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GCS Plugins


 QML Viewer Plugin
 Svg QtQuick image provider.
 Viewer Plugin
 Svg QtQuick image provider.
 AeroQuad boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support AeroQuad boards.
 BrainFPV boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support boards by BrainFPV LLC.
 Brotronics boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support Brotronics boards.
 dRonin board support plugin
 Supports dRonin board configuration.
 DTF boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support DTF boards.
 Matek boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support Matek boards.
 OpenPilot boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support boards by the OP project.
 Quantec boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support boards by Quantec.
 Tau Labs boards support Plugin
 Plugin to support boards by the Tau Labs project.
 Config Plugin
 ccpm configuration panel
 The Config GCS plugin.
 Core Plugin
 The Core GCS plugin.
 Debug Gadget Plugin
 A place holder gadget plugin.
 Dial Plugin
 Plots flight information rotary style dials.
 Empty Gadget Plugin
 A place holder gadget plugin.
 GCSReceiver API.
 GCSControl Gadget Plugin
 A gadget to control the UAV, either from the keyboard or a joystick.
 GPS Gadget Plugin
 A widget which displays the GPS constellation.
 IP Telemetry Plugin
 IP Connection Plugin impliment telemetry over TCP/IP and UDP/IP.
 Linear Dial Plugin
 Impliments a gadget that displays linear gauges.
 ModelView Plugin
 A gadget that displays a 3D representation of the UAV.
 Notification plugin
 A plugin to provide notifications of events in GCS.
 Planner Pluggin
 Abstact algorithm that can be run on a path.
 Path Planner Gadget Plugin
 A gadget to edit a list of waypoints.
 Map Plugin
 Delegate between the flight data model and the views (provides a QComboBox)
 Raw HID Plugin
 Impliments a HID USB connection to the flight hardware as a QIODevice.
 Scope Gadget Plugin
 The scope Gadget, graphically plots the states of UAVObjects.
 UAVObjects Plugin
 The UAVUObjects GCS plugin.
 Serial Connection Plugin
 Impliments serial connection to the flight hardware for Telemetry.
 Setup Wizard
 A Wizard to make the initial setup easy for everyone.
 Alarms Messaging Plugin
 Map fields from the SystemAlarms object to the global messaging system.
 System Health Plugin
 The System Health gadget plugin.
 TelemetryScheduler Plugin
 The TelemetryScheduler GCS plugin.
 UAVObject Browser Plugin
 The UAVObject Browser gadget plugin.
 UAVObjectUtil Plugin
 The UAVUObjectUtil GCS plugin.
 UAVSettings Import/Export Plugin
 UAVSettings Import/Export Plugin.
 UAVTalk Plugin
 Provide a higher level of telemetry control on top of UAVTalk including setting up transactions and acknowledging their receipt or timeout.
 Uploader Plugin
 Low level bootloader protocol structures.
 UsageStats Gadget Plugin
 Usage stats collection plugin.
 Welcome Plugin
 The GCS Welcome plugin.

Detailed Description