virtual QString boardDescription()
virtual bool queryCapabilities(BoardCapabilities capability)
Return which capabilities this board has.
virtual bool isInputConfigurationSupported(Core::IBoardType::InputType type)
Determine if this board supports configuring the receiver.
Types of input to configure for the default port.
Types of capabilities boards can support.
virtual bool setInputType(Core::IBoardType::InputType type)
virtual bool hasAnnunciator(AnnunciatorType annunc)
Check if the board has the given type of annunciator.
Quanton::Quanton This is the Quanton board definition.
virtual QString shortName()
virtual QString getHwUAVO()
virtual int queryMaxGyroRate()
Query the board for the currently set max rate of the gyro.
virtual Core::IBoardType::InputType getInputType()
getInputOnPort get the current input type
virtual int minBootLoaderVersion()
Returns the minimum bootloader version required.
virtual QStringList getAdcNames()
virtual QPixmap getBoardPicture()