This is the complete list of members for core::UrlFactory, including all inherited members.
BingMapsClientToken | core::ProviderStrings | |
cryptKeyVector | core::ProviderStrings | |
decrypt(QString str) | core::ProviderStrings | |
encrypt(QString str) | core::ProviderStrings | |
gAPIUrl | core::ProviderStrings | |
GetElevationFromCoordinate(const internals::PointLatLng &coordinate, GeoCoderStatusCode::Types &status) | core::UrlFactory | |
GetLatLngFromGeocoderUrl(const QString &url, const bool &useCache, GeoCoderStatusCode::Types &status) | core::UrlFactory | protected |
GetLatLngFromGeodecoder(const QString &keywords, GeoCoderStatusCode::Types &status, const QString &language) | core::UrlFactory | |
GetPlacemarkFromGeocoder(internals::PointLatLng location, GeoCoderStatusCode::Types &status, const QString &language) | core::UrlFactory | |
GetPlacemarkFromReverseGeocoderUrl(const QString &url, const bool &useCache, GeoCoderStatusCode::Types &status) | core::UrlFactory | protected |
gLabRegex | core::ProviderStrings | |
gMapRegex | core::ProviderStrings | |
gSatRegex | core::ProviderStrings | |
gTerRegex | core::ProviderStrings | |
IsCorrectGoogleVersions() | core::UrlFactory | protected |
LanguageStr | core::UrlFactory | protected |
levelsForSigPacSpainMap | core::ProviderStrings | static |
MakeGeocoderUrl(QString keywords, const QString &language) | core::UrlFactory | protected |
MakeImageUrl(const MapType::Types &type, const core::Point &pos, const int &zoom, const QString &language) | core::UrlFactory | |
MakeReverseGeocoderUrl(internals::PointLatLng &pt, const QString &language) | core::UrlFactory | protected |
ProviderStrings() | core::ProviderStrings | |
Proxy | core::UrlFactory | |
SecGoogleWord | core::ProviderStrings | |
setIsCorrectGoogleVersions(bool value) | core::UrlFactory | protected |
timelapse | core::UrlFactory | protectedstatic |
Timeout | core::UrlFactory | |
UrlFactory() | core::UrlFactory | |
UserAgent | core::UrlFactory | |
VersionBingMaps | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleLabels | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleLabelsChina | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleLabelsKorea | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleMap | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleMapChina | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleMapKorea | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleSatellite | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleSatelliteChina | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleSatelliteKorea | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleTerrain | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionGoogleTerrainChina | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionYahooLabels | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionYahooMap | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionYahooSatellite | core::ProviderStrings | |
VersionYandexMap | core::ProviderStrings | |
~UrlFactory() | core::UrlFactory | |