- Global __attribute__ ((packed))
- this is extremely poorly specified
- Global __attribute__ ((packed))
- this is extremely poorly specified
- Global addAckPending (telem_t telem, UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t inst_id)
- Consider nicer wakeup mechanism here.
- Global bl_select_dfu_device (struct bl_fsm_context *context, uint8_t device_number)
- Should check if we're in the right state for this
- Global boardInit (void)
- Add your board-specific code, if any.
- Global EventPeriodicCallbackCreate (UAVObjEvent *ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb, uint16_t periodMs)
- would be nice to get context record logic in these
- Global initTask (void)
- consider mixing in HRNG on F4
- Global invoke_loadables ()
test the data seg related things for sanity
alignment requirements
check CRC
- Global invoke_one_loadable (struct loadable_extension *ext)
- check payload CRC.
- Global main (void)
should have a header that defines all of these
should have a header that defines all of these
should define size somewhere else
should have a header that defines all of these
should have a header that defines all of these
- Global main ()
should have a header that defines all of these
should have a header that defines all of these
should define size somewhere else
- Global manualControlTask (void *parameters)
- could consider having a maximum time before we go to safety
- Global MetaBaseObjectPtr (obj)
- All this reckless casting needs to die a horrific death!
- Global msp_process_com (struct msp_parser *parser, struct pios_com_dev *com)
- fix PIOS_COM to take a pointer
- Global msp_send_com (struct msp_parser *parser, struct pios_com_dev *com, enum msp_message_id msg_id, void *payload, uint8_t len)
not assume success
fix PIOS_COM to take a pointer
- Global msp_unpack_analog (void *data, uint8_t len)
- check scaling
- Global mspUavoBridge_Init (void)
- make pios_com use real pointer
- Global PIOS_BOARD_Init_Uavos (void)
- something nicer about this
- Global PIOS_DELAY_GetuS ()
- fixup to be more precise
- Global PIOS_IRQ_Disable (void)
- This is racy
- Global PIOS_Queue_Delete (struct pios_queue *queuep)
- free up the queue buf
- Global PIOS_SENSORS_GetData (enum pios_sensor_type type, void *buf, int ms_to_wait)
- could use elapsed time to properly adjust
- Global PIOS_Servo_SetMode (const uint16_t *out_rate, const int banks, const uint16_t *channel_max, const uint16_t *channel_min)
- attempts to just fall back to bitbanging, which seems not ideal– no benefit to doing DMA if we are bitbanging at the same time.
: come up with a better solution to get pios types into here
: come up with a better solution to get pios types into here
- Global PIOS_Thread_Get_Runtime (struct pios_thread *threadp)
- Global PIOS_Thread_Get_Stack_Usage (struct pios_thread *threadp)
- Global pios_uavo_settings_fs_id
- something nicer about these
- Global randomize_int (uint32_t interval)
- This could improve a lot from constant static value evaluation in the optimizer, so it may belong in the header as inline...
- Global randomize_int32 ()
- Not re-entrant. Need to think how best to handle this once there's more users of this API.
- Global set_baudrate (struct msp_bridge *m)
- teach pios_com to take a real pointer
- Global STD_PANEL (TEMPERATURE, 9,"\xfd%.1f\x8a", 0.0)
- telemetry::environment::temperature
- Global tablet_control_select (bool reset_controller)
- unsafe!
- Global telemetry_set_inhibit (bool inhibit)
- Consider nulling out flighttelemetrystats conn state.
- Global transmitter_control_update ()
- Factor more of the valid-configuration checks up here, so they don't need to be performed each time. Also do additonal validation .. e.g. a mostly-negative throttle range doesn't make sense!
- Global update_object_instances (uint32_t obj_id, uint32_t inst_id)
- just send the new instance, reqack.
- Global updateNedAccel ()
- this is redundant with another set when in INS modes...