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QML Viewer Plugin

Svg QtQuick image provider. More...


 The Core namespace contains all classes that make up the Core plugin which constitute the basic functionality of the GCS.


class  homeEditor
class  ModelMapProxy
 The ModelMapProxy class maps from the FlightDataModel to the OPMap and provides synchronization, both when the model changes updating the UI and if it is modified on the UI propagating changes to the model. More...
class  opmap_statusbar_widget
class  opmap_zoom_slider_widget
class  OPMapGadget
class  OPMapGadgetConfiguration
class  OPMapGadgetFactory
class  OPMapGadgetOptionsPage
struct  t_home
class  OPMapGadgetWidget
class  OPMapPlugin
class  ModelUavoProxy
class  QmlViewGadget
class  QmlViewGadgetConfiguration
class  QmlViewGadgetFactory
class  QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage
class  QmlViewGadgetWidget
class  QmlViewPlugin


typedef struct t_home t_home


enum  opMapModeType { Normal_MapMode = 0, MagicWaypoint_MapMode = 1 }


 homeEditor::homeEditor (HomeItem *home, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 homeEditor::~homeEditor ()
 ModelMapProxy::ModelMapProxy (QObject *parent, TLMapWidget *map, FlightDataModel *model, QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
WayPointItem * ModelMapProxy::findWayPointNumber (int number)
 Get the handle to a waypoint graphical item. More...
void ModelMapProxy::createWayPoint (internals::PointLatLng coord)
 When a waypoint is created graphically, insert into the end of the model. More...
void ModelMapProxy::deleteWayPoint (int number)
 When a waypoint is deleted graphically, delete from the model. More...
void ModelMapProxy::deleteAll ()
 When all the waypoints are deleted graphically, update the model. More...
 opmap_statusbar_widget::opmap_statusbar_widget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 opmap_statusbar_widget::~opmap_statusbar_widget ()
 opmap_zoom_slider_widget::opmap_zoom_slider_widget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 opmap_zoom_slider_widget::~opmap_zoom_slider_widget ()
 OPMapGadget::OPMapGadget (QString classId, OPMapGadgetWidget *widget, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 OPMapGadget::~OPMapGadget ()
QWidget * OPMapGadget::widget ()
void OPMapGadget::loadConfiguration (IUAVGadgetConfiguration *m_config)
 OPMapGadgetConfiguration::OPMapGadgetConfiguration (QString classId, QSettings *qSettings=nullptr, QObject *parent=nullptr)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig (QSettings *settings) const
IUAVGadgetConfiguration * OPMapGadgetConfiguration::clone ()
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::geoLanguage () const
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::mapProvider () const
int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::zoom () const
double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::latitude () const
double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::longitude () const
bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::showTileGridLines () const
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::accessMode () const
bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::useMemoryCache () const
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::cacheLocation () const
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::uavSymbol () const
int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::maxUpdateRate () const
qreal OPMapGadgetConfiguration::opacity () const
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig () const
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::getUserImageLocation ()
float OPMapGadgetConfiguration::getUserImageHorizontalScale ()
float OPMapGadgetConfiguration::getUserImageVerticalScale ()
 OPMapGadgetFactory::OPMapGadgetFactory (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 OPMapGadgetFactory::~OPMapGadgetFactory ()
Core::IUAVGadgetOPMapGadgetFactory::createGadget (QWidget *parent)
IUAVGadgetConfiguration * OPMapGadgetFactory::createConfiguration (QSettings *qSettings)
IOptionsPage * OPMapGadgetFactory::createOptionsPage (IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config)
 OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::OPMapGadgetOptionsPage (OPMapGadgetConfiguration *config, QObject *parent=nullptr)
QWidget * OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::createPage (QWidget *parent)
void OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::apply ()
void OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::finish ()
 OPMapGadgetWidget::OPMapGadgetWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 OPMapGadgetWidget::~OPMapGadgetWidget ()
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setHome (QPointF pos)
 public functions More...
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setHome (internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon, double altitude)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::goHome ()
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setZoom (int zoom)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setPosition (QPointF pos)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setMapProvider (QString provider)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setShowTileGridLines (bool showTileGridLines)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setAccessMode (QString accessMode)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUseMemoryCache (bool useMemoryCache)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setCacheLocation (QString cacheLocation)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setMapMode (opMapModeType mode)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::SetUavPic (QString UAVPic)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setMaxUpdateRate (int update_rate)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setHomePosition (QPointF pos)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setOverlayOpacity (qreal value)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUserImageLocation (QString userImageLocation)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUserImageHorizontalScale (double userImageHorizontalScale)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUserImageVerticalScale (double userImageVerticalScale)
bool OPMapGadgetWidget::getGPSPosition (double &latitude, double &longitude, double &altitude)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::setGeoCodingLanguage (QString language)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *)
 ModelUavoProxy::ModelUavoProxy (QObject *parent, FlightDataModel *model)
 Initialize the model uavo proxy. More...
 QmlViewGadget::QmlViewGadget (QString classId, QmlViewGadgetWidget *widget, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 QmlViewGadget::~QmlViewGadget ()
QWidget * QmlViewGadget::widget ()
void QmlViewGadget::loadConfiguration (IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config)
 QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::QmlViewGadgetConfiguration (QString classId, QSettings *qSettings=nullptr, QObject *parent=nullptr)
void QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::setDialFile (QString dialFile)
QString QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::dialFile ()
void QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig (QSettings *settings) const
IUAVGadgetConfiguration * QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::clone ()
 QmlViewGadgetFactory::QmlViewGadgetFactory (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 QmlViewGadgetFactory::~QmlViewGadgetFactory ()
Core::IUAVGadgetQmlViewGadgetFactory::createGadget (QWidget *parent)
IUAVGadgetConfiguration * QmlViewGadgetFactory::createConfiguration (QSettings *qSettings)
IOptionsPage * QmlViewGadgetFactory::createOptionsPage (IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config)
 QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage (QmlViewGadgetConfiguration *config, QObject *parent=nullptr)
QWidget * QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::createPage (QWidget *parent)
void QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::apply ()
void QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::finish ()
 QmlViewGadgetWidget::QmlViewGadgetWidget (QWindow *parent=nullptr)
 QmlViewGadgetWidget::~QmlViewGadgetWidget ()
void QmlViewGadgetWidget::setQmlFile (QString fn)
void QmlViewGadgetWidget::enableSmoothUpdates (bool flag)
void QmlViewGadgetWidget::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
QImage SvgImageProvider::requestImage (const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize)
Q_INVOKABLE QRectF SvgImageProvider::scaledElementBounds (const QString &svgFile, const QString &elementName)


const int safe_area_radius_list [] = { 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 }
const int uav_trail_time_list [] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }
const int uav_trail_distance_list [] = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 }
const int max_update_rate_list [] = { 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 }
internals::PointLatLng t_home::coord
double t_home::altitude
bool t_home::locked


void OPMapGadgetWidget::defaultLocationAndZoomChanged (double lng, double lat, double zoom)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::overlayOpacityChanged (qreal)
void ModelUavoProxy::waypointTransactionSucceeded ()
void ModelUavoProxy::waypointTransactionFailed ()
void ModelUavoProxy::sendPathPlanToUavProgress (int percent)

Public Slots

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setMapProvider (QString provider)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setZoom (int zoom)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setLatitude (double latitude)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setOpacity (qreal value)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setLongitude (double longitude)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setShowTileGridLines (bool showTileGridLines)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setAccessMode (QString accessMode)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUseMemoryCache (bool useMemoryCache)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setCacheLocation (QString cacheLocation)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUavSymbol (QString symbol)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setMaxUpdateRate (int update_rate)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUserImageLocation (QString userImageLocation)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUserImageHorizontalScale (float userImageHorizontalScale)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUserImageVerticalScale (float userImageVerticalScale)
void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setGeoLanguage (QString language)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::homePositionUpdated (UAVObject *)
void OPMapGadgetWidget::onTelemetryConnect ()
void OPMapGadgetWidget::onTelemetryDisconnect ()
void ModelUavoProxy::objectsToModel ()
 Cast from the UAVOs to the internal representation. More...
void ModelUavoProxy::waypointTransactionCompleted (UAVObject *, bool)
 Whenever a waypoint transaction is completed. More...


QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::mapProvider
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::geoLanguage
int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::zoommo
double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::latitude
double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::longitude
bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::showTileGridLines
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::accessMode
bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::useMemoryCache
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::cacheLocation
QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::uavSymbol
int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::maxUpdateRate
qreal OPMapGadgetConfiguration::overlayOpacity

Detailed Description

Svg QtQuick image provider.

The QML Viewer Gadget.

The OpenPilot Map plugin.

Tau Labs map plugin.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct t_home t_home

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 85 of file opmapgadgetwidget.h.

Function Documentation

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::accessMode ( ) const

Definition at line 66 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::apply ( )

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 164 of file opmapgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

void QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::apply ( )

Called when the user presses apply or OK.

Saves the current values

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 70 of file qmlviewgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::cacheLocation ( ) const

Definition at line 68 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

IUAVGadgetConfiguration * QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::clone ( )

Clones a configuration.

Implements Core::IUAVGadgetConfiguration.

Definition at line 50 of file qmlviewgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

IUAVGadgetConfiguration * OPMapGadgetConfiguration::clone ( )

Implements Core::IUAVGadgetConfiguration.

Definition at line 100 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  event)

Definition at line 562 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent *  event)

Definition at line 352 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

IUAVGadgetConfiguration * QmlViewGadgetFactory::createConfiguration ( QSettings *  qSettings)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 48 of file qmlviewgadgetfactory.cpp.

IUAVGadgetConfiguration * OPMapGadgetFactory::createConfiguration ( QSettings *  qSettings)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 49 of file opmapgadgetfactory.cpp.

Core::IUAVGadget * QmlViewGadgetFactory::createGadget ( QWidget *  parent)

Implements Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 42 of file qmlviewgadgetfactory.cpp.

Core::IUAVGadget * OPMapGadgetFactory::createGadget ( QWidget *  parent)

Implements Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 43 of file opmapgadgetfactory.cpp.

IOptionsPage * QmlViewGadgetFactory::createOptionsPage ( IUAVGadgetConfiguration *  config)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 53 of file qmlviewgadgetfactory.cpp.

IOptionsPage * OPMapGadgetFactory::createOptionsPage ( IUAVGadgetConfiguration *  config)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetFactory.

Definition at line 54 of file opmapgadgetfactory.cpp.

QWidget * OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::createPage ( QWidget *  parent)

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 49 of file opmapgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

QWidget * QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::createPage ( QWidget *  parent)

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 45 of file qmlviewgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

void ModelMapProxy::createWayPoint ( internals::PointLatLng  coord)

When a waypoint is created graphically, insert into the end of the model.

ModelMapProxy::createWayPoint When a waypoint is created graphically, insert into the end of the model.

coordThe coordinate the waypoint was created

Definition at line 346 of file modelmapproxy.cpp.

void ModelMapProxy::deleteAll ( )

When all the waypoints are deleted graphically, update the model.

ModelMapProxy::deleteAll When all the waypoints are deleted graphically, update the model.

Definition at line 359 of file modelmapproxy.cpp.

void ModelMapProxy::deleteWayPoint ( int  number)

When a waypoint is deleted graphically, delete from the model.

ModelMapProxy::deleteWayPoint When a waypoint is deleted graphically, delete from the model.

numberThe waypoint which was deleted

Definition at line 336 of file modelmapproxy.cpp.

QString QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::dialFile ( )

Definition at line 45 of file qmlviewgadgetconfiguration.h.

void QmlViewGadgetWidget::enableSmoothUpdates ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 51 of file qmlviewgadgetwidget.h.

WayPointItem * ModelMapProxy::findWayPointNumber ( int  number)

Get the handle to a waypoint graphical item.

ModelMapProxy::findWayPointNumber Return the graphial icon for the requested waypoint.

numberThe waypoint number
The pointer to the graphical item or NULL

Definition at line 220 of file modelmapproxy.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::finish ( )

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 185 of file opmapgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

void QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::finish ( )

Implements Core::IOptionsPage.

Definition at line 75 of file qmlviewgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::geoLanguage ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

bool OPMapGadgetWidget::getGPSPosition ( double &  latitude,
double &  longitude,
double &  altitude 
float OPMapGadgetConfiguration::getUserImageHorizontalScale ( )

Definition at line 75 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::getUserImageLocation ( )

Definition at line 74 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

float OPMapGadgetConfiguration::getUserImageVerticalScale ( )

Definition at line 76 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::goHome ( )

Centers the map over the home position

Definition at line 998 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

homeEditor::homeEditor ( HomeItem *  home,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 30 of file homeeditor.cpp.

double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::latitude ( ) const

Definition at line 63 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadget::loadConfiguration ( IUAVGadgetConfiguration *  m_config)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadget.

Definition at line 60 of file opmapgadget.cpp.

void QmlViewGadget::loadConfiguration ( IUAVGadgetConfiguration *  config)

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadget.

Definition at line 51 of file qmlviewgadget.cpp.

double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::longitude ( ) const

Definition at line 64 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::mapProvider ( ) const

Definition at line 61 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::maxUpdateRate ( ) const

Definition at line 70 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

ModelMapProxy::ModelMapProxy ( QObject *  parent,
TLMapWidget *  map,
FlightDataModel model,
QItemSelectionModel *  selectionModel 

Definition at line 31 of file modelmapproxy.cpp.

ModelUavoProxy::ModelUavoProxy ( QObject *  parent,
FlightDataModel model 

Initialize the model uavo proxy.

Definition at line 38 of file modeluavoproxy.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event)

Definition at line 337 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void QmlViewGadgetWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event)

Definition at line 84 of file qmlviewgadgetwidget.cpp.

qreal OPMapGadgetConfiguration::opacity ( ) const

Definition at line 71 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

opmap_statusbar_widget::opmap_statusbar_widget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 31 of file opmap_statusbar_widget.cpp.

opmap_zoom_slider_widget::opmap_zoom_slider_widget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 32 of file opmap_zoom_slider_widget.cpp.

OPMapGadget::OPMapGadget ( QString  classId,
OPMapGadgetWidget widget,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 30 of file opmapgadget.cpp.

OPMapGadgetConfiguration::OPMapGadgetConfiguration ( QString  classId,
QSettings *  qSettings = nullptr,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 32 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

OPMapGadgetFactory::OPMapGadgetFactory ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 34 of file opmapgadgetfactory.cpp.

OPMapGadgetOptionsPage::OPMapGadgetOptionsPage ( OPMapGadgetConfiguration config,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 43 of file opmapgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

OPMapGadgetWidget::OPMapGadgetWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 91 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

QmlViewGadget::QmlViewGadget ( QString  classId,
QmlViewGadgetWidget widget,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 32 of file qmlviewgadget.cpp.

QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::QmlViewGadgetConfiguration ( QString  classId,
QSettings *  qSettings = nullptr,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Loads a saved configuration or defaults if non exist.

Definition at line 34 of file qmlviewgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

QmlViewGadgetFactory::QmlViewGadgetFactory ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 33 of file qmlviewgadgetfactory.cpp.

QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage::QmlViewGadgetOptionsPage ( QmlViewGadgetConfiguration config,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 37 of file qmlviewgadgetoptionspage.cpp.

QmlViewGadgetWidget::QmlViewGadgetWidget ( QWindow *  parent = nullptr)

Definition at line 42 of file qmlviewgadgetwidget.cpp.

QImage SvgImageProvider::requestImage ( const QString &  id,
QSize *  size,
const QSize &  requestedSize 

Supported id format: fileName[!elementName[?parameters]] where parameters may be: vslice=1:2;hslice=2:4 - use the 3rd horizontal slice of total 4 slices, slice numbering starts from 0 borders=1 - 1 pixel wide transparent border

requestedSize is related to the whole element size, even if slice is requested.


Image { source: "image://svg/pfd.svg!world" }

Definition at line 90 of file svgimageprovider.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Definition at line 332 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig ( QSettings *  qSettings) const

Saves a configuration.

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetConfiguration.

Definition at line 61 of file qmlviewgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig ( QSettings *  settings) const

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetConfiguration.

Definition at line 142 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::saveConfig ( ) const

Reimplemented from Core::IUAVGadgetConfiguration.

Definition at line 122 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.cpp.

QRectF SvgImageProvider::scaledElementBounds ( const QString &  svgFile,
const QString &  element 

Returns the bound of element in logical coordinates, scalled to the default size of svg document (so the bounds of whole doc would be (0,0,1,1) ).

Definition at line 228 of file svgimageprovider.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setAccessMode ( QString  accessMode)

Definition at line 1148 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setCacheLocation ( QString  cacheLocation)

Definition at line 1172 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void QmlViewGadgetConfiguration::setDialFile ( QString  dialFile)

Definition at line 42 of file qmlviewgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setGeoCodingLanguage ( QString  language)

Definition at line 1134 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setHome ( QPointF  pos)

public functions

Setsthe home position on the map widget

Definition at line 930 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setHome ( internals::PointLatLng  pos_lat_lon,
double  altitude 

Sets the home position on the map widget

Definition at line 956 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setHomePosition ( QPointF  pos)

Definition at line 1087 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setMapMode ( opMapModeType  mode)

Definition at line 1192 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setMapProvider ( QString  provider)

Definition at line 1141 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setMaxUpdateRate ( int  update_rate)

Definition at line 1039 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setOverlayOpacity ( qreal  value)

Definition at line 1079 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setPosition ( QPointF  pos)

Definition at line 1111 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void QmlViewGadgetWidget::setQmlFile ( QString  fn)

Definition at line 62 of file qmlviewgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setShowTileGridLines ( bool  showTileGridLines)

Definition at line 1156 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::SetUavPic ( QString  UAVPic)

Definition at line 2245 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUseMemoryCache ( bool  useMemoryCache)

Definition at line 1164 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUserImageHorizontalScale ( double  userImageHorizontalScale)

Definition at line 1249 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUserImageLocation ( QString  userImageLocation)

Definition at line 1245 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setUserImageVerticalScale ( double  userImageVerticalScale)

Definition at line 1253 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::setZoom ( int  zoom)

Definition at line 1062 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::showTileGridLines ( ) const

Definition at line 65 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::uavSymbol ( ) const

Definition at line 69 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::useMemoryCache ( ) const

Definition at line 67 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QWidget* QmlViewGadget::widget ( )

Implements Core::IUAVGadget.

Definition at line 47 of file qmlviewgadget.h.

QWidget* OPMapGadget::widget ( )

Implements Core::IUAVGadget.

Definition at line 49 of file opmapgadget.h.

int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::zoom ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

homeEditor::~homeEditor ( )

Definition at line 47 of file homeeditor.cpp.

opmap_statusbar_widget::~opmap_statusbar_widget ( )

Definition at line 38 of file opmap_statusbar_widget.cpp.

opmap_zoom_slider_widget::~opmap_zoom_slider_widget ( )

Definition at line 39 of file opmap_zoom_slider_widget.cpp.

OPMapGadget::~OPMapGadget ( )

Definition at line 40 of file opmapgadget.cpp.

OPMapGadgetFactory::~OPMapGadgetFactory ( )

Definition at line 39 of file opmapgadgetfactory.cpp.

OPMapGadgetWidget::~OPMapGadgetWidget ( )

Definition at line 312 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

QmlViewGadget::~QmlViewGadget ( )

Definition at line 40 of file qmlviewgadget.cpp.

QmlViewGadgetFactory::~QmlViewGadgetFactory ( )

Definition at line 38 of file qmlviewgadgetfactory.cpp.

QmlViewGadgetWidget::~QmlViewGadgetWidget ( )

Definition at line 58 of file qmlviewgadgetwidget.cpp.

Variable Documentation

double t_home::altitude

Definition at line 79 of file opmapgadgetwidget.h.

internals::PointLatLng t_home::coord

Definition at line 78 of file opmapgadgetwidget.h.

bool t_home::locked

Definition at line 80 of file opmapgadgetwidget.h.

const int max_update_rate_list[] = { 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 }

Definition at line 82 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

const int safe_area_radius_list[] = { 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 }

Definition at line 76 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

const int uav_trail_distance_list[] = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 }

Definition at line 80 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

const int uav_trail_time_list[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }

Definition at line 78 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.


void OPMapGadgetWidget::defaultLocationAndZoomChanged ( double  lng,
double  lat,
double  zoom 
void OPMapGadgetWidget::overlayOpacityChanged ( qreal  )
void ModelUavoProxy::sendPathPlanToUavProgress ( int  percent)
void ModelUavoProxy::waypointTransactionFailed ( )
void ModelUavoProxy::waypointTransactionSucceeded ( )

Public Slots

void OPMapGadgetWidget::homePositionUpdated ( UAVObject hp)

Definition at line 912 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void ModelUavoProxy::objectsToModel ( )

Cast from the UAVOs to the internal representation.

ModelUavoProxy::objectsToModel Take the existing UAV objects and update the GCS model accordingly.

Definition at line 217 of file modeluavoproxy.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::onTelemetryConnect ( )

Definition at line 881 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetWidget::onTelemetryDisconnect ( )

Definition at line 906 of file opmapgadgetwidget.cpp.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setAccessMode ( QString  accessMode)

Definition at line 85 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setCacheLocation ( QString  cacheLocation)

Definition at line 87 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setGeoLanguage ( QString  language)

Definition at line 102 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setLatitude ( double  latitude)

Definition at line 81 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setLongitude ( double  longitude)

Definition at line 83 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setMapProvider ( QString  provider)

Definition at line 79 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setMaxUpdateRate ( int  update_rate)

Definition at line 89 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setOpacity ( qreal  value)

Definition at line 82 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setShowTileGridLines ( bool  showTileGridLines)

Definition at line 84 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUavSymbol ( QString  symbol)

Definition at line 88 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUseMemoryCache ( bool  useMemoryCache)

Definition at line 86 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUserImageHorizontalScale ( float  userImageHorizontalScale)

Definition at line 94 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUserImageLocation ( QString  userImageLocation)

Definition at line 90 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setUserImageVerticalScale ( float  userImageVerticalScale)

Definition at line 98 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void OPMapGadgetConfiguration::setZoom ( int  zoom)

Definition at line 80 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

void ModelUavoProxy::waypointTransactionCompleted ( UAVObject obj,
bool  success 

Whenever a waypoint transaction is completed.

waypointTransactionCompleted Map from the transaction complete to whether it did or not

Definition at line 200 of file modeluavoproxy.cpp.


QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::accessMode

Definition at line 46 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::cacheLocation

Definition at line 48 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::geoLanguage

Definition at line 41 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::latitude

Definition at line 43 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

double OPMapGadgetConfiguration::longitude

Definition at line 44 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::mapProvider

Definition at line 40 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::maxUpdateRate

Definition at line 50 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

qreal OPMapGadgetConfiguration::overlayOpacity

Definition at line 51 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::showTileGridLines

Definition at line 45 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

QString OPMapGadgetConfiguration::uavSymbol

Definition at line 49 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

bool OPMapGadgetConfiguration::useMemoryCache

Definition at line 47 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.

int OPMapGadgetConfiguration::zoommo

Definition at line 42 of file opmapgadgetconfiguration.h.