAVObjectToWidgetRelation (QString object, QString field, QWidget *widget, int index=0, double scale=1, bool isLimited=false, bool useUnits=false, QList< int > *defaultReloadGroups=nullptr, quint32 instID=0, bool oneWayBind=false)
 Add an UAVObject field to widget relation to the management system Note: This is the instance called for objrelation dynamic properties. More...
void ConfigTaskWidget::addConnectionsButton (QPushButton *button)
 addConnectionsButton Add connection diagram button More...
void ConfigTaskWidget::addWidgetToDefaultReloadGroups (QWidget *widget, QList< int > *groups)
bool ConfigTaskWidget::addShadowWidget (QString object, QString field, QWidget *widget, int index=0, double scale=1, bool isLimited=false, bool useUnits=false, QList< int > *defaultReloadGroups=NULL, quint32 instID=0)
void ConfigTaskWidget::autoLoadWidgets ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::loadAllLimits ()
bool ConfigTaskWidget::isAutopilotConnected ()
 ConfigTaskWidget::isAutopilotConnected Checks if the autopilot is connected. More...
bool ConfigTaskWidget::isDirty ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::setDirty (bool value)
bool ConfigTaskWidget::allObjectsUpdated ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::setOutOfLimitsStyle (QString style)
void ConfigTaskWidget::addHelpButton (QPushButton *button, QString url)
void ConfigTaskWidget::forceShadowUpdates ()
 ConfigTaskWidget::forceShadowUpdates. More...
void ConfigTaskWidget::forceConnectedState ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::setNotMandatory (QString object)
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::tabSwitchingAway ()
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::enableControls (bool enable)
void ConfigTaskWidget::checkWidgetsLimits (QWidget *widget, UAVObjectField *field, int index, bool hasLimits, bool useUnits, QVariant value, double scale)
virtual QVariant ConfigTaskWidget::getVariantFromWidget (QWidget *widget, double scale, bool usesUnits=false)
virtual bool ConfigTaskWidget::setWidgetFromVariant (QWidget *widget, QVariant value, double scale, QString units="")
virtual QString ConfigTaskWidget::getOptionFromChecked (QWidget *widget, bool checked)
 Determine which enum option based on checkbox. More...
virtual bool ConfigTaskWidget::getCheckedFromOption (QWidget *widget, QString option)
 Determine whether checkbox should be checked. More...
bool ConfigTaskWidget::resetWidgetToDefault (QWidget *widget)
 resetWidgetToDefault Resets the widget to the default value for the associated field More...
void ConfigTaskWidget::setWidgetProperty (QWidget *widget, const char *prop, const QVariant &value)
 setWidgetProperty Sets a dynamic property on a widget and forces a re-evaluation of it's stylesheet Normally the stylesheet isn't re-evaluated when dynamic properties are changed More...
void ConfigTaskWidget::setWidgetEnabled (QWidget *widget, bool enabled=true)
 setWidgetEnabled Enable/disable a widget controlled by a UAVO relation More...
 Edge::Edge (MixerNode *sourceNode, MixerNode *destNode)
 Edge::~Edge ()
MixerNodeEdge::sourceNode () const
void Edge::setSourceNode (MixerNode *node)
MixerNodeEdge::destNode () const
void Edge::setDestNode (MixerNode *node)
void Edge::adjust ()
int Edge::type () const
QRectF Edge::boundingRect () const
void Edge::paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
QVariant MixerNode::itemChange (GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &val)
void MixerNode::mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
void MixerNode::mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 MixerCurveWidget::MixerCurveWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 MixerCurveWidget::~MixerCurveWidget ()
void MixerCurveWidget::itemMoved (double itemValue)
void MixerCurveWidget::initCurve (const QList< double > *points)
QList< double > MixerCurveWidget::getCurve ()
void MixerCurveWidget::initLinearCurve (int numPoints, double maxValue=1, double minValue=0)
void MixerCurveWidget::setCurve (const QList< double > *points)
void MixerCurveWidget::setMin (double value)
double MixerCurveWidget::getMin ()
void MixerCurveWidget::setMax (double value)
double MixerCurveWidget::getMax ()
double MixerCurveWidget::setRange (double min, double max)
void MixerCurveWidget::cmdActivated (MixerNode *node)
void MixerCurveWidget::activateCommand (const QString &name)
bool MixerCurveWidget::isCommandActive (const QString &name)
void MixerCurveWidget::showCommand (const QString &name, bool show)
void MixerCurveWidget::showCommands (bool show)
MixerNodeMixerCurveWidget::getCmdNode (const QString &name)
void MixerCurveWidget::setCommandText (const QString &name, const QString &text)
void MixerCurveWidget::showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
void MixerCurveWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
 smartSaveButton::smartSaveButton ()
void smartSaveButton::addButtons (QPushButton *save, QPushButton *apply)
 smartSaveButton::addButtons Called only by the ConfigTaskWidget when adding the smart save buttons, depending on whether we want Apply, Save, or Apply & Save. More...
void smartSaveButton::setObjects (QList< UAVDataObject * >)
 smartSaveButton::setObjects Sets all monitored objects in one operation More...
void smartSaveButton::addObject (UAVDataObject *)
 smartSaveButton::addObject The smartSaveButton contains a list of objects it will work with, addObject is used to add a new object to a smartSaveButton instance. More...
void smartSaveButton::addObject (UAVDataObject *, bool)
 smartSaveButton::addObject The smartSaveButton contains a list of objects it will work with, addObject is used to add a new object to a smartSaveButton instance. More...
void smartSaveButton::clearObjects ()
void smartSaveButton::removeObject (UAVDataObject *obj)
 smartSaveButton::removeObject The smartSaveButton contains a list of objects it will work with, addObject is used to remove an object from a smartSaveButton instance. More...
void smartSaveButton::removeAllObjects ()
 smartSaveButton::removeAllObjects Remove all tracked objects at once. More...
void smartSaveButton::addApplyButton (QPushButton *apply)
 smartSaveButton::addApplyButton Called only by the ConfigTaskWidget when adding the smart save buttons, depending on whether we want Apply, Save, or Apply & Save. More...
void smartSaveButton::addSaveButton (QPushButton *save)
 smartSaveButton::addSaveButton Called only by the ConfigTaskWidget when adding the smart save buttons, depending on whether we want Apply, Save, or Apply & Save. More...
void smartSaveButton::resetIcons ()
void smartSaveButton::setNotMandatory (UAVDataObject *)


QWidget * ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::widget
double ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::scale
bool ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::isLimited
bool ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::useUnits
QWidget * ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::widget
int ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::index
double ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::scale
bool ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::isLimited
bool ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::useUnits
bool ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::oneWayBind
QList< shadow * > ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::shadowsList
quint32 ConfigTaskWidget::temphelper::objid
quint32 ConfigTaskWidget::temphelper::objinstid
QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::objname
QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::fieldname
QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::element
QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::url
unsigned ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::instanceId
double ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::scale
bool ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::haslimits
bool ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::useUnits
bool ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::oneWayBind
buttonTypeEnum ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::buttonType
QList< int > ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::buttonGroup
static const int MixerCurveWidget::NODE_NUMELEM = 5


void ConfigTaskWidget::widgetContentsChanged (QWidget *widget)
void ConfigTaskWidget::populateWidgetsRequested ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::refreshWidgetsValuesRequested ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::updateObjectsFromWidgetsRequested ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::autoPilotConnected ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::autoPilotDisconnected ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::defaultRequested (int group)
void MixerNode::commandActivated (QString text)
void MixerCurveWidget::curveUpdated ()
void MixerCurveWidget::curveMinChanged (double value)
void MixerCurveWidget::curveMaxChanged (double value)
void MixerCurveWidget::commandActivated (MixerNode *node)
void smartSaveButton::preProcessOperations ()
void smartSaveButton::saveSuccessfull ()
void smartSaveButton::beginOp ()
void smartSaveButton::endOp ()

Public Slots

void ConfigTaskWidget::onAutopilotDisconnect ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::onAutopilotConnect ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::invalidateObjects ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::apply ()
void ConfigTaskWidget::save ()
void smartSaveButton::apply ()
void smartSaveButton::save ()
void smartSaveButton::enableControls (bool value)

Protected Slots

virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::disableObjUpdates ()
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::enableObjUpdates ()
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::clearDirty ()
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::widgetsContentsChanged ()
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::populateWidgets ()
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::refreshWidgetsValues (UAVObject *obj=NULL)
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::updateObjectsFromWidgets ()
virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::helpButtonPressed ()


class MixerCurveWidget::MixerCurve

Detailed Description

Utility plugin for UAVObject to Widget relation management.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 54 of file mixercurveline.h.


Definition at line 90 of file configtaskwidget.h.


Definition at line 100 of file configtaskwidget.h.


Definition at line 1509 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

Function Documentation

void MixerCurveWidget::activateCommand ( const QString &  name)

Definition at line 591 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::addApplyButton ( QPushButton *  apply)

smartSaveButton::addApplyButton Called only by the ConfigTaskWidget when adding the smart save buttons, depending on whether we want Apply, Save, or Apply & Save.


Definition at line 61 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::addButtons ( QPushButton *  save,
QPushButton *  apply 

smartSaveButton::addButtons Called only by the ConfigTaskWidget when adding the smart save buttons, depending on whether we want Apply, Save, or Apply & Save.


Definition at line 47 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::addConnectionsButton ( QPushButton *  button)

addConnectionsButton Add connection diagram button

buttonWidget to connect

Definition at line 914 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::addHelpButton ( QPushButton *  button,
QString  url 

Adds a new help button

buttonpointer to the help button
urlurl to open in the browser when the help button is pressed

Definition at line 613 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::addObject ( UAVDataObject obj)

smartSaveButton::addObject The smartSaveButton contains a list of objects it will work with, addObject is used to add a new object to a smartSaveButton instance.


Definition at line 277 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::addObject ( UAVDataObject obj,
bool  isMandatory 

smartSaveButton::addObject The smartSaveButton contains a list of objects it will work with, addObject is used to add a new object to a smartSaveButton instance.

objobject to add to the framework
isMandatoryif object is not mandatory the save or upload result will show as successfull even if the object doesn't exist on the hardware

Definition at line 292 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::addSaveButton ( QPushButton *  save)

smartSaveButton::addSaveButton Called only by the ConfigTaskWidget when adding the smart save buttons, depending on whether we want Apply, Save, or Apply & Save.


Definition at line 73 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::addShadowWidget ( QString  object,
QString  field,
QWidget *  widget,
int  index = 0,
double  scale = 1,
bool  isLimited = false,
bool  useUnits = false,
QList< int > *  defaultReloadGroups = NULL,
quint32  instID = 0 

Adds a new shadow widget shadow widgets are widgets whitch have a relation to an object already present on the framework pool i.e. already added trough addUAVObjectToWidgetRelation This function doesn't have to be used directly, addUAVObjectToWidgetRelation will call it if a previous relation exhists.

returns false if the shadow widget relation failed to be added (no previous relation exhisted)
This is n^2 with number of widgets

Definition at line 652 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::addUAVObject ( QString  objectName,
QList< int > *  reloadGroups = NULL 

Add an object to the management system

objectNamename of the object to add to the management system

Definition at line 87 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::addUAVObject ( UAVObject objectName,
QList< int > *  reloadGroups = NULL 

Definition at line 92 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::addUAVObjectToWidgetRelation ( QString  object,
QString  field,
QWidget *  widget,
int  index = 0,
double  scale = 1,
bool  isLimited = false,
bool  useUnits = false,
QList< int > *  defaultReloadGroups = nullptr,
quint32  instID = 0,
bool  oneWayBind = false 

Add an UAVObject field to widget relation to the management system Note: This is the instance called for objrelation dynamic properties.

objectname of the object to add
fieldname of the field to add
widgetpointer to the widget which will display/define the field value
indexindex of the element of the field to add to this relation
scalescale value of this relation
isLimitedbool to signal if this widget contents is limited in value
useUnitsbool to signal if units from the UAVO should be added to the widget, NOTE: if scaling is applied an attempt will be made to fix units, or they will be dropped
defaultReloadGroupsdefault and reload groups this relation belongs to
instIDinstance ID of the object used on this relation
oneWayBindIs the data binding one-way i.e. widget values are not written to object

Definition at line 142 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::addWidget ( QWidget *  widget)

Add a widget to the dirty detection pool

widgetto add to the detection pool

Definition at line 79 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::addWidgetToDefaultReloadGroups ( QWidget *  widget,
QList< int > *  groups 

Adds a widget to a list of default/reload groups default/reload groups are groups of widgets to be set with default or reloaded (values from persistent memory) when a defined button is pressed

widgetpointer to the widget to be added to the groups
groupslist of the groups on which to add the widget

Definition at line 858 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void Edge::adjust ( )

Definition at line 72 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::allObjectsUpdated ( )

Checks if all objects added to the pool have already been updated

true if all objects added to the pool have already been updated

Definition at line 600 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::autoLoadWidgets ( )

Auto loads widgets based on the Dynamic property named "objrelation" Check the wiki for more information

Definition at line 716 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

QRectF Edge::boundingRect ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::checkWidgetsLimits ( QWidget *  widget,
UAVObjectField field,
int  index,
bool  hasLimits,
bool  useUnits,
QVariant  value,
double  scale 

Definition at line 1326 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::clearObjects ( )

Definition at line 322 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::cmdActivated ( MixerNode node)

Definition at line 632 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

ConfigTaskWidget::ConfigTaskWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)


Definition at line 50 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

MixerNode * Edge::destNode ( ) const

Definition at line 61 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::disableMouseWheelEvents ( )

Definition at line 1444 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

Edge::Edge ( MixerNode sourceNode,
MixerNode destNode 

Definition at line 35 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::enableControls ( bool  enable)

SLOT function used the enable or disable the SAVE, UPLOAD and RELOAD buttons

enableset to true to enable the buttons or false to disable them
fieldname of the field to add

Reimplemented in ConfigInputWidget, ConfigOutputWidget, ConfigModuleWidget, ConfigOsdWidget, and ConfigRadioWidget.

Definition at line 449 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::eventFilter ( QObject *  obj,
QEvent *  evt 

Definition at line 1464 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::forceConnectedState ( )

Definition at line 322 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::forceShadowUpdates ( )
bool ConfigTaskWidget::getCheckedFromOption ( QWidget *  widget,
QString  option 

Determine whether checkbox should be checked.

widgetTarget widget
optionEnum option as string

Definition at line 1500 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

MixerNode * MixerCurveWidget::getCmdNode ( const QString &  name)

Definition at line 570 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

QList< double > MixerCurveWidget::getCurve ( )

Returns the current curve settings

Definition at line 393 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

double MixerCurveWidget::getMax ( )

Definition at line 559 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

double MixerCurveWidget::getMin ( )

Definition at line 555 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

UAVObjectManager * ConfigTaskWidget::getObjectManager ( )

ConfigTaskWidget::getObjectManager Utility function to get a pointer to the object manager.

pointer to the UAVObjectManager

Definition at line 255 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

UAVObjectUtilManager * ConfigTaskWidget::getObjectUtilManager ( )

ConfigTaskWidget::getObjectUtilManager Utility function to get a pointer to the object manager utilities.

pointer to the UAVObjectUtilManager

Definition at line 268 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

QString ConfigTaskWidget::getOptionFromChecked ( QWidget *  widget,
bool  checked 

Determine which enum option based on checkbox.

widgetTarget widget
checkedChecked status of widget
Enum option as string

Definition at line 1482 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

QVariant ConfigTaskWidget::getVariantFromWidget ( QWidget *  widget,
double  scale,
bool  usesUnits = false 

Gets a variant from a widget

widgetpointer to the widget from where to get the value
scalescale to be used on the assignement
returns the value of the widget times the scale

Definition at line 1194 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::initCurve ( const QList< double > *  points)

Init curve: create a (flat) curve with a specified number of points.

If a curve exists already, resets it. Points should be between 0 and 1.

Definition at line 346 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::initLinearCurve ( int  numPoints,
double  maxValue = 1,
double  minValue = 0 

Sets a linear graph

Definition at line 407 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::isAutopilotConnected ( )

ConfigTaskWidget::isAutopilotConnected Checks if the autopilot is connected.

true if an autopilot is connected

Definition at line 559 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

bool MixerCurveWidget::isCommandActive ( const QString &  name)

Definition at line 622 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::isDirty ( )

Checks if the form is dirty (unsaved changes)

true if the form has unsaved changes

Definition at line 551 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

QVariant MixerNode::itemChange ( GraphicsItemChange  change,
const QVariant &  val 

Definition at line 147 of file mixercurvepoint.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::itemMoved ( double  itemValue)

Definition at line 530 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

double ConfigTaskWidget::listMean ( QList< double >  list)

Utility function which calculates the Mean value of a list of values

listlist of double values
Mean value of the list of parameter values

Definition at line 281 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

double ConfigTaskWidget::listVar ( QList< double >  list)

Utility function which calculates the Variance value of a list of values

listlist of double values
Variance of the list of parameter values

Definition at line 294 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::loadAllLimits ( )

Definition at line 344 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

MixerCurveWidget::MixerCurveWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 39 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void MixerNode::mousePressEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Definition at line 186 of file mixercurvepoint.cpp.

void MixerNode::mouseReleaseEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Definition at line 196 of file mixercurvepoint.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::temphelper::operator== ( const temphelper lhs)

Definition at line 84 of file configtaskwidget.h.

void Edge::paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *  option,
QWidget *  widget 

Definition at line 105 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::removeAllObjects ( )

smartSaveButton::removeAllObjects Remove all tracked objects at once.

Definition at line 317 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::removeObject ( UAVDataObject obj)

smartSaveButton::removeObject The smartSaveButton contains a list of objects it will work with, addObject is used to remove an object from a smartSaveButton instance.


Definition at line 307 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::resetIcons ( )

Definition at line 352 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::resetWidgetToDefault ( QWidget *  widget)

resetWidgetToDefault Resets the widget to the default value for the associated field

[in]widgetWidget to reset
true on success

Definition at line 1585 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 468 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::saveObjectToSD ( UAVObject obj)

Definition at line 242 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::setCommandText ( const QString &  name,
const QString &  text 

Definition at line 581 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::setCurve ( const QList< double > *  points)

Setd the current curve settings

Definition at line 421 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void Edge::setDestNode ( MixerNode node)

Definition at line 66 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::setDirty ( bool  value)

Sets the form's dirty status flag


Definition at line 543 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::setMax ( double  value)

Definition at line 547 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::setMin ( double  value)

Definition at line 539 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::setNotMandatory ( UAVDataObject obj)

Set a UAVObject as not mandatory, meaning that if it doesn't exist on the hardware a failed upload or save will be marked as successfull

Definition at line 364 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::setNotMandatory ( QString  object)

Set a UAVObject as not mandatory, meaning that if it doesn't exist on the hardware a failed upload or save will be marked as successfull

Definition at line 212 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::setObjects ( QList< UAVDataObject * >  list)

smartSaveButton::setObjects Sets all monitored objects in one operation


Definition at line 266 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::setOutOfLimitsStyle ( QString  style)

Definition at line 176 of file configtaskwidget.h.

double MixerCurveWidget::setRange ( double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 563 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void Edge::setSourceNode ( MixerNode node)

Definition at line 55 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::setWidgetEnabled ( QWidget *  widget,
bool  enabled = true 

setWidgetEnabled Enable/disable a widget controlled by a UAVO relation

[in]enableif true, disable if false (subject to UAVO relation)

Definition at line 1602 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::setWidgetFromVariant ( QWidget *  widget,
QVariant  value,
double  scale,
QString  units = "" 

Sets a widget from a variant

widgetpointer for the widget to set
scalescale to be used on the assignement
valuevalue to be used on the assignement
returns true if the assignement was successfull

Definition at line 1231 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::setWidgetProperty ( QWidget *  widget,
const char *  prop,
const QVariant &  value 

setWidgetProperty Sets a dynamic property on a widget and forces a re-evaluation of it's stylesheet Normally the stylesheet isn't re-evaluated when dynamic properties are changed

[in]propName of property
[in]valueValue of property

Definition at line 1595 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::showCommand ( const QString &  name,
bool  show 

Definition at line 600 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::showCommands ( bool  show)

Definition at line 610 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

void MixerCurveWidget::showEvent ( QShowEvent *  event)

Definition at line 456 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

smartSaveButton::smartSaveButton ( )

Definition at line 36 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

MixerNode * Edge::sourceNode ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

virtual void ConfigTaskWidget::tabSwitchingAway ( )

Definition at line 183 of file configtaskwidget.h.

int Edge::type ( ) const

Definition at line 55 of file mixercurveline.h.

ConfigTaskWidget::~ConfigTaskWidget ( )


Definition at line 224 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

Edge::~Edge ( )

Definition at line 46 of file mixercurveline.cpp.

MixerCurveWidget::~MixerCurveWidget ( )

Definition at line 263 of file mixercurvewidget.cpp.

Variable Documentation

QList<int> ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::buttonGroup

Definition at line 114 of file configtaskwidget.h.

buttonTypeEnum ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::buttonType

Definition at line 113 of file configtaskwidget.h.

QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::element

Definition at line 106 of file configtaskwidget.h.

UAVObjectField* ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::field

Definition at line 70 of file configtaskwidget.h.

QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::fieldname

Definition at line 105 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::haslimits

Definition at line 110 of file configtaskwidget.h.

int ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::index

Definition at line 72 of file configtaskwidget.h.

unsigned ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::instanceId

Definition at line 108 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::isLimited

Definition at line 64 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::isLimited

Definition at line 74 of file configtaskwidget.h.

const int MixerCurveWidget::NODE_NUMELEM = 5

Definition at line 71 of file mixercurvewidget.h.

UAVObject* ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::object

Definition at line 69 of file configtaskwidget.h.

quint32 ConfigTaskWidget::temphelper::objid

Definition at line 82 of file configtaskwidget.h.

quint32 ConfigTaskWidget::temphelper::objinstid

Definition at line 83 of file configtaskwidget.h.

QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::objname

Definition at line 104 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::oneWayBind

Definition at line 76 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::oneWayBind

Definition at line 112 of file configtaskwidget.h.

double ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::scale

Definition at line 63 of file configtaskwidget.h.

double ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::scale

Definition at line 73 of file configtaskwidget.h.

double ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::scale

Definition at line 109 of file configtaskwidget.h.

QList<shadow *> ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::shadowsList

Definition at line 77 of file configtaskwidget.h.

QString ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::url

Definition at line 107 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::useUnits

Definition at line 65 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::useUnits

Definition at line 75 of file configtaskwidget.h.

bool ConfigTaskWidget::uiRelationAutomation::useUnits

Definition at line 111 of file configtaskwidget.h.

UAVObjectUtilManager* ConfigTaskWidget::utilMngr

Definition at line 332 of file configtaskwidget.h.

QWidget* ConfigTaskWidget::shadow::widget

Definition at line 62 of file configtaskwidget.h.

QWidget* ConfigTaskWidget::objectToWidget::widget

Definition at line 71 of file configtaskwidget.h.


void ConfigTaskWidget::autoPilotConnected ( )
void ConfigTaskWidget::autoPilotDisconnected ( )
void smartSaveButton::beginOp ( )
void MixerCurveWidget::commandActivated ( MixerNode node)
void MixerNode::commandActivated ( QString  text)
void MixerCurveWidget::curveMaxChanged ( double  value)
void MixerCurveWidget::curveMinChanged ( double  value)
void MixerCurveWidget::curveUpdated ( )
void ConfigTaskWidget::defaultRequested ( int  group)
void smartSaveButton::endOp ( )
void ConfigTaskWidget::populateWidgetsRequested ( )
void smartSaveButton::preProcessOperations ( )
void ConfigTaskWidget::refreshWidgetsValuesRequested ( )
void smartSaveButton::saveSuccessfull ( )
void ConfigTaskWidget::updateObjectsFromWidgetsRequested ( )
void ConfigTaskWidget::widgetContentsChanged ( QWidget *  widget)

Public Slots

void smartSaveButton::apply ( )

Definition at line 369 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::apply ( )

SLOT call this to apply changes to uav objects

Definition at line 630 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::enableControls ( bool  value)

Definition at line 346 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::invalidateObjects ( )

Invalidates all the uav objects "is updated" flag

Definition at line 621 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::onAutopilotConnect ( )

Definition at line 329 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::onAutopilotDisconnect ( )

Definition at line 314 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void smartSaveButton::save ( )

Definition at line 374 of file smartsavebutton.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::save ( )

SLOT call this to save changes to uav objects

Definition at line 638 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

Protected Slots

void ConfigTaskWidget::clearDirty ( )

SLOT function used clear the forms dirty status flag

Definition at line 535 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::disableObjUpdates ( )

SLOT function used to disable widget contents changes when related object field changes

Definition at line 567 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::enableObjUpdates ( )

SLOT function used to enable widget contents changes when related object field changes

Definition at line 579 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::helpButtonPressed ( )

SLOT function used handle help button presses Overwrite this if you need to change the default behavior

Definition at line 403 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::populateWidgets ( )

SLOT Function used to populate the widgets with the initial values Overwrite this if you need to change the default behavior

Definition at line 355 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::refreshWidgetsValues ( UAVObject obj = NULL)

SLOT function used to refresh the widgets contents of the widgets with relation to object field added to the framework pool Overwrite this if you need to change the default behavior

Definition at line 371 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::updateObjectsFromWidgets ( )

SLOT function used to update the uavobject fields from widgets with relation to object field added to the framework pool Overwrite this if you need to change the default behavior

Definition at line 391 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.

void ConfigTaskWidget::widgetsContentsChanged ( )

SLOT function called when one of the widgets contents added to the framework changes

Definition at line 480 of file configtaskwidget.cpp.


friend class MixerCurve

Definition at line 50 of file mixercurvewidget.h.