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OPPlots.m File Reference

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function OPPlots ()[FileName
 load (matfile)
 load ('specificfilename') TimeVA
 figure (1)
 plot (TimeVA, VA(1,:), TimeVA, VA(2,:), TimeGPSPos, Vgps(1,:), TimeGPSPos, Vgps(2,:))
 legend (s1, s2, s3, s4)
 xlabel ('Time(sec)')
 ylabel ('Velocity(m/s)')
 figure (2)
 plot (TimePA, PA(1,:), TimePA, PA(2,:), TimeGPSPos, GPSPos(1,:), TimeGPSPos, GPSPos(2,:))
 ylabel ('Position(m)')
 figure (3)
 plot3 (PA(2,:), PA(1,:), PA(3,:), GPSPos(2,:), GPSPos(1,:), GPSPos(3,:))
 legend (s1, s2)
 xlabel ('East(m)')
 ylabel ('North(m)')
 zlabel ('Up(m)')
 LLA (2)
 while (((delta > ACCURACY)||(delta< -ACCURACY))&&(iter< MAX_ITER)) delta
end LLA (1)
 LLA (3)
prime vertical radius of curvature ECEF (1, i)
 ECEF (2, i)
 ECEF (3, i)
 Rne (1, 1)
 Rne (1, 2)
 Rne (1, 3)
 Rne (2, 1)
 Rne (2, 2)
 Rne (2, 3)=0
 Rne (3, 1)
 Rne (3, 2)
 Rne (3, 3)


function PathName
function FilterIndex = uigetfile('*.mat')
 matfile = strcat(PathName,FileName)
 TimeGPSPos = [GPSPosition.timestamp]/1000
 s1 ='Velocity Actual North'
 s2 ='Velocity Actual East'
 s3 ='GPS Velocity North'
 s4 ='GPS Velocity East'
 TimePA = [PositionActual.timestamp]/1000
 LLA =[[GPSPosition.Latitude]*1e-7
 BaseECEF = LLA2ECEF([HomeLocation.Latitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Longitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Altitude]')
 Rne = RneFromLLA([HomeLocation.Latitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Longitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Altitude]')
 GPSPos =LLA2Base(LLA,BaseECEF,Rne)
axis equal end function NED
 diff = ECEF - repmat(BaseECEF,1,n)
end a = 6378137.0
 e = 8.1819190842622e-2
 x = ECEF(1)
 y = ECEF(2)
 z = ECEF(3)
 ACCURACY = 1.0e-11
 RAD2DEG =180/pi
 Lat = DEG2RAD * LLA(1)
 esLat = e * sin(Lat)
 N = a / sqrt(1 - esLat * esLat)
 NplusH = N+Alt
 delta = 1
 iter = 0
Eccentricity n = size(LLA,2)
for i
 sinLon = sin(pi*LLA(2,i)/180)
 cosLat = cos(pi*LLA(1,i)/180)
 cosLon = cos(pi*LLA(2,i)/180)
 sinLat = sin(DEG2RAD * LLA(1))

Function Documentation

prime vertical radius of curvature ECEF ( ,
ECEF ( ,
ECEF ( ,
figure ( )
figure ( )
figure ( )
legend ( s1  ,
s2  ,
s3  ,
legend ( s1  ,
LLA ( )
end LLA ( )
LLA ( )
load ( matfile  )
load ( 'specificfilename'  )
function OPPlots ( )
plot ( TimeVA  ,
VA(1,:)  ,
TimeVA  ,
VA(2,:)  ,
TimeGPSPos  ,
Vgps(1,:)  ,
TimeGPSPos  ,
plot ( TimePA  ,
PA(1,:)  ,
TimePA  ,
PA(2,:)  ,
TimeGPSPos  ,
GPSPos(1,:)  ,
TimeGPSPos  ,
plot3 ( PA(2,:)  ,
PA(1,:)  ,
PA(3,:)  ,
GPSPos(2,:)  ,
GPSPos(1,:)  ,
Rne ( ,
Rne ( ,
Rne ( ,
Rne ( ,
Rne ( ,
Rne ( ,
pure virtual
Rne ( ,
Rne ( ,
Rne ( ,
while ( ((delta > ACCURACY)||(delta< -ACCURACY))&&(iter< MAX_ITER )
xlabel ( 'Time(sec)'  )
xlabel ( 'East(m)'  )
ylabel ( 'Velocity(m/s)'  )
ylabel ( 'Position(m)'  )
ylabel ( 'North(m)'  )
zlabel ( 'Up(m)'  )

Variable Documentation

end a = 6378137.0

Definition at line 98 of file OPPlots.m.

ACCURACY = 1.0e-11

Definition at line 105 of file OPPlots.m.

BaseECEF = LLA2ECEF([HomeLocation.Latitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Longitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Altitude]')

Definition at line 37 of file OPPlots.m.

cosLat = cos(pi*LLA(1,i)/180)

Definition at line 143 of file OPPlots.m.

cosLon = cos(pi*LLA(2,i)/180)

Definition at line 144 of file OPPlots.m.


Definition at line 107 of file OPPlots.m.

delta = 1

Definition at line 114 of file OPPlots.m.

diff = ECEF - repmat(BaseECEF,1,n)

Definition at line 68 of file OPPlots.m.

Equatorial Radius e = 8.1819190842622e-2

Definition at line 99 of file OPPlots.m.

end function ECEF = LLA2ECEF(LLA)

Definition at line 66 of file OPPlots.m.

esLat = e * sin(Lat)

Definition at line 111 of file OPPlots.m.

function FilterIndex = uigetfile('*.mat')

Definition at line 2 of file OPPlots.m.

GPSPos =LLA2Base(LLA,BaseECEF,Rne)

Definition at line 39 of file OPPlots.m.

for i
Initial value:
sinLat = sin(pi*LLA(1,i)/180)
for i
Definition: OPPlots.m:140
Eccentricity n
Definition: OPPlots.m:137
Definition: OPPlots.m:159
Definition: OPPlots.m:34

Definition at line 140 of file OPPlots.m.

iter = 0

Definition at line 115 of file OPPlots.m.

Lat = DEG2RAD * LLA(1)

Definition at line 110 of file OPPlots.m.

end function LLA =[[GPSPosition.Latitude]*1e-7

Definition at line 34 of file OPPlots.m.

matfile = strcat(PathName,FileName)

Definition at line 3 of file OPPlots.m.


Definition at line 104 of file OPPlots.m.

N = a / sqrt(1 - esLat * esLat)

Definition at line 112 of file OPPlots.m.

Eccentricity n = size(LLA,2)

Definition at line 137 of file OPPlots.m.

Initial value:
= LLA2Base(LLA,BaseECEF,Rne)
n = size(LLA,2)
Definition: OPPlots.m:37
Definition: OPPlots.m:38
Eccentricity n
Definition: OPPlots.m:137
Definition: OPPlots.m:34

Definition at line 63 of file OPPlots.m.

NplusH = N+Alt

Definition at line 113 of file OPPlots.m.

Initial value:
= [[PositionActual.North]

Definition at line 29 of file OPPlots.m.

function PathName

Definition at line 2 of file OPPlots.m.

RAD2DEG =180/pi

Definition at line 106 of file OPPlots.m.

end end function Rne = RneFromLLA([HomeLocation.Latitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Longitude*1e-7, HomeLocation.Altitude]')

Definition at line 38 of file OPPlots.m.

s1 ='Velocity Actual North'

Definition at line 19 of file OPPlots.m.

s2 ='Velocity Actual East'

Definition at line 20 of file OPPlots.m.

s3 ='GPS Velocity North'

Definition at line 21 of file OPPlots.m.

s4 ='GPS Velocity East'

Definition at line 22 of file OPPlots.m.

sinLat = sin(DEG2RAD * LLA(1))

Definition at line 159 of file OPPlots.m.

sinLon = sin(pi*LLA(2,i)/180)

Definition at line 142 of file OPPlots.m.

TimeGPSPos = [GPSPosition.timestamp]/1000

Definition at line 13 of file OPPlots.m.

TimePA = [PositionActual.timestamp]/1000

Definition at line 28 of file OPPlots.m.

Initial value:
= [[VelocityActual.North]

Definition at line 9 of file OPPlots.m.

Initial value:

Definition at line 14 of file OPPlots.m.

x = ECEF(1)

Definition at line 100 of file OPPlots.m.

y = ECEF(2)

Definition at line 101 of file OPPlots.m.

z = ECEF(3)

Definition at line 102 of file OPPlots.m.