dRonin  adbada4
dRonin GCS
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Todo List
Member ConfigTaskWidget::addShadowWidget (QString object, QString field, QWidget *widget, int index=0, double scale=1, bool isLimited=false, bool useUnits=false, QList< int > *defaultReloadGroups=NULL, quint32 instID=0)
This is n^2 with number of widgets
Member Core::IBoardType::getBoardPicture ()=0
this API is not stable yet.
Class Core::IBoardType::USBInfo
finalize what we will put there, not everything is relevant.
Member GCSControlGadget::axesValues (QListInt16 values)
need to appropriately plumb
Member NotifyItemDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &index) const
Signal does not exist... this config page needs MAJOR help in general :/
Group RawHIDPlugin




Member Revolution::hasAnnunciator (AnnunciatorType annunc)
would be nice to have a distinct "revision" for this
Member TelemetryMonitorWidget::disconnect ()
Shadows QObject::disconnect!!
Member UAVTalk::processInput ()